The Expenditure Cycle: Purchasing To Cash Disbursements
The Expenditure Cycle: Purchasing To Cash Disbursements
The Expenditure Cycle: Purchasing To Cash Disbursements
to Cash Disbursements
Chapter 13
Threats Controls
1. Accepting unordered items 1 a. Verify purchase order
before receiving goods
2. Mistakes in counting 2 a. Do not provide quantity info.
3. Verifying receipt of services b. Require employee signature on
4. Inventory theft receiving report
c. Incentives
d. Bar codes or RFID
e. ERP configuration
3 a. Budget controls
b. Audits
4 a. Restrict access to inventory
b. Document inventory transfers
c. Periodic inventory counts
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Approve Supplier Invoice
• Approval of vendor invoices is done by
the accounts payable department, which
reports to the controller.
• The legal obligation to pay arises when
goods are received.
▫ But most companies pay only after
receiving and approving the invoice.
▫ This timing difference may necessitate
adjusting entries at the end of a fiscal
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Approve Supplier Invoice
Threats Control
1. Errors in supplier invoice 1 a. Verify invoice accuracy
2. Mistakes in posting to b. Require detailed receipts
accounts payable c. ERS
d. Restrict access to supplier
master data
e. Verify freight bills
2 a. Data entry edit controls
b. Reconcile accounts
payable to the general
ledger accounts payable
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Cash Disbursements
• Payment of the invoices is done by the
cashier, who reports to the treasurer.
• The cashier receives a voucher package,
which consists of the vendor invoice and
supporting documentation, such as purchase
order and receiving report.
• This voucher package authorizes issuance of
a check or EFT to the supplier.