Introduction To Lex

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Introduction to Lex

Ying-Hung Jiang
[email protected]

 Review of scanner
 Introduction to flex
 Regular Expression
 Cooperate with Yacc
 Resources

 Parser -> scanner -> source code

 See teacher’s slide
flex - fast lexical analyzer generator

 Flex is a tool for generating scanners.

 Flex source is a table of regular expressions
and corresponding program fragments.
 Generates lex.yy.c which defines a routine
Format of the Input File

 The flex input file consists of three sections,

separated by a line with just %% in it:
user code
Definitions Section

 The definitions section contains declarations of

simple name definitions to simplify the
scanner specification.
 Name definitions have the form:
name definition
 Example:
DIGIT [0-9]
ID [a-z][a-z0-9]*
Rules Section

 The rules section of the flex input contains a

series of rules of the form:
pattern action
 Example:
{ID} printf( "An identifier: %s\n", yytext );

 The yytext and yylength variable.

 If action is empty, the matched token is

 If the action contains a ‘{‘, the action spans

till the balancing ‘}‘ is found, as in C.
 An action consisting only of a vertical bar ('|')
means "same as the action for the next rule.“
 The return statement, as in C.
 In case no rule matches: simply copy the input
to the standard output (A default rule).
Precedence Problem

 For example: a “<“ can be matched by “<“ and

 The one matching most text has higher
 If two or more have the same length, the rule
listed first in the flex input has higher
User Code Section

 The user code section is simply copied to

lex.yy.c verbatim.
 The presence of this section is optional; if it is
missing, the second %% in the input file may be
 In the definitions and rules sections, any
indented text or text enclosed in %{ and %} is
copied verbatim to the output (with the %{}'s
A Simple Example
int num_lines = 0, num_chars = 0;

\n ++num_lines; ++num_chars;
. ++num_chars;

main() {
printf( "# of lines = %d, # of chars = %d\n",
num_lines, num_chars );
Any Question So Far?
Regular Expression
Regular Expression (1/3)
x match the character 'x'
. any character (byte) except newline
[xyz] a "character class"; in this case, the pattern
matches either an 'x', a 'y', or a 'z'
[abj-oZ] a "character class" with a range in it; matches
an 'a', a 'b', any letter from 'j' through 'o',
or a 'Z'
[^A-Z] a "negated character class", i.e., any character
but those in the class. In this case, any
character EXCEPT an uppercase letter.
[^A-Z\n] any character EXCEPT an uppercase letter or
a newline
Regular Expression (2/3)
r* zero or more r's, where r is any regular expression
r+ one or more r's
r? zero or one r's (that is, "an optional r")
r{2,5} anywhere from two to five r's
r{2,} two or more r's
r{4} exactly 4 r's
{name} the expansion of the "name" definition
(see above)
"[xyz]\"foo“ the literal string: [xyz]"foo
\X if X is an 'a', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', or 'v',
then the ANSI-C interpretation of \x.
Otherwise, a literal 'X' (used to escape
operators such as '*')
Regular Expression (3/3)
\0 a NUL character (ASCII code 0)
\123 the character with octal value 123
\x2a the character with hexadecimal value 2a
(r) match an r; parentheses are used to override
precedence (see below)
rs the regular expression r followed by the
regular expression s; called "concatenation"
r|s either an r or an s
^r an r, but only at the beginning of a line (i.e.,
which just starting to scan, or right after a
newline has been scanned).
r$ an r, but only at the end of a line (i.e., just
before a newline). Equivalent to "r/\n".
Cooperate with Yacc

 The file (generated by –d option).

 See pascal.l and pascal.y for example.

 Google directory of lexer and parser

 Flex homepage:
 Lex/yacc Win32 port: http://www.monmouth
 Above links are available on course webpage.
 Flex(1)
Any Question?

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