Behavior Based Safety

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What is Behavior-Based Safety (BBS)

Basically, BBS is an established method of

using positive reinforcement to change unsafe
individual behaviors and reinforce safe
Aims and Benefits of BBS
• to Intervene to reinforce safe behavior or change
unsafe behavior or conditions
• to recognizing both safe and at-risk behavior
• not fault finding – it is a way to take care of others
• a constant reminder of workplace safety
• were incident rates at Infineum locations where
BBSO participation is high
• the focus of attention and recognition on both safe
and at-risk behaviors
There are numerous definitions for “behavior”
• For use in Behavioral Based Safety, we define

“The Way People Act”

Natural Laws of Behavior

• If the SAFE way is the EASY way,

then we will behave SAFELY
• If we really understand the
consequence of our actions it will lead
to SAFE behavior
Behavior Based Safety
Facilities training, etc.)

(Pumps, control
systems, panels,
valves, cranes, Human
(Human characteristics
and behavior)
Observable and Underlying behavior
• Observable Behavior is associated with people
doing physical activities in the plant, control rooms
and offices etc.
• Underlying Behavior is related to conditions and
work processes that may be “root Causes” of
observable behavior .
Behavior Strategies
1. Make it rewarding -Create more Positive
Consequences for people to behave safely
2. Make it easier -Remove the Negative Consequences
for the desired Behavior
3. Make it clear -Make sure people understand the
potential consequences of their behavior
4. Rules / Barriers -Make Undesired Behavior difficult
or unattractive
Why should we take a behaviour
based approach to safety?
• We should all go home every day in at least as
good a condition as we arrived at work
• In behaviour based safety, the changes we build
and implement to encourage good safety
behaviours are called interventions
• In behaviour based safety, the changes we build
and implement to encourage good safety
behaviours are called interventions
What is a Behavior Based Safety Observation?
A behavior based safety observation (BBSO) is
a safety observation related to the behavior of an
Infineum colleague or contractor where the

• is related to safe or unsafe behavior (not

unsafe conditions or facilities)
• provides immediate feedback to the colleague
or contractor
• is documented

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