Physical Structure and Composition of Eggs

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1. Shell - the
egg‘s outer covering, the shell,
accounts for about 9 to 12 % of its
total weight depending on egg
size. The shell is the egg‘s first line
of defense against bacterial
2. Air cell.
This is the empty space
between the white and shell at
the large end of the egg which
is barely existent in newly laid
3. Albumen/Egg white.
Albumen, also called egg
white, accounts for most
of an egg‘s liquid weight,
about 67%.
4. Chalaza.
This is the ropey strands of
egg white at both sides of
the egg, which anchor the
yolk in place in the center of
the thick white.
5. Germinal Disc. This is the
entrance of the latebra, the
channel leading to the center
of the yolk.
6. Membranes.
There are two kinds of
membranes, one just under
the shell and the other
covering the yolk.
7. Yolk.
The yolk or the yellow to
yellow- orange portion
makes up about 33% of the
liquid weight of the egg.
Composition of an Egg
% % Water % % Fat % Ash
Whole 100 65.5 11.8 11.0 11.7
Albumen 58 88 11.0 0.2 0.8

Yolk 31 48 17.5 32.5 2.0

Nutritive Value of Egg
Egg is indeed one of nature‘s
complete food. It contains high
quality protein with all the
essential amino acids, all of the
vitamins except vitamin C, and
many minerals.
Egg quality

Egg quality has two general

components: shell quality (exterior
quality) and interior egg quality.
Egg Grading

Grading is a form of quality control

used to classify eggs
for exterior and interior quality. In
the Philippines, the grade
designations are A, B, C, and D.
Egg Size

The egg sizes are Jumbo, Extra

Large, Large, Medium, Small and
Peewee. Medium, Large, and Extra
Large are the sizes commonly
Egg Size Classification
Size Jumbo large Large Medium Small Peewee

Weight of
12 eggs in 840 756 672 588 504 420
weight per
70 63 56 49 42 35
egg in

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