Behavior Based Safety
Behavior Based Safety
Behavior Based Safety
(Pumps, control
systems, panels,
valves, cranes, Human
(Human characteristics
and behavior)
Observable and Underlying behavior
• Observable Behavior is associated with people
doing physical activities in the plant, control rooms
and offices etc.
• Underlying Behavior is related to conditions and
work processes that may be “root Causes” of
observable behavior .
Behavior Strategies
1. Make it rewarding -Create more Positive
Consequences for people to behave safely
2. Make it easier -Remove the Negative Consequences
for the desired Behavior
3. Make it clear -Make sure people understand the
potential consequences of their behavior
4. Rules / Barriers -Make Undesired Behavior difficult
or unattractive
Why should we take a behaviour
based approach to safety?
• We should all go home every day in at least as
good a condition as we arrived at work
• In behaviour based safety, the changes we build
and implement to encourage good safety
behaviours are called interventions
• In behaviour based safety, the changes we build
and implement to encourage good safety
behaviours are called interventions
What is a Behavior Based Safety Observation?
A behavior based safety observation (BBSO) is
a safety observation related to the behavior of an
Infineum colleague or contractor where the