Myelodisplastic Syndrome
• Female, 49 y.o
• Chief complain: abdominal pain
• History taking: patient suffered from abdominal
pain, especially in upper right quadran, since a
month ago and getting worse 2 weeks ago,
without nause and vomiting.
• She loss of her appetide and decrease her BW + 5
kg in 5 months.
• She also pale and general weakness since 2
weeks ago, sometimes she suffered subfebris,
gum bleeding (-) and epistaksis (-).
• Past medical history : she got transfusion 1
bag PRC when admitted in other hospital a
week ago.
Physical Examination
General status Moderately ill, GCS : 4-5-6
Vital sign BP : 130/80 mmHg HR : 86 bpm
RR : 20 tpm T : 36,9°C (axilla)
Head & Neck Anemic conjunctiva +/+, Icteric sclera -/-, cyanosis (-),
gum bleeding (-), hypertrophy gingggiva (-),
lymphadenopathy (-)
JVP : R + 0 cmH2O
Trombocyte Decreased
Electrolyte Result
Parameter 12-12 16-12 Ref
Na (mmol/L) 133 123 136 – 145
K (mmol/L) 3.91 3.56 3.5 – 5.0
Cl (mmol/L) 103 98 98 – 106
Kalsium (Ca) 8.0 7.6 – 11.0
Phospor 3.4 2.7 – 4.5
Clinical chemistry result
Parameter 12-12 13-12 16-12 Ref
Fe/Iron 96 49-151
Transferin saturation 45 10
16 - 45
Urinalysis 12-12 Ref.value Micros. 26-10 Ref.value
Clarity Clear
Color Yellow
pH 7,0 4.5-8.0
Cilinder Negative
SG 1,010 1.010-1.030
-Hyalin -/lpf ≤2
Glucose Negative Negative -Granule -/lpf Negative
-others -/lpf
Protein Negative Negative
Ketone Trace Negative
Erythrocyte 0,8/hpf ≤2
Bilirubin Negative Negative
Leukocyte 0,2/hpf ≤2
Urobilinogen Negative Negative
Cristal -
Nitrite Negative Negative
Bakteria 9,9 ≤ 23 x 103/mL
Leucocyte Negative Negative
Others -
Blood Negative Negative
Other Examination
• USG abdomen (7-12):
- mild splenomegali
Data Interpretative
• The laboratory results showed anemia
hypochrom microcytic anisopoikilositosis,
leukopenia, shift to the left, thrombocytopenia,
elevated IPF, BMA: Myelodysplastic Syndrome
with excess blasts 1 (MDS-EB1), and
• From history taking, clinical examination,
laboratory and others showed Myelodisplastic
Syndrome (MDS) with excess blasts 1 (MDS-EB1).
• Suggestion : monitoring BMA,
Immunophenotyping, cytogenetics
1. Establisment of the Diagnosis
2. Elevated IPF in this patient
3. Hypoalbuminemia in this patient
Establisment of the Diagnosis
• Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a spectrum
of clonal myeloid disorders characterized by
ineffective hematopoiesis, cytopenias, qualitative
disorders of blood cells, clonal chromosomal
abnormalities, and the potential for clonal
evolution to acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
• The major pathogenic mechanism in MDS is
ineffective hematopoiesis, causing defective
maturation and death of marrow precursors.
• The incidence rate of these conditions is about 5
cases per 100 000 persons per year.
Jasleen Randhawa, MD, and Ehab Atallah, MD. Myelodysplastic Syndromes. Hematology Board Review
Manual. 2014
Clinical Features of Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Brunning RD, Orazi A, Germing U, Le Beau MM, Porwit A, et al. Myelodysplastic syndromes/neoplasms overwiew.
In: Swerdlow SH, Campo E, Harris NL, Jaffe ES, Pileri SA, et al, editors. WHO classification of tumors of
haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues. IARC. 4th ed. Lyon. 2008. p 88-107
• Cytogenetic abnormalities have a major role in
the diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome
and in risk assessment.
• Common abnormalities include
– an extra chromosome 8
– loss of the long arm of the chromosome 5, 7, 9,
20, or 21
– monosomy for chromosomes 7 and 9
– deletion in 5q is at band 5q31.1
– deletions of 5q32-33.3, 20q, or Y.
• In many instances, cytogenetics is not
informative, and the diagnosis of MDS is
based entirely and exclusively on
morphological criteria.
• Diagnosis of MDS may be particularly difficult
in patients with a normal karyotype or non-
informative cytogenetics who do not have
robust morphological markers, such as ringed
sideroblasts or excess of blasts.
• Flow cytometry immunophenotyping is a
reliable method for quantitative and
qualitative evaluation of hematopoietic cells,
and not surprisingly has been evaluated as a
potential diagnostic tool for myelodysplastic
• Despite many efforts, no one single simple
immunophenotypic parameter has been
proved to be diagnostic of MDS.
Transfusion in MDS
• Iron overload in MDS, red blood cell (RBC) transfusions are
a major part of the supportive care for anemic MDS
patients. Although the specific therapies patients receive
may alleviate the RBC transfusion need, many MDS patients
may not respond to these treatments and may develop iron
overload as well as its consequences.
• Patients requiring relatively large numbers of RBC
transfusions have experienced adverse effect of chronic
iron overload on liver, heart, endocrine functions. It is
possible that this organ dysfunction may result from iron
overload in patients with MDS and that transfusional iron
overload might be a contributor to increased sickness and
death in early stage MDS.
• For patients requiring many RBC transfusions,
serum ferritin levels, number of RBC
transfusions received, and associated organ
dysfunction (heart, liver, and pancreas) should
be monitored to determine iron levels.
• Monitoring serum ferritin may also be useful,
aiming to decrease ferritin levels to <1000
Kelainan kromosom
• Kelainan sitogenetik lebih sering terdapat pd
MDS sekunder dibanding primer & paling sering
terdiri dari hilangnya kromosom 5,7 atau Y
parsial atau total, atau trisomi 8.
• Hilangnya pita q13 sampai q33 kromosom 5 pd
wanita tua dg anemia makrositik, hitung
trombosit normal atau meningkat, serta
mikromegakariosit disebut sindrom 5q- dan
berprognosis baik.
• Mutasi onkogen RAS terjadi pd sekitar 20% kasus
dan mutasi FMS terjadi sekitar 15% kasus.
Gambaran klinis
Sekitar separuh pasien berusia >70 th dan < 25%
pasien <50 th.
Pria lebih sering terkena.
Evolusinya lambat, dapat ditemukan scr kebetulan
saat pasien diperiksa hitung darah utk alasan lain yg
tdk terkait.
Mudah memar atau berdarah
Netrofil, monosit, dan trombosit seringkali terganggu
scr fungsional shg terjadi infeksi spontan pd bbrp
kasus, memar atau perdarahan pd kasus lain yg tdk
sebanding dg beratnya sitopenia.
Limpa biasanya tdk membesar
Hipertrofi gusi & limfadenopati
Temuan laboratorium
• Pada darah tepi sering ditemukan pansitopenia.
• Eritrosit biasanya makrositik atau dismorfik tetapi
kadang2 hipokrom, mungkin ditemukan normoblas.
• Hitung retikulosit rendah.
• Jmlh granulosit seringkali menurun &
memperlihatkan tdk adanya granulasi.
• Fungsi kemotaktik, fagositik, & adhesi terganggu.
• Kelainan Pelger (inti tunggal atau berlobus dua)
seringkali ditemukan.
Pada CMML monosit > 1,0 x 109/l dlm darah dan
jmlh leukosit total mungkin > 100 x 109/l
Trombosit dapat sangat besar atau kecil dan
biasanya berkurang jumlahnya tetapi meningkat
pada 10% kasus.
Pada kasus yg memiliki prognosis buruk
ditemukan mieloblast dg jumlah yg bervariasi dlm
Selularitas pd sutul meningkat.
Cincin sideroblast dpt ditemukan pd kelima tipe
FAB tetapi scr definisi mencakup 15% normoblast
pd anemia refrakter dg cincin sideroblas.
• Ditemukan normoblas berinti byk & gambaran
diseritropoiesis lain.
• Prekursor granulosit memperlihatkan adanya
gangguan granulasi primer & sekunder, dan sering
ditemukan sel2 yg sulit diidentifikasi apakah sbg
mielosit agranular, monosit atau promonosit.
• Megakariosit abnormal dg bentuk mikronuklear,
binuklear kecil, atau polinuklear.
• Biopsi sutul memperlihatkan fibrosis pd 10% kasus.
The pathogenesis of myelodysplastic syndromes
(MDS) is unclear but is presumed to start following
genetic damage to a multipotent haemopoietic
progenitor cell. This leads to increased stem cell
proliferation but ineffective differentiation and
maturation, leading to the paradox of a hypercellular
bone marrow but a pancytopenia in peripheral
blood. A high rate of apoptosis is present in bone
marrow precw·sors. The immune system may have
a role in suppressing bone marrow fW1ction;
is sometimes used in treatment
• Reticulated or immature platelets (RPs) are undeveloped
platelets recently released from the bone marrow into
circulation, which have high cytoplasmic ribonucleic acid
(mRNA) amounts
• The mRNA is unstable, degrades within 24 h and disappears
in parallel with the platelets age. RPs are similar to
reticulocytes, the undeveloped precursor of the
• RPs are usually large, dense and more reactive in thrombus
formation process than mature platelets. It is probably due
to a progressive loss of surface glycoprotein required for
aggregation and activation that occur along the maturation
platelet process
• RP count can be an important tool to assess
platelet recovery in several clinical conditions,
especially platelet immunomediated
consumption or in post-chemotherapy
• RPs have been described as a marker of
platelet activity not only in thrombopoietic
disorders but also in acute coronary
syndrome, stroke, and in patients on
• The discrimination between RPs from those
mature platelets can be done by
flowcytometer using a fluorescent dye that
binds to platelet mRNA (acridine orange,
thiazole orange, polymethine, coriphosphine
O, mepacrine and oxazine)
PLT-F channel
• The PLT-F channel is for accurately measuring platelets,
especially for low platelet counts.
• By flow cytometry method using a semiconductor
laser, a two-dimensional scattergram is plotted, with
the X-axis representing the intensity of the side
fluorescent light (SFL), and the Y-axis representing the
intensity of the forward scattered light (FSC).
• This scattergram displays groups of platelets, part of
red blood cells, part of white blood cells, and debris.
• The IPF is obtained as a ratio of platelet count in the
area with strong fluorescent light intensity in the PLT-F
scattergram (IPFzone), to the total platelet count.
Teknologi pengukuran IPF
Amount of RNA/DNA
Cell size
IPF Scattergram
Larger size
Lower size
Mature Immature
Measurement Principles
(Oxazine + Etelyn glycol)