Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
Presented By
Rohit S. Wankhade
Final Year Civil (ID 10001051)
Guided By
Dr. S. S. Pusadkar
We Broadly Come
1. Saturated Soils
2. Unsaturated
Conventional soil
mechanics is related
to saturated soils
and not to
unsaturated soils
3. Suction Probe
4. Tensiometer Method
1. Axis-Translation Technique :
• Stress State
• Deformation State
2. Constitutive Stage
The constitutive stage becomes the point at which
empirical, Semi-empirical and possibly theoretical
relationships between state variables are proposed and
• Soil-water curves
• Flow laws
• Shear Strength equation
3. Formulation Stage
This involves application of conservative laws of
mechanics to elemental volume. The result is generally a
partial differential equation that describes a designated process
for an element of the continuum.
• Derivation pertaining to
• Partial Differentiation
4. Solution Stage
At solution stage, the partial differential equations are
converted to a numerical solution that becomes and known as
Software package
• Application of computer
• Use of “ what if ” Scenario
6. Verification & Monitoring Stage
There is need to observe the behaviour of any
infrastructure during and subsequent to construction to provide
feedback to designer. Engineer needs to monitor, evaluate and
ensure the adequacy of the engineering design.
• Observational Approach
• In-situ measurement of suction
7. Implementation Stage
Implementation is the final stage in bringing an
engineering science into standard engineering practice. The
quantification of unsaturated soil property functions, more
than any other single factor, becomes key to the
implementation engineering practice
Salient Feature
Φ’ = angle of friction with respect to normal stress
Φ𝑏 = angle of friction with respect to matrix suction
Figure : Shear strength Vs Matrix Suction
2. Permeability
1. Seepage Problem
Seepage Volume
Shear Strength
Problems Problems
1. Construction of
Dams. 1. Slope Stability 1. Swelling
2. Natural Slopes 2. Bearing Capacity 2. Shrinkage
3. Contaminant 3. Lateral Earth 3. Collapsing Soils
Transport Pressure 4. Deformation
4. Geo-Environmental
8. Effective Stress & Complex Soil Settlement Behaviour - By Md. Noor , M.J.
Mat Jidin and Hafez M.A.
10. Journal of the geotechnical engg division- Stress state variables for
unsaturated soils : By D.G. Fredlund & Nobert R. Morgenstern ASCE
11. Unsaturated soil mechanics in Engineering practice – Delwyn G. Fredlund
13. Direct and Indirect measurement of soil suction in Laboratory – By H.V. Pan,
Yang Quing and Li- Peiyong
14. Filter paper method of soil suction measurement method – By K.V. Bicalho,
J.M. Fleureau, F. A. M. Marinho
15. Equation for Soil Water Characteristic Curve – By D.G. Fredlund and A.