Reservation Policy in India

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What is Reservation ?

Reservation in India is a form of affirmative action designed

to improve the well-being of perceived backward and under
-represented communities defined primarily by their 'caste'
(quota-system based on 'gender' or 'religion') is a phenome
non that commenced with the coming into force of the Indi
an Constitution.
" The main objective of the Indian reservation system is to
increase the opportunities for enhanced social and educat
ional status (in the sense better than the previous—until it
becomes equal to that enjoyed by an average member of ot
her communities) of the underprivileged communities an
d, thus, enable them to take their rightful place in the mai
nstream of Indian society.
Reservation in History
The reservation system has been a matter of contention
ever since it was first introduced in the British occupied
India and remains a point of conflict-nay, a form of prot
ectionism. A common form of discrimination, within h
umanity, in India is the practice of untouchability. Back
ward Classes (STs, SCs) are the primary targets of this m
edieval practice-a practice, which is outlawed by the Co
nstitution of India. An untouchable person is considere
d, "impure or a lesser human."
Criterion of Reservation
 Reservation is given on basis of Caste, Religion.
 Reservation is given on basis of Population(Minority).
*however reservation is given on basis of financial con
dition, gender but it is neither sufficient nor fair.
What Constitution Says ?
India’s constitution guarantees “equal rights.”
Article 14 says that the state giv  Article 16 guarantees equality of
es to every person “equality befo opportunity in matters of public e
re the law” and “equal protectio mployment, etc.
n of the laws.”  Article 46 says “The state shall pro
mote with special care the educatio
Article 15 prohibits discriminatio n and economic interests of the wea
n against any citizen on grounds ker sections of the people, and, in p
of religion, race, caste, sex, place articular of the scheduled castes an
of birth, etc. d the scheduled tribes, and shall pro
tect them from social injustice and a
ll forms of exploitation.”
Why it has became Bane
for people of nation
Why it has became
Bane for people of

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Unfair Package
Unfair, Unequal Reservation Syste
m in India
Fair, Good Criterion of Reservation
 Reservation should Given on Basis of Financial Conditi
 Reservation should not be given on basis of caste, relig
ion, minority/majority because no body was born with
his or her wish in that religion.
 Even God doesn’t discriminate, so why we should ?
Countries which Overcome ca
ste system to Develop
 United States of America
 Republic of South Africa
 United States of Soviet Russia
 United Kingdom(England)
 Germany
 Korea
Thank You!!!

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