ESE-800 Clean Coal Technologies: Part1:Coal To Liquid (CTL)
ESE-800 Clean Coal Technologies: Part1:Coal To Liquid (CTL)
ESE-800 Clean Coal Technologies: Part1:Coal To Liquid (CTL)
Direct Coal Liquefaction
Presented By
Shahid Hussain Ansari
Assistant Professor
Centre for Energy Systems (CES)
National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)
Direct Coal Liquefaction
Direct liquefaction processes add hydrogen to the hydrogen
deficient organic structure of the coal, breaking it down only as
far as is necessary to produce distillable liquids
Coal dissolution is accomplished under high temperature
(~400C) and pressure (~1500-3000 psi) with hydrogen and a
coal-derived solvent
The coal fragments are further hydrocracked to produce a
synthetic crude oil
This synthetic crude must then undergo refinery upgrading and
hydro-treating to produce acceptable transportation fuels
Block Flow Diagram of Direct Coal Liquefaction
History of Direct Coal Liquefaction
Direct coal liquefaction starts just prior to World War II by
Germany, and then continues the research by the U.S. Bureau of
Mines & others
Second Generation Technology
Second generation technology came along in the late 1970s and
early 1980s
The U.S. pilot plants to develop these processes included:
1) SRC-II (solvent refined coal) in Tacoma, Washington and
Wilsonville, Alabama
2) EDS (Exxon Donor Solvent) in Baytown, Texas
3) H-Coal in Catlettsburg, Kentucky
Second Generation Technology
Both the SRC-II and EDS process depended on a donor solvent
for hydrogen during the liquefaction and used the minerals in the
coal for a catalyst
EDS did use a catalytic stage to hydro-treat part of the recycle
solvent in a second reactor but no catalyst was used in the coal
liquefaction unit
The H-Coal process was developed by Hydrocarbon Research
Inc. (HRI) and was derived from their H-Oil process for
petroleum reside upgrading
The basis of the process was a novel catalytic reactor in which
the catalyst was ebullated in the liquid phase, similar to the more
familiar gas-phase fluidized bed processes used in the petroleum
Second Generation Technology
The advantage of this type reactor is that the reactor contents are
well mixed helping to alleviate the excessive heat release
associated with coal liquefaction plus the ability to add and
withdraw catalyst from the reactor while it is operating so that
the catalyst activity is maintained at a relatively high and
constant level
Hydrogen/Carbon Mole Ratio
Hydrogen/Carbon Mole Ratio
To make liquid fuels from coal -need to add hydrogen or reject
To make liquid fuels from natural gas -need to reject hydrogen or
add carbon
Adding hydrogen and rejecting carbon (or vice versa) may be
Water Gas Shift (WGS) Reaction (CO + H2O ↔CO2+ H2)
History of Direct Coal Liquefaction
Direct conversion processes can be broadly broken up into two
different methods
1) Hydrogenation Processes (Bergius Process)
2) Pyrolysis or carbonization processes
Hydrogenation Process (Bergius Process)
In this process, coal is liquefied by mixing it with hydrogen gas
and heating the system (hydrogenation)
Dry coal is mixed with heavy oil recycled from the process
Catalyst is typically added to the mixture. The reaction occurs at
between 400 °C to 5,000 °C and 20 to 70 MPa hydrogen
The reaction can be summarized as follows:
nC + (n+1)H2 = CnH2n+2
Hydrogenation Process (Bergius Process)
Most Important Hydrogenation Processes
Koheleol Process
NEDOL Process
H-Coal Process
SRC-I Process (Solvent Refined Coal)
SRC-II Process
Exxon Donor Solvent (EDS) Process
Imhausen High-pressure Process
Conoco Zinc Chloride Process
Lummus Integrated Two Stage Liquefaction (ITSL)
Wilsonville Two Stage Liquefaction
Catalytic Multi-stage Liquefaction (CMSL)
Chevron Coal Liquefaction Process (CCLP)
Advanced Liquefaction Concepts (ALC)
Most Important Carbonization Processes
Karrick Process
COED Process
COGAS Process
TOSCOAL Process, an analogue to the TOSCO II oil shale
retorting process and Lurgi-Ruhrgas process, which is also used
for the shale oil extraction, uses hot recycled solids for the heat
Single Stage & Two Stage Direct Liquefaction Processes
A single-stage direct liquefaction process gives distillates via one
primary reactor. Such processes may include an integrated on-
line hydro-treating reactor, which is intended to upgrade the
primary distillates without directly increasing the overall
A two-stage direct liquefaction process is designed to give
distillate products via two reactor stages in series. The primary
function of the first stage is coal dissolution and is operated
either without a catalyst or with only a low-activity disposable
catalyst. The heavy coal liquids produced in this way are hydro-
treated in the second stage in the presence of a high-activity
catalyst to produce additional distillate.
