CS 2710, ISSP 2160: Inference in First-Order Logic

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CS 2710, ISSP 2160

Chapter 9
Inference in First-Order Logic

Pages to skim

• Storage and Retrieval (p. starts bottom 328)

• Efficient forward chaining (starts p. 333) through
Irrelevant facts (ends top 337)
• Efficient implementation of logic programs (starts p. 340)
through Constraint logic programming (ends p. 345)
• Completeness of resolution (starts p. 350) (though see notes
in slides)

Inference with Quantifiers
• Universal Instantiation:
– Given X (person(X)  likes(X, sun))
– Infer person(john)  likes(john,sun)
• Existential Instantiation:
– Given x likes(x, chocolate)
– Infer: likes(S1, chocolate)
– S1 is a “Skolem Constant” that is not found anywhere else
in the KB and refers to (one of) the individuals that likes

Reduction to Propositional Inference
• Simple form (pp. 324-325) not efficient. Useful
• Replace each universally quantified sentence by all possible
– All X (man(X)  mortal(X)) replaced by
– man(tom)  mortal(tom)
– man(chocolate)  mortal(chocolate)
– …
• Now, we have propositional logic.
• Use propositional reasoning algorithms from Ch 7

Reduction to Propositional Inference

• Problem: when the KB includes a function symbol, the set of

term substitutions is infinite. father(father(father(tom)))

• Herbrand 1930: if a sentence is entailed by the original FO
KB, then there is a proof using a finite subset of the
propositionalized KB
• Since any subset has a maximum depth of nesting in terms,
we can find the subset by generating all instantiations with
constant symbols, then all with depth 1, and so on

First-Order Inference

• We have an approach to FO inference via

propositionalization that is complete: any entailed sentence
can be proved
• Entailment for FOPC is semi-decidable: algorithms exist that
say yes to every entailed sentence, but no algorithm exists
that also says no to every nonentailed sentence.
• Our proof procedure could go on and on, generating more and
more deeply nested terms, but we will not know whether it is
stuck in a loop, or whether the proof is just about to pop out

Generalized Modus Ponens
• This is a general inference rule for FOPC that does not
require universal instantiation first
• Given:
– p1’, p2’ … pn’, (p1  … pn)  q
– Subst(theta, pi’) = subst(theta, pi) for all i
• Conclude:
– Subst(theta, q)

GMP is a lifted version of MP
• GMP “lifts” MP from propositional to first-order logic
• Key advantage of lifted inference rules over
propositionalization is that they make only substitutions
which are required to allow particular inferences to proceed

GMP Example

• x,y,z ((parent(x,y)  parent(y,z))  grandparent(x,z))

• parent(james, john), parent(james, richard), parent(harry,
• We can derive:
– Grandparent(harry, john), bindings:
– Grandparent(harry, richard), bindings:


• Process of finding all legal substitutions

• Key component of all FO inference algorithms
• Unify(p,q) = theta, where Subst(theta,p) == Subst(theta,q)
Assuming all variables universally quantified

Standardizing apart

• All X knows(john,X).
• All X knows(X,elizabeth).
• These ought to unify, since john knows everyone, and
everyone knows elizabeth.
• Rename variables to avoid such name clashes
all X p(X) == all Y p(Y)
All X (p(X) ^ q(X)) == All X p(X) ^ All Y q(Y)

def Unify (p, q, bdgs):
d = disagreement(p, q)
# If there is no disagreement, then success.
if not d: return bdgs
elif not isVar(d[0]) and not isVar(d[1]): return 'fail'
if isVar(d[0]): var = d[0] ; other = d[1]
else: var = d[1] ; other = d[0]
if occursp (var,other): return ‘fail’
# Make appropriate substitutions and recurse on the result.
pp = replaceAll(var,other,p)
qq = replaceAll(var,other,q)
return Unify (pp,qq, bdgs + [[var,other]])

For code, see “resources” on the webpage

['loves', ['dog', 'var_x'], ['dog', 'fred']]
['loves', 'var_z', 'var_z']
subs: [['var_z', ['dog', 'var_x']], ['var_x', 'fred']]
result: ['loves', ['dog', 'fred'], ['dog', 'fred']]
['loves', ['dog', 'fred'], 'fred']
['loves', 'var_x', 'var_y']
subs: [['var_x', ['dog', 'fred']], ['var_y', 'fred']]
result: ['loves', ['dog', 'fred'], 'fred']
['loves', ['dog', 'fred'], 'mary']
['loves', ['dog', 'var_x'], 'var_y']
subs: [['var_x', 'fred'], ['var_y', 'mary']]
result: ['loves', ['dog', 'fred'], 'mary']

