Anatomi Sistem Cardiovascular Biomedik I: Muhammad Iqbal Basri
Anatomi Sistem Cardiovascular Biomedik I: Muhammad Iqbal Basri
Anatomi Sistem Cardiovascular Biomedik I: Muhammad Iqbal Basri
Biomedik I
Thoracic cavity
Landmarks of thorax
Incisura jugular corresponds
The 2th thoracic vertebra in male,
the 3th thoracic vertebra in female
Angulus sternalis (Ludovici)
corresponds with
Connects 2nd costal cartilage
The lower border of 4th thoracic
The bifurcation of trachea in the
The beginning of aortic arch which
ends posteriorly at the same level
The esophagus is crossed by the
left main bronchus
Landmarks of thorax
Processus xiphoideus -
xiphisternal synchondrosis
lies opposite the body of the
9th thoracic vertebra
Inferior fossa of clavicle
Coracoid process
Ribs and intercostal spaces
Arcus costalis
Infrasternal angle
Xiphocostal angle
Thoracic wall
Superficial structures
Superficial fascia
Superficial aa.
Superficial vv.
Thoracoepigastric v.
Lateral thoracic v.
Superficial nn.
N. Supraclavicularis
Anterior and lateral cutaneous
branches of intercostal n.
Lymphatic drainage of breast
Into pectoral ln. from lateral and
central parts of breast
Into apical and supraclavicular ln.
from superior part of breast
Into parasternal ln. from medial
part of breast
Into interpectoral ln. from deep
part of breast
The lymphatic capillaries of breast
form an anastomosing network
which is continuous across the
midline with that of the opposite
side and with that of the abdominal
Thoracic wall
Deep structures
Deep fascia
Superficial layer
Deep layer—clavipectoral fascia
Muscles of thorax
Pectoralis major
Pectoralis minor
Serratus anterior
Intercostales externi
Intercostales interni
Intercostales intimi
Endothoracic fascia
Spatium intercostalis
Posterior intercostal v.
Posterior intercostal a.
Intercostal n.
Technique for
(in midaxillary line)
Intercostal nerve block
Internal thoracic vessels
a.&v. Thoracalis interna
Descends into thorax 1.2cm
lateral to edge of sternum
Ends at the sixth costal
cartilage by dividing
musculophrenic and superior
epigastric arteries
Ln. parasternalis
The Mediastinum
The Mediastinum
All of organs between the left and
right mediastinal pleurae is called
It extends from the sternum in
front to the vertebral column
behind, and from the thoracic inlet
above to the diaphragm below.
Subdivisions of mediastinum
Mediatinum superior
Mediastinum inferior
Mediastinum anterior
Mediastinum medius
Mediastinum posterior
Left side of mediastnum
Left subclavian a.
Thoracic duct
Left vagus n. Aortic arch
Left recurrent n.
Phrenic n. & Thoracic aorta
pericardiacophrenic a.
Sympathetic trunk
Root of lung
Esophagus Pericardium
Right brachiocephelic v.
Posterior layer
Thoracic duct
Relations of aortic arch
Anteriorly and to the left
Phrenic n.
Pericardiacophrenic vessels
Vagus n.
Posteriorly and to the right
Left recurrent n.
Thoracic duct
Deep cardiac plexus
Relations of aortic arch
Its three branches
Left brachiocephalic v.
Pulmonary a.
Arterial ligament
Left recurrent n.
Left principal bronchus
Superficial cardiac plexus
Triangle of ductus arteriosus
Phrenic n.
Left vagus n.
Left pulmonary a.
Arterial ligament
Left recurrent n.
Superficial cardiac plexuses
Triangle of ductus arteriosus
Mediastinum inferior
Inferior mediastinum
Anterior mediastinum
Location-posterior to body of sternum
and attached costal cartilages, anterior
to heart and pericardium
Phrenic nerves
Pericardiacophrenic vessels
Lymph nodes
Inferior mediastinum
Posterior mediastinum
Location-posterior to heart and
pericardium, anterior to vertebrae
Inferior mediastinum
Posterior mediastinum
Vagus n.
Thoracic aorta
Azygos system of veins
Thoracic duct
Thoracic sympathetic trunk
Posterior mediastinal lymph nodes
Relations of esophagus
Bifurcation of trachea
Left principal branchus
Left recurrent n.
Right pulmonary a.
Anterior esophageal plexus
Left atrium
Relations of esophagus
Posterior esophageal plexus
Thoracic aorta
Thoracic duct
Azygos v.
Hemiazygos v.
Accessory hemiazygos v.
Right posterior intercostal v.
Relations of esophagus
Left common carotid a.
Left subclavian a.
Aortic arch
Thoracic aorta
Superior part of thoracic duct
Arch of azygos v.
Relations of thoracic aorta
Left root of lung
Hemiazygos v.
Accessory hemiazygos v.
Azygos v.