Pyrolysis or Carbonization Processes
The carbonization conversion occurs through pyrolysis and it
produces condensable coal tar, oil & water vapor, non-
condensable synthetic gas, and a solid residue-char
The condensed coal tar and oil are then further processed by
hydrogenation to remove sulfur and nitrogen species, after which
they are processed into fuels
EDS Process
EDS Process
Coal is slurried with a distillable recycled solvent that has been
re-hydrogenated to restore its hydrogen donation capacity
The slurry is mixed with H2, preheated and fed to a simple up-
flow tubular reactor that operates at 425-450C and 2575 psig
No catalyst is added to liquefaction reactor
Naphtha, middle & heavy distillate products are recovered
Re-hydrogenation in a fixed-bed catalytic reactor, using nickel-
molybdenum or cobalt-molybdenum on an alumina support
The hydrogenation reactor is operated at 370 ºC &1600 psig,
although conditions are varied to control the degree of
hydrogenation of the solvent and thus maintain its quality
Yields of up to 47% for lignite, 50% for sub-bituminous coals
and 60% for bituminous coals could be achieved
H-Coal Process
H-Coal Ebullated-Bed Reactor
H-Coal Process
Coal is slurried with a recycle solvent that consists of a mixture
of a solids containing hydrocracker product with heavy and
middle distillates obtained by product fractionation
H2 is added and the mixture is preheated and fed to an ebullated
bed hydrocracker, which is distinguishing feature of process
This reactor operates at 425-455°C and a pressure of 2900 psig
A conventional supported hydro-treating catalyst, either Ni-Mo or
Co-Mo alumina is used. The catalyst is fluidized by H2 and a
pumped internal recycle stream, for which the intake is
positioned above the upper limit of the expanded bed of catalyst
but still within the reactor liquid zone
The ebullated-bed reactor system offers substantial advantages
over fixed-bed reactors, reactor contents are well mixed and
temperature monitoring and control are more easily effected
H-Coal Process
Ebullated-bed reactors allow catalyst to be replaced while the
reactor remains in operation, enabling a constant catalyst
activity to be maintained
The reactor products pass to a flash separator. Liquids in the
overheads are condensed and routed to an atmospheric
distillation column, producing naphtha and middle distillate
The flash bottoms are fed to a bank of hydro-cyclones. The
overheads stream, which contains 1-2% solids, is recycled to the
slurrying stage. The underflow is routed to a vacuum distillation
column. Solids are removed with the vacuum column bottoms,
while the vacuum distillate forms part of the product for export
As with other processes, yields are dependent on the coal
Wilsonville Two Stage Liquefaction
Catalytic Multi-stage Liquefaction
Catalytic Multi Stage Liquefaction
In 1993, the two-stage liquefaction system evolved into the
catalytic multi-stage liquefaction (CMSL) system
The sulfate-modified iron-based catalysts are more efficient as
compared to dispersed iron catalyst
Addition of small amount of Mo (100 ppm) improved
In CMSL system with iron-based catalyst in both reactors, coal
conversion is in the range of 93-96 wt %, reside conversion of
83-92 wt %
The level of performance achieved was better than that obtained
with any other catalyst system
Catalytic Multi Stage Liquefaction
The role of catalyst in the first stage of the CMSL process
Promote hydrogenation of the solvent
Stabilize the primary liquefaction products
Hydrogenate the primary and recycle reside
In the second stage
Promote heteroatom removal & thus product quality improvement
Convert reside to distillate
Promote secondary conversion to lighter products, and aids in
avoiding dehydrogenation
Types of catalyst
Supported catalysts (Co/Mo, Co/Ni)
Dispersed Catalyst (Fe, Mo)
History of US Direct Coal Liquefaction
History of Others Direct Coal Liquefaction
Direct Coal Liquefaction Scale-up and Commercial
Shenhua Direct Coal Liquefaction Block Flow Diagram
Axens H-Oil and Coal Liquefaction Reactors
Shenhua Plant
Speculations About Shenhua DCL Plant
Direct liquefaction–Conversion and hydrocracking to oils
Two reactors in series
Purpose: conversion and hydrocracking to oils
Slurry catalyst
Expanded bed reactors (probably slurry)
Solvent Hydro-treating and upgrading
Ebullated Bed (H-Oil)
Recycle solvent hydro-treating
Manufactured petroleum catalyst (Co-Mo or Ni-Mo)
According to a test of direct coal liquefaction is performed using
a low rank bituminous coal as feedstock, and the operation
conditions and test results are as follows:
Direct Coal Liquefaction Scale-up and Commercial
Conceptual Flow of In-line Hydro-treating Section
Brown Coal Liquefaction Process
The BCL process was developed by NEDO of Japan to a 50 tpd
pilot-plant scale, constructed at Morwell in Victoria, Australia
The process is designed specifically to handle very low-rank
coals which may contain >60% moisture
It was operated over the period 1985-1990, processing a total of
~60,000 ton of coal. Operations ceased in October 1990. The
plant was decommissioned in 1991 and demolished in 1992
