How To Increase Patient Footfall
How To Increase Patient Footfall
How To Increase Patient Footfall
in Hospital
• Conducting a medical camp on weekends (Malls*).
*if we make medical camp in association with the mall. We can hire the space for free.
• Hospital can offer free sugar, cholesterol checkups in the medical camp and also ask them
to collect the result from hospital.
• During the camp, we can provide discount cards for medical checkups.
• During the camp, we can inform the people about :
• Experienced Doctors
• Service
• Facilities
• Insurance Coverage
(These are some of the factors which influence the people to select the hospital)
• The Medical camp will help us to collect data and also help us to create Brand Recognition.
• After collecting the data, we can send Medical tips through WhatsApp broadcast or SMS.
• Creating relation with the welfare associations:
• By creating good relation with the welfare association will help us to get connected with the
• We can collect the data of Expatriates through them.
• All the Welfare associations will have a meeting on every months, we sponsor any of there
meeting, which help us to convey the peoples about our facilities.
• Arab Patients:
• There is a lot of Arab Event happening in Saudi Arabia, Especially in Jeddah.
• Supporting those event will help us to active the brand among Arab Peoples.
• Also help us to collect a huge no. of data.