['loves', ['dog', 'fred'], 'mary']
['loves', ['dog', 'var_x'], 'var_y']
subs: [['var_x', 'fred'], ['var_y', 'mary']]
result: ['loves', ['dog', 'fred'], 'mary']
['loves', ['dog', 'fred'], 'fred']
['loves', 'var_x', 'var_x']
['loves', ['dog', 'fred'], 'mary']
['loves', ['dog', 'var_x'], 'var_x']
['loves', 'var_x', 'fred']
['loves', ['dog', 'var_x'], 'fred']
var_x occurs in ['dog', 'var_x']

['loves', 'var_x', ['dog', 'var_x']]
['loves', 'var_y', 'var_y']
var_y occurs in ['dog', 'var_y']
['loves', 'var_y', 'var_y']
['loves', 'var_x', ['dog', 'var_x']]
var_x occurs in ['dog', 'var_x']
unify: (fails because vars not standardized apart)
['hates', 'agatha', 'var_x']
['hates', 'var_x', ['f1', 'var_x']]
['hates', 'agatha', 'var_x']
['hates', 'var_y', ['f1', 'var_y']]
subs: [['var_y', 'agatha'], ['var_x', ['f1', 'agatha']]]
result: ['hates', 'agatha', ['f1', 'agatha']]

Most General Unifier
• The Unify algorithm returns a MGU

L1 = p(X,f(Y),b)
L2 = p(X,f(b),b)

Subst1 = {X\a, Y\b}

Result1 = p(a,f(b),b)

Subst2 = {Y\b}
Result2 = p(X,f(b),b)

Subst1 is more restrictive than Subst2. In fact,

Subst2 is a MGU of L1 and L2.

Storage and retrieval

• Hash statements by predicate for quick retrieval (predicate

indexing), e.g., of all sentences that unify with tall(X)
• Why attempt to unify
– tall(X) and silly(dog(Y))
• Instead
– Predicates[tall] = {all tall facts}
– Unify(tall(X),s) for s in Predicates[tall]
• Subsumption lattice for efficiency (see p. 329 for your

Inference Methods

• Unification (prerequisite)
• Forward Chaining
– Production Systems
– RETE Method (OPS)
• Backward Chaining
– Logic Programming (Prolog)
• Resolution
– Transform to CNF
– Generalization of Prop. Logic resolution

Resolution Theorem Proving (FOL)

• Convert everything to CNF

• Resolve, with unification
– Save bindings as you go!
• If resolution is successful, proof succeeds
• If there was a variable in the item to prove, return
variable’s value from unification bindings

Converting to CNF

Converting sentences to CNF
1. Eliminate all ↔ connectives
(P ↔ Q)  ((P  Q) ^ (Q  P))
2. Eliminate all  connectives
(P  Q)  (P  Q)
3. Reduce the scope of each negation symbol to a single predicate
P  P
(P  Q)  P  Q
(P  Q)  P  Q
(x)P  (x)P
(x)P  (x)P
4. Standardize variables: rename all variables so that each quantifier
has its own unique variable name

Converting sentences to clausal form: Skolem
constants and functions
5. Eliminate existential quantification by introducing Skolem
(x)P(x)  P(c)
c is a Skolem constant (a brand-new constant symbol that is not used
in any other sentence)
(x)(y)P(x,y) becomes (x)P(x, F(x))
since  is within the scope of a universally quantified variable, use a
Skolem function F to construct a new value that depends on the
universally quantified variable
f must be a brand-new function name not occurring in any other sentence
in the KB.
E.g., (x)(y)loves(x,y) becomes (x)loves(x,F(x))
In this case, F(x) specifies the person that x loves
E.g., x1 x2 x3 y P(… y …) becomes
x1 x2 x3 P(… FF(x1,x2,x3) …) (FF is a new name)

Converting sentences to clausal form
6. Remove universal quantifiers by (1) moving them all to the
left end; (2) making the scope of each the entire sentence;
and (3) dropping the “prefix” part
Ex: (x)P(x)  P(x)
7. Put into conjunctive normal form (conjunction of
disjunctions) using distributive and associative laws
(P  Q)  R  (P  R)  (Q  R)
(P  Q)  R  (P  Q  R)
8. Split conjuncts into separate clauses
9. Standardize variables so each clause contains only variable
names that do not occur in any other clause

