Scientific Investigation
Scientific Investigation
Scientific Investigation
Presented by:
Muhammad Usama
Umer Alamgir
Shargeel Qasim
Ansar jutt
M Kashif Malana
Zeeshan Ghazanfar Ali
Scientific Research
Applied Research:
For the specific purpose of business decision, where problems are carefully
identified, data scientifically gathered and analyzed, and conclusions drawn
in an objective manner for effective problem solving.
Basic Research:
1. Purposiveness
2. Rigor
4. Replicability
6. Objectivity
7. Generalizability
8. Parsimony
The research with a definite aim or purpose. The focus is on increasing the
commitment of employees to the organization, from this commitment, less
turnover, less absenteeism, and probably increased performance levels.
2. Rigor:
4. Replicability:
It place more faith and credence in these findings, results of the tests of
hypotheses should be supported again and yet again when the same type of
research is repeated in other similar circumstances.
5. Precision and Confidence:
6. Objectivity:
It should be based on the facts of findings derived from actual data, and not on
our own subjective or emotional values.
7. Generalizability:
8. Parsimony:
Identification of problem area
Theoretical frame work
Construct concept & operational def
Research design
Data collection
Analysis of data
Interpretation of data
The manager might talk casually to a few customers to find out how they feel
about the products and customer service.
Organizational research, it would be culture, policy strategies.
Theoretical frame work:
A research design is set up to decide on, among other issues, how to collect
further data.
Data collection:
After these steps then we collect the arranged data done by that above
Analysis of data:
Interpretation of data:
After that procedure then we implement the data in the decision making
The hypothetic deductive method:
1. Observation
3.Theory formulation
4. Hypothesizing
6. Data analysis
7. Deduction
Observation is the first stage, in which one senses that certain changes are
occurring, or that some new behaviors, attitudes, and feelings are surfacing
in one‘s environment (i.e., the workplace).
Hypothesizing is the next logical step after theory formulation. From the
theorized network of associations among the variables, certain testable
hypotheses or educated conjectures can be generated. Hypothesis testing
is called deductive research.
Further Scientific Data Collection:
After the development of the hypotheses, data with respect to each variable in
the hypotheses need to be obtained. In other words, further scientific data
collection is needed to test the hypotheses that are generated in the study.
Data Analysis:
In the data analysis step, the data gathered are statistically analyzed to see if
the hypotheses that were generated have been supported.
Case studies: