Chapter (Eng. Eco) 001
Chapter (Eng. Eco) 001
Chapter (Eng. Eco) 001
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Economics and Engineering
Economics is a social science that analyzes the production,
distribution and consumption of goods and services.
It studies the economic behavior of the people and economic
Economic Behavior is a conscious effort to derive maximum
gain from scarce resources and opportunities available to them.
Economic Phenomenon deals with the production and
consumption of goods & services and distribution of these for
human welfare.
Definition: Economics is the study of how people allocate their
limited resources to their alternative uses to produce and
consume goods and services to satisfy their endless wants or to
maximize their gains. It explains how people interact within
markets to get what they want or accomplish certain goals.
The fundamental question in economics is: “How can
individuals and societies optimally satisfy their wants,
with limited resources?”
This question can be split into three:
What must be produced?
How must the selected products and services be
For whom must it be produced?
Factor of Production
Land: Everything physical, which is not the result of
human effort is land. This concept thus includes not
merely the dry surface of the earth, but all natural
materials, forces and opportunities. such as: water,
air, minerals, sunshine, plant and tree growth, as
well as the land itself which is applied to the
production process.
Labor or Human Capital: Any mental or physical
work done for the sake of reward. The efforts,
skills, and knowledge of people which are applied
to the production process.
Physical Capital: Tools, buildings, machinery. Things
which have been produced and used in further
Financial Capital: Assets and money
While maximizing their gains people as producers and consumers
have to make choices regarding the use of resources and spending
their earnings due to following basic facts of economic life.
Human wants are unlimited
Resources available are scarce
•Buy and consume
•Produce and sell goods and services
goods and services
•Own and sell factors
•Hire and use factors
of production
of production
Labor, land,
Factors of
production MARKETS and capital
•Households sell
Wages, rent Income
and profit •Firms buy
= Flow of inputs
and outputs
= Flow of money
Flow in an Economy
The flow of goods, services, resources and money payments
are shown in circular flow diagram.
In a simple economy, Household and Firms are two major
Firms use various economic resources like land, labor and
capital, which are provided y households.
Firms make payment of money to the households for
receiving various resources.
The HH in turn make payments of money to business
organizations for receiving consumer goods and services.
These two entities show interdependence between
themselves in a simple economy.
Engineering Economics
Economics is concerned with allocation of resources in a society, while
engineering involves the use of resources to solve problems and to
satisfy specific needs for the society.
It is important for engineers to have a basic understanding of economics,
in order to utilise resources optimally, and to better balance the three
“legs” of any engineering project (cost, schedule and performance).
Why is Engineering Economics important?
Engineers , Architects DESIGN things and perform PROJECTS.
Therefore, engineers and Architects must be concerned with the
economic aspects of designs that recommend, & projects they
Engineering economics is needed for many kinds of decision making
Example: Buying a car Alternatives:
$18,000 now, or $600 per month for 3 years
Which is better?
Engineering Decision Making
All engineering projects use resources, such as raw materials,
money, labor, and time. Any particular project can be
undertaken in a variety of ways, with each one calling for a
different mix of resources.
For example, a standard light bulb requires inexpensive raw
materials and little labor, but it is inefficient in its use of
electricity and does not last very long.
On the other hand, a high-efficiency light bulb uses more
expensive raw materials and is more expensive to manufacture,
but consumes less electricity and lasts longer.
Both products provide light, but choosing which is better in a
particular situation depends on how the costs and benefits are
Engineering Economic Decisions
Manufacturing Profit
Planning Investment
The factors of time and uncertainty are the defining aspects of any
engineering economic decisions
Role of Engineers in Business
Create & Design
• Engineering Projects
Equipment replacement
Cost reduction