An example
(x)(P(x)  ((y)(P(y)  P(F(x,y)))  (y)(Q(x,y)  P(y))))
2. Eliminate 
(x)(P(x)  ((y)(P(y)  P(F(x,y)))  (y)(Q(x,y)  P(y))))
3. Reduce scope of negation
(x)(P(x)  ((y)(P(y)  P(F(x,y))) (y)(Q(x,y)  P(y))))
4. Standardize variables
(x)(P(x)  ((y)(P(y)  P(F(x,y))) (z)(Q(x,z)  P(z))))
5. Eliminate existential quantification
(x)(P(x) ((y)(P(y)  P(F(x,y))) (Q(x,G(x))  P(G(x)))))
6. Drop universal quantification symbols
(P(x)  ((P(y)  P(F(x,y))) (Q(x,G(x))  P(G(x)))))

An Example
7. Convert to conjunction of disjunctions
(P(x)  P(y)  P(F(x,y)))  (P(x)  Q(x,G(x))) 
(P(x)  P(G(x)))
8. Create separate clauses
P(x)  P(y)  P(F(x,y))
P(x)  Q(x,G(x))
P(x)  P(G(x))
9. Standardize variables
P(x)  P(y)  P(F(x,y))
P(z)  Q(z,G(z))
P(w)  P(G(w))

Note: Now that quantifiers are gone, we do need the upper/lower-case


1. all X (read (X) --> literate (X))
2. all X (dolphin (X) --> ~literate (X))
3. exists X (dolphin (X) ^ intelligent (X))
(a translation of ``Some dolphins are intelligent'')

``Are there some who are intelligent but cannot read?''

4. exists X (intelligent(X) ^ ~read (X))

Set of clauses (1-3):

1. ~read(X) v literate(X)
2. ~dolphin(Y) v ~literate(Y)
3a. dolphin (a)
3b. intelligent (a)

Negation of 4:
~(exists Z (intelligent(Z) ^ ~read (Z)))
In Clausal form:
~intelligent(Z) v read(Z)
Resolution proof: in lecture. 26
More complicated example
Did Curiosity kill the cat
• Jack owns a dog. Every dog owner is an animal lover. No
animal lover kills an animal. Either Jack or Curiosity killed the
cat, who is named Tuna. Did Curiosity kill the cat?
• These can be represented as follows:
A. (x) (Dog(x)  Owns(Jack,x))
B. (x) (((y) (Dog(y)  Owns(x, y)))  AnimalLover(x))
C. (x) (AnimalLover(x)  ((y) Animal(y)  Kills(x,y)))
D. Kills(Jack,Tuna)  Kills(Curiosity,Tuna)
E. Cat(Tuna)
F. (x) (Cat(x)  Animal(x) )
G. Kills(Curiosity, Tuna) GOAL

• Convert to clause form
A1. (Dog(D)) D is a skolem constant
A2. (Owns(Jack,D))
B. (Dog(y), Owns(x, y), AnimalLover(x))
C. (AnimalLover(a), Animal(b), Kills(a,b))
D. (Kills(Jack,Tuna), Kills(Curiosity,Tuna))
E. Cat(Tuna)
F. (Cat(z), Animal(z))
• Add the negation of query:
G: (Kills(Curiosity, Tuna))

• The resolution refutation proof
R1: G, D, {} (Kills(Jack, Tuna))
R2: R1, C, {a/Jack, b/Tuna} (~AnimalLover(Jack),
R3: R2, B, {x/Jack} (~Dog(y), ~Owns(Jack, y),
R4: R3, A1, {y/D} (~Owns(Jack, D),
R5: R4, A2, {} (~Animal(Tuna))
R6: R5, F, {z/Tuna} (~Cat(Tuna))
R7: R6, E, {} FALSE

• The proof tree

G D
R1: K(J,T) C
R2: AL(J)  A(T) B
R3: D(y)  O(J,y)  A(T) A1
R4: O(J,D), A(T) A2
R5: A(T) F

R6: C(T) A
R7: FALSE 30
Decidability and Completeness

• Resolution is a refutation complete inference procedure for

First-Order Logic
– If a set of sentences contains a contradiction, then a
finite sequence of resolutions will prove this.
– If not, resolution may loop forever (“semi-decidable”)
• Here are notes by Charles Elkan that go into this more

