Chemical Tankers
Chemical Tankers
Chemical Tankers
• Chemical Cargoes may present a fire hazard. Smoking Regulations shall be strictly adhered to.
Smoking should only be allowed at Designated Locations.
• Notices shall be posted all the conspicuous locations to warn the personnel.
• In addition Temporary Notices pertaining to the Cargo being carried shall be displayed at Prominent
Locations on the vessel.
Chemical & Gas Carriers
• What are the main types of Coatings used at
Chemical Tanker’s Tank? 1. Epoxy resins. 2.
Phenolic resins. 3. Zinc silicate. 4. Polyurethane.
5. Rubber
• Health Hazards
Most of the chemical present more than one hazard to health, for
example, it may:
• Be corrosive
• Be poisonous
• Produce toxic vapours
• Pose an asphyxiation hazard
• Result in long term damage to eyes or the nervous system
• Have long term carcinogenic effects.
Chemical Tankers
• Personnel Exposure to Chemicals, Noxious Liquids and Fumes
Unplanned exposure of personnel to toxic or corrosive fumes or
liquid should always be treated as an emergency and in serious
cases the emergency team should be mobilised and the rescue plan
put into operation.
First Aid should be administered as documented in the MSDS,
however, the Master must evaluate the seriousness of the exposure
and, if in doubt, seek further advice regarding treatment.
Chemical Tankers
• Officers must be trained in essential First Aid measures for the cargoes to
be resulting in large concentrations of fumes. In the event of a serious
leakage consideration must be given to the organisation of alternative
mustering points inside the accommodation in order for personnel to don
the Escape Sets located at various work places and in cabins, prior to an
orderly evacuation of the vessel, should this be necessary. Regular drills
utilising this scenario should be practiced.
Enclosed Spaces
Enclosed spaces like ballast tanks, cofferdams etc in the cargo area may
contain flammable or toxic vapours or lack sufficient oxygen and must not
be entered without permission from the Master and only if proper
ventilation is provided. The Master is responsible for ensuring that the
proper Enclosed Space Entry procedures are understood and adhered to.
Chemical Tankers
• Pollution prevention
It is the responsibility of the Master and the person he delegate to be in
charge of cargo operations, including bunkers, to know the applicable
international and local pollution prevention regulations and to ensure that
they are not violated. Exercises should be held to train personnel in
accordance with the Vessel Response Plan and/or the Shipboard Oil
Pollution Emergency Response Plan.
Manifold savealls
Manifold savealls are to be provided under each manifold connection.
These are to be kept clean and dry wherever possible, with any cargo
spillages being drained at the earliest opportunity. Operational
contamination is to be prevented by use of portable collection drums
during connection/disconnection.
Chemical Tankers
• Following detail pages explain all liquid chemical hazards & precautionary
measures while carrying at sea.
Toxicology and associated hazards onboard chemical tankers
• Chemical Cargoes are Toxic and pose serious hazard to human health. MSDS of the
Cargo should be referred in case any crew members comes in contact with
Chemicals. First Aid shall be provided to the person been exposed as per MSDS.
Master may evacuate the crew member exposed to Chemicals, in case a need arise.
Proper PPEs should be used by the crew member working with Chemicals.
Hazards of vapour given off by a flammable liquid while carrying at sea
• Vapour given off by a flammable liquid will burn when ignited provided it is mixed
with certain proportions of air, Tank Atmosphere shall be kept in a Too-Lean or Too-
Rich state in order to prevent Falmmable Mixture range.
• Pollution Hazard :
Noxious Liquid substances may only be discharged into the
sea as per provisions of MARPOL Annex II. NLS pose serious
hazard to the Aquatic and marine life.