Dr. Filemon C. Aguilar Information Technology Training Institute

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Dr. Filemon C.

Aguilar Information Technology Training Institute

Different Types Of Bullying
•Physical Bullying

•Verbal Bullying

•Indirect Bullying

•Social Alienation

•Intimidation Bullying

•Cyber Bullying
Physical Bullying
Physical Bullying includes any physical contact that would
hurt or injure a person like hitting, kicking, punching, etc. Taking
something that belongs to someone else and destroying it would
also be considered a type of physical bullying.
Verbal Bullying
Verbal Bullying is name-calling, making offensive
remarks, or joking about a person's religion, gender,
ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or the way they look Verbal
aggression is when a bully teases someone. It can also include
a bully making verbal threats of violence or aggression
against someone's personal property.
Indirect Bullying
Indirect bullying includes spreading rumors or stories
about someone, telling others about something that was
told to you in private, and excluding others from groups.
Social Alienation

Social alienation is when a bully excludes someone

from a group on purpose. It also includes a bully
spreading rumors, and also making fun of someone
by pointing out their differences.
Intimidation Bullying

Intimidation is when a bully threatens someone else

and frightens that person enough to make him or her
do what the bully wants.

Cyberbullying is done by sending messages, pictures, or

information using electronic media, computers (email &
instant messages), or cell phones (text messaging &
Bullying as become an epidemic that needs to be
The Harmful Cycle of Bullying
Tips to help out when you are the victim
of bullying

 Talkto your parents or an adult you can trust,

such as a teacher, school counselor, or
Act confident. Hold your head up, stand up straight,
make eye contact, and walk confidently. A bully will be
less likely to single you out if your project self-
Facts and Myths About Bullying

FACT: People who bully have power over those they bully.
People who bully others usually pick on those who have less
social power (peer status), psychological power (know how
to harm others), or physical power (size, strength). However,
some people who bully also have been bullied by others.
People who both bully and are bullied by others are at the
highest risk for problems (such as depression and anxiety)
and are more likely to become involved in risky or
delinquent behavior.
Another Fact About Bullying:

Spreading rumors is a form of bullying.

Spreading rumors, name-calling, excluding
others, and embarrassing them are all forms of
social bullying that can cause serious and lasting
MYTH: Only boys bully.

People think that physical bullying by boys is the most

common form of bullying. However, verbal, social,
and physical bullying happens among both boys
and girls, especially as they grow older.
MYTH: People who bully are insecure and have low

Many people who bully are popular and have

average or better-than-average self-esteem. They
often take pride in their aggressive behavior and
control over the people they bully. People who bully
may be part of a group that thinks bullying is okay.
Some people who bully may also have poor social
skills and experience anxiety or depression. For
them, bullying can be a way to gain social status.
MYTH: Bullying usually occurs when there are no
other students around.

Students see about four out of every five bullying

incidents at school. In fact, when they witness
bullying, they give the student who is bullying
positive attention or even join in about three-quarters
of the time. Although 9 out of 10 students say there is
bullying in their schools, adults rarely see bullying,
even if they are looking for it.
MYTH: Bullying often resolves itself when you
ignore it.

Bullying reflects an imbalance of power that

happens again and again. Ignoring the bullying
teaches students who bully that they can bully
others without consequences. Adults and other
students need to stand up for children who are
bullied, and to ensure they are protected and safe.
Together we can put an end to

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