7 (Geologi Dan Sampah)
7 (Geologi Dan Sampah)
7 (Geologi Dan Sampah)
Energy Recovery
Stages in improving landfills
Sanitary Industrial Engineering & operational
landfill waste landfill control measures in place
Geology of Area
Hydrogeology of Area
Topography of Area
• Groundwater Contamination
• Production of Landfill Gas
• Landfill fires
• Offensive odours
• Litter
• Pests (Vermin, seagulls, flies)
• Increased traffic for duration of infilling
• Long term settlement after completion
Geotextile filter
Stone/ gravel layer
Primary geomembrane
Secondary leachate
Secondary collection layer acts
geomembrane layer as leak detection
Primary and secondary
leachate collection
piping Compacted clay
of compacted
clay liner
• Deep Water Table -The repository will be located about 1,000 feet
above the water table.
Spent nuclear fuel is used fuel from nuclear reactors at commercial power plants, research reactors,
government facilities, and from Navy vessels.
To make electricity, nuclear reactors use fuel made of solid ceramic pellets of enriched uranium that
are sealed in strong metal tubes.
After three or four years in a reactor, however, the uranium pellets are no longer efficient for producing
electricity and the assembly is removed from the reactor. After removal, the entire assembly (now
called spent nuclear fuel) is highly radioactive.
With the end of the Cold War, the United States has been working to close and clean up obsolete
weapons plants and dispose of nuclear weapons materials. This has created a need to dispose of highly
radioactive material associated with weapons production. This material is called high-level radioactive
Until the late 1970s, the United States acquired materials for nuclear weapons by reprocessing spent
nuclear fuel from government-owned nuclear reactors. Reprocessing is a method of chemically treating
spent fuel to separate out uranium and plutonium. The byproduct of reprocessing is a highly radioactive
sludge-like residue.
The Repository Concept
• A geologic repository is required to keep nuclear
waste away for 10,000 years.
• If the waste stays in solid form and remains
deep underground, it is not harmful because
layers of rock will shield its radiation.
• However, if enough water contacted the waste,
over time it could break it down into tiny
radioactive particles and then carry the particles
into the environment.
• The concept for a repository at Yucca Mountain
is to seal the waste in extremely durable
containers called waste packages, then place
the containers in deep underground tunnels.
How the Site is Designed
• The waste will be sealed in containers called
waste packages, then place the containers in
deep underground tunnels.
• Drip shields made of another corrosion resistant
metal will be placed over the waste packages.
• About one thousand feet of solid rock will be
above the repository to restrict the amount of
water that could reach the tunnels.
• The drip shields and corrosion-resistant waste
packages would protect and contain the waste.