Thoracic duct
Left-mediastinal pleura
Mediastinal spaces
Retrosternal space
lies beween sternum and endothoracic
Pretracheal space
lies within superior mediastinum,
between trachea, bifurcation of
trachea and aortic arch
Retroesophagus space
lies within superior mediastinum,
beween esophagus and endothoracic
Anatomi Cor
Lies within the
pericardium in middle
Behind the body of
sternum and costal
cartilages 2 to 6
In front of thoracic
vertebrae 5 to 8
A third of it lies to the
right of median plan
and 2/3 to the left
External characteristics-a
hollow muscular organ, pyramidal
in shape , somewhat larger than
a closed fist; consists of four
chambers (right and left atria,
right and left ventricles)
Apex cordis is formed by left
ventricle and is directed
downwards and forwards to the
left. It lies at the level of the fifth
left intercostal space, 1~2cm
medial to the left midclavicular
line (9cm from the midline)
Basis cordis is formed by the left
atrium and to a small extent by
the right atrium. It faces backward,
upward and to the right
Two surface
Facies sternocostalis
is formed mainly by the right
atrium and right ventricle,
and a lesser portion of its
left is formed by the left
auricle and ventricle. It is
directed forwards and
Facies diaphragmaticus
is formed the ventricles-
chiefly the left ventricle,
directed backwards and
downwards, and rest upon
the central tendon of the
Three borders
Margo dextra (acutus)
-vertical, is formed
entirely by right atrium
Margo sinistra (obtusus)
-round, is mainly formed
by the left ventricle and
partly by the left auricle
Margo inferior-
horizontal, is formed by
the right ventricle and
cardiac apex
Four grooves
Sulcus coronarius (circular sulcus)
which marks the division between atria
and ventricles, contains the trunks of the
coronary vessels and completely
encircles the heart
Sulcus interatrialis -separates the two
atria and is hidden by pulmonary trunk
and aorta in front
Sulcus interventricularis -anterior
and posterior, mark the division between
ventricles (which separates the RV from
the LV), the two grooves extend from the
base of the ventricular potion to a notch
called: the incisura apex cordis
Crux atrioventricularis -a junction of the
posterior interventricular groove and
coronary sulcus
Chambers of the heart
Atrium dextra (RA)
Three inlets
Orificium vena cava superior -returns
blood to the heart from the upper half of
the body
Orifice of inferior vena cava -returns
blood to the heart from the lower half of the
Orificium sinus coronarius -returns
blood to the heart from the cardiac muscle
One outlet
-orificium atrioventricularis dextra
Crista terminalis
-vertical ridge thatjfrom superior
vena cave to inferior vena cave
Sulcus terminalis
-groove on exterior of heart that
corresponds to crista terminalis
Two parts-separated externally by
sulcus terminalis and internally by
the crista terminalis
Atrium proprius
In front of the ridge
Pectinate muscles in wall
Auricula dextra-a small
conical muscular pouch, projects
to the left from the root of
superior vena cava, pectinate
muscles in wall
Sinus venarum cavarum
Lies posterior to the ridge
Smooth walls
Fossa ovalis -an oval
depression, a remnant of the
fetal foramen ovale, on the lower
part of interatrial septum, the
most common location of atrial
septal defects (ASD)
Limbus fossae ovalis
– prominent margin of fossa
Ventriculus dextra (RV)
Receives deoxygenated blood
from right atrium through right
atrioventricular orifice
One inlet- orificium
artrioventricularis dextra
One outlet-orificium truncus
Two parts-divided by the crista
supraventricularis, a muscular
ridge between right atrioventricular
orifice and orifice of pulmonary
Inflow tract-rough walls
Trabecula carnae
-irregularly arranged bundles
of myocardium
Trabecula septomarginal
-extends from interventricular
septum to base of anterior
papillary muscle, contains right
bundle branch
Musculus papillaris
-conical-shaped , anterior,
posterior and septal
Out flow tract
Conus arteriosus
cone-shaped, smooth area
leading upward to orifice of
pulmonary trunk
Pumps blood through
pulmonary orifice to pulmonary
Atrium sinistra (LA)
Auricula sinistra-projecting to
the right, pectinate muscles in wall
Four inlets-four orificium
pulmonalis open through the
posterior wall
One outlet-orificium
atrioventricular sinistra, blood
leaves through left atrioventricular
orifice to left ventricle
Ventriculus sinistra (LV)
Has wall three times thicker
than that of right ventricle
One inlet-orificium
atrioventricular sinistra
One outlet-orificium aorticus
Two parts-divided by anterior
cusps of mitral valve
Inflow tract-rough walls
Outflow tract – vestibulum
aorticus , smooth area leading to
aortic orifice
Valvula tricuspidalis
Guards right atrioventricular
Three triangular cusps: anterior,
posterior and septal, the base of
cusps are attached to fibrous ring
surrounding the atrioventricular
Chorda tendineae -fine, white,
connective tissue cords, attach
margin of cusps to musculus
Valvula mitralis
Guards left atrioventricular
Two triangular cusps-anterior
and posterior with
commissural cusps between
them (posteromedial and
anterolateral commissures)
Similar structures to those of
Similar functions for right and left atriventricular valves
Open during diastole to allow blood to enter ventricles from
Closed during systole to prevent regurgitation of blood into
Valvula truncus
Guards the orifice of
pulmonary trunk
Has three semilunar cusps –
each with free border that
has central nodulus
valvula semilunaris
Valvula aorticus
Guards the aortic orifice
Three semilunar cusps (right,
left and post)
Three aortic sinuses – bulges
in aortic wall at level of valve
that correspond to cusps
Right-contains opening
of right coronary artery
Left-contains opening of
left coronary artery
Posterior-no opening
Similar functions for
pulmonary and aortic
Opening during systole,
with cusps pressed
toward wall of vessel as
blood is forced upward
Closed during diastole
Ventricular pressure drops
in diastole
Floating together of valve
cusps, with free borders
meeting, thus closing the
Structure of the heart
Walls of heart
Endocardium-inner coat
of the heart wall, and
continuous with the valve
Arranged spirally