A crucial aspect is the efficient drying of the coal
Following extensive pilot plant operation on a 0.1 tpd bench-
scale continuous liquefaction test facility & related equipment
was carried out until 1997 to improve reliability, economics &
environmental compatibility of coal liquefaction process
Brown Coal Liquefaction Process
Based on the R&D results an improved BCL process was
proposed. This comprises slurry de-watering, liquefaction, in-
line hydr-otreating, and de-ashing, with the following features:
Use of a high-active and inexpensive catalyst such as limonite ore
pulverized in oil
Use of a heavy fraction solvent (bp 300-420ºC)
Adoption of coal liquid bottom (CLB) bp>420ºC recycling
It was estimated that the improved process could decrease the
crude oil equivalent nominal price by 24% compared with the
BCL process at the Australian pilot plant
Yields are stated to be 65% distillate
A new cooperation agreement was started between Japan (Sojitz)
and Indonesia in 2005 to build a 27,000 BPD plant
Specification of BCL Products
Hybrid DCL/ICL Plant Concept
Benefits of Direct Coal Liquefaction
Direct liquefaction efficiency may be higher than indirect
technology. One ton of a high volatile bituminous coal can be
converted into approximately three barrels of high quality
distillate syncrude for refinery upgrading and blending
Direct Liquefaction provides high octane, low sulfur gasoline
and a distillate that will require upgrading to make an acceptable
diesel blending stock
Development of direct liquefaction technology could lead to
hybrid (direct/indirect) processes producing high quality gasoline
and diesel
The NCC, others suggest that direct liquefaction may have a
better carbon footprint than indirect technology
Potential Technology Vendors
Comparison of DCL & ICL
In Direct Coal Liquefaction (DCL) pressure, heat and
catalyst are used to crack the coal to make liquids
Theoretical efficiency can be high…roughly 70-75%
Sledge hammer approach
In Indirect Coal Liquefaction (ICL) coal is first gasified to
form syngas. Syngas is then converted to liquids by means of
a catalyst and Fischer Tropsch (FT) chemistry
Synthesis Gas or Syngas (Mixture of CO, H2, CO2, H2O)
Theoretical efficiency is lower…roughly 60-65%
Engineered approach
Comparison of DCL & ICL
Quality of Products from DCL
Liquid Products are much more aromatic than indirect –DCL
Naphtha can be used to make very high octane gasoline
component; however aromatics content of Reformulated
Gasolines is now limited by EPA –DCL Distillate is poor diesel
blending component due to high aromatics which results in low
cetane versus U.S. average of about 46
Raw DCL Liquids still contain contaminants: Sulfur, Nitrogen,
Oxygen, possibly metals and require extensive hydrotreatment
to meet Clean Fuels Specifications
Benefits of Direct Coal Liquefaction
Direct liquefaction efficiency may be higher than indirect
technology. One ton of a high volatile bituminous coal can be
converted into approximately three barrels of high quality
distillate syncrude for refinery upgrading and blending
Direct Liquefaction provides high octane, low sulfur gasoline
and a distillate that will require upgrading to make an acceptable
diesel blending stock
Development of direct liquefaction technology could lead to
hybrid (direct/indirect) processes producing high quality gasoline
and diesel
The NCC, others suggest that direct liquefaction may have a
better carbon footprint than indirect technology
Current direct liquefaction distillate products can meet the
existing fuel standards 48
Potential Merits of Direct Coal Liquefaction
DCL produces high octane gasoline
DCL has higher thermal efficiency than indirect liquefaction
Literature suggests that DCL with no CCS may have a lower
carbon footprint
Opportunity for combined coal and renewable energy processes
with improved carbon footprint and carbon management
Synergistic opportunities
Hybrid direct/indirect technology integration
Coprocessing with biomass (Hydrogen production)
Coprocessing with heavy oil/refinery bottoms/wastes
Direct Liquefaction Technical Needs
Advanced concepts
Reduce carbon footprint
Combination coal and renewable energy concepts
Co-feeding concepts
Less severe processing
Lower capital and process cost
Product integration with refinery or finished distillate products
Component material and reliability studies
Challenges of Direct Coal Liquefaction
Uncertainty in World Oil Prices, High Capital Costs, Investment
Risk, Technical Challenges
• First technology (since 2ndWorld War) is being commercialized in the PRC
(Shenhua) –need other first-of-kind large scale operation (with carbon
management) to verify baselines and economics
• R&D activity should focus on remaining process issues such as further
improvement in efficiency, product cost and quality, reliability of materials
and components
• The timelines for demonstration and development of direct liquefaction
technology and carbon capture and storage must be integrated.
• Hybrid technology needs development including integrated demonstration
Environmental Challenges
• CO2and criteria pollutants
• Water use
Concerns with increased coal use in U.S.
Thank You