Decidability and Completeness

• Refutation Completeness: If KB |= A then KB |- A

– If it’s entailed, then there’s a proof
• Semi-decidable:
– If there’s a proof, we’ll halt with it.
– If not, maybe halt, maybe not
• Logical entailment in FOL is semi-decidable: if the desired
conclusion follows from the premises, then eventually
resolution refutation will find a contradiction

Decidability and Completeness

• Propositional logic
– logical entailment is decidable
– There exists a complete inference procedure
• First-Order logic
– logical entailment is semi-decidable
– Resolution procedure is refutation complete

• Strategies (heuristics) for efficient
resolution include
– Unit preference. If a clause has only one
literal, use it first.
– Set of support. Identify “useful” rules and
ignore the rest. (p. 305)
– Input resolution. Intermediately generated
sentences can only be combined with original
inputs or original rules.
– Subsumption. Prune unnecessary facts from
the database.

Horn Clauses

• A Horn Clause is a CNF clause with at most one positive

• Horn Clauses form the basis of forward and backward
• The Prolog language is based on Horn Clauses
• Deciding entailment with Horn Clauses is linear in the size of
the knowledge base

Reasoning with Horn Clauses

• Forward Chaining
– For each new piece of data, generate all new facts, until
the desired fact is generated
– Data-directed reasoning
• Backward Chaining
– To prove the goal, find a clause that contains the goal as
its head, and prove the body recursively
– Goal-directed reasoning
• The state space is an AND-OR graph; see 7.5.4

Forward Chaining over FO Definite (Horn)

• Clauses (disjunctions) with at most one positive literal

• First-order literals can include variables, which are assumed
to be universally quantified
• Use GMP to perform forward chaining
(Semi-decidable as for full FOPC)

Def FOL-FC-Ask(KB,A) returns subst or false
KB: set of FO definite clauses with variables standardized apart
A: the query, an atomic sentence
Repeat until new is empty
new  {}
for each implication (p1 ^ … ^ pn  q) in KB:
for each T such that SUBST(T,p1^…^pn) =
SUBST(T,p1’^…^pn’) for some p1’,…,pn’ in KB
q’  SUBST(T,q)
if q’ is not a renaming of a sentence already in KB or new:
add q’ to new
S  Unify(q’,A)
if S is not fail then return S
add new to KB
Return false

Process can be made more efficient; read on your own, for interest

Backward Chaining over Definite (Horn)

• Logic programming
• Prolog is most popular form
• Depth-first search, so space requirements are lower, but
suffers from problems from repeated states

american(X) ^ weapon(Y) ^ sells(X,Y,Z) ^ hostile(Z)  criminal(X).
owns(nono,m1). missile(m1).
missile(X1) ^ owns(nono,X1)  sells(west,X1,nono).
missile(X2)  weapon(X2).
enemy(X3,america)  hostile(X3).

Goal: criminal(west).

Backward chaining proof: in lecture

In Prolog:
criminal(X) :- american(X), weapon(Y), sells(X,Y,Z), hostile(Z).

Horn clauses are all of the form:

L1 ^ L2 ^ ... ^ Ln -> Ln+1

Or, equivalently, in clausal form:

~L1 v ~L2 v ... v ~Ln v Ln+1

Prolog (like databases) makes the "closed world assumption":

if P cannot be proved, infer not P

Think of the system as an arrogant know-it-all:

"If it were true, I would know it. Since I can't prove
it, it must not be true"

Thus, it uses "negation as failure".


?- neighbor(canada,india).

In full first-order logic, you would have to be able to

infer “~neighbor(canada,india)" for
"neighbor(canada,india)" to be false.

Be careful! “~neighbor(canada,india) is not entailed by the

Sentences above!

bachelor(X) :- male(X), \+ married(X).

An individual is a bachelor if it is male and it is

not married. \+ is the negation-as-failure operator in Prolog.
| ?- bachelor(bill).
| ?- bachelor(jim).
| ?- bachelor(mary).
| ?- bachelor(X).
X = jim;
| ?-

Comparing backward chaining in
prolog with resolution
• [In lecture]


• You are responsible for everything in Chapter 9 except the

following (though you are encouraged to read them):
– Storage and Retrieval (p. starts bottom 328)
– Efficient forward chaining (starts p. 333) through
Irrelevant facts (ends top 337)
– Efficient implementation of logic programs (starts p.
340) through Constraint logic programming (ends p. 345)
– Completeness of resolution (starts p. 350) (though see
notes in slides)
• Also, see files posted on the schedule (clausal form
conversion, resolution, etc.)


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