Russian Codes (9.11)
Russian Codes (9.11)
Russian Codes (9.11)
First national standard regulations on the strength design and calculating of
vessels & apparatus: RTM 42-62 «Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of a
strength design of assemblies and components» appeared in the USSR in early
A lot of work on the preparation of uniform rules for the calculation of the states
COMECON. Jointly with their colleagues from East Germany (GDR),
Czechoslovakia and other states Soviet specialists developed standards (ST SEV)
for a design of vessels and apparatus. Soviet national standards GOST 14249,
GOST 24755, GOST 24756, GOST 24757 and many others were developed on this
If a mutual consent of all COMECON states on any questions hadn't been
achieved, according documents published as industry standards: RD 26-14-88, RD
26-15-88 etc. Consequently, highly developed system of standard technical
documents on a strength design of vessels and apparatus has been worked out in
the USSR.
GOST R 52857(1-12) – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus.
Norms and methods of strength calculation”
It consisted of several tens of documents, which were systematically revised and
renewed, according to new researches and experience. But the evident defect of this
system is a great number of various documents of different levels, it entangled the
system and make its use very complicated.
In the beginning of 2000s two new circumstances appeared which also stimulated
a revision of old standards. First, «On a technical regulation» act was adopted, in
accordance with it all types of normative standard documents, used in Russia,
had to be unified. Second, it has been adopted the new European standard EN
13445, in the development of which former colleagues from COMECON actively
As a result, general approaches, underlying in EN 13445, were often very close
to approaches, conformed in COMECON and used in Russian standards. Moreover,
many sections, which had been developed earlier during the COMECON meetings,
and then became a part of our standards, have been also included into the new
European standard without any significant changes.
GOST R 52857(1-12) – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus.
Norms and methods of strength calculation”
It gave an opportunity to harmonize main sections of redeveloped Russian norms
with the European standard EN 13445.
Vladimir I. Rachkov (head of Department of strength of “JSC NIICHIMMASH”)
leaded a workgroup of developers of the new collection of standards. There were
also specialists affiliated with “Petrokhim Engineering Ltd.” and “JSC
VNIINEFTEMASH”. During the work, there were also involved representatives from
other companies with experience of the standards' development, who were authors
of several normative documents, assumed as a basis for redeveloped standards.
As a result there were developed a collection Russian National Standards GOST
R 52857.1-2007…GOST R 52857.12-2007 “Vessels and apparatus. Norms and
methods of strength calculation”.
GOST R 52857(1-12) – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus.
Norms and methods of strength calculation”
Safety factors
for Yield for Tensile for Stress for Creep
Strength Strength Rupture Rate
GOST R 52857.1 1.5 2.4 1.5 1.0
EN 13445.3 1.5 2.4 - -
ASME Code VIII, div.1 1.5 3.5 1.25 1.0
ASME Code VIII, div.2 1.5 2.4 1.25 1.0
GOST R 52857.1 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
General requirements ”
- local buckling;
- overall buckling.
GOST R 52857.2 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Calculation of cylindrical and conic shells, convex and flat bottoms
and covers”
Shells loaded by bending moment M :
Shells, working under the joint action of external pressure, axial compressive force,
bending moment and shear force
GOST R 52857.2 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Calculation of cylindrical and conic shells, convex and flat bottoms
and covers”
The calculation of the dished heads
internal pressure -
external pressure -
GOST R 52857.2 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Calculation of cylindrical and conic shells, convex and flat bottoms
and covers”
torispherical head type:
internal pressure -
internal pressure -
external pressure -
GOST R 52857.3 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Reinforcement of openings in shells and heads under internal and external
pressure. Strength calculation of shells and heads under external static loads on
the nozzle”
Consists of two parts. The first part is based on the modified area replacement
method, i.e. the method of a replacement of a cross sectional missing area of
openings with cross sectional areas of material reinforcement of shell and nozzles.
Results by GOST R 52857.3 area replacement method are similar to results by the
pressure-area method from EN 13445 (par.9).
The second part - strength calculation of shells and heads under external static
loads on the nozzle is analogous to par.16.4-16.5 EN 13445.
calculation scheme of connection of the nozzle with the wall of the vessel
The general equation for the reinforcement of an isolated opening
Includes the method of design flange joints with integral, optional and loose type
flanges. Instead of the ring in a model of flange joint there were used the plate as in
the modified Tailor Forge method in the ASME Code VIII, 1.
At the same time, the theoretical model of flange joint in the GOST R 52857.4,
unlike to ASME Code VIII, div.1, examines the team-work and the compatibility of
deformations of all flange joint elements. Due to this fact, GOST R 52857.4
calculates the flange connection entirely and allows to consider a different thermal
expansion between a bolt and a flange, the behavior of the bolt load as pressure is
applied, non-pressure loads and other. The criteria of strength for elements of
flange joints are assigned on basis of the existent flanges’ field experience.
Main types of flanged joints covered by this standard are shown in figures
GOST R 52857.4 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Strength and leak-tightness calculation of flange joints”
Integral Type Flanges With a Hub Integral Type Flanges Without a Hub Loose Type Lap Joint
GOST R 52857.4 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Strength and leak-tightness calculation of flange joints”
The design load on the bolts (studs) tightening necessary to ensure compression of the
gasket and the minimum initial tension of the bolts (studs):
- resultant load
- the stress on the gasket under operating conditions, necessary to ensure the tightness of
flanged joints
- the force required to shear the strip when tightening
- the coefficients for the flange connection
Working conditions:
Includes the strength calculation of shells and heads with local loads due to
lifting lugs, horizontal vessels on saddle supports, vertical vessels on bracket
supports, vertical vessels with supporting legs from tubes and plates.
The design in this standard bases on the “bending limit stress”. This method had
been developed in Eastern Germany, widely used in standards of COMECON and
GOST, and it has been included into EN 13445. In accordance with this method the
solution is based on theory of elasticity. Then, for an estimate of results it is used a
model of plastic strip of a shell and calculated the limit load.
Analogous method is used in par. 16 EN 13445.
For shell, supporting node, determine local acceptable efforts [F]i. The basis of
calculation of shells loaded bearing lugs, support legs or saddle supports, expected
allowable bending stress [σi].
- depending on support
GOST R 52857.5 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Calculation of shells and heads from influence of support loads”
Lifting lugs
The allowable load of the shell in the spot welding of a lifting lug
GOST R 52857.5 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Calculation of shells and heads from influence of support loads”
GOST R 52857.5 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Calculation of shells and heads from influence of support loads”
GOST R 52857.5 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Calculation of shells and heads from influence of support loads”
Support lugs
The allowable load of the shell in the spot welding of a support lug
GOST R 52857.5 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Calculation of shells and heads from influence of support loads”
for designs B:
for designs D:
GOST R 52857.5 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Calculation of shells and heads from influence of support loads”
Saddle supports
The allowable load of the shell in the spot welding of a support leg
GOST R 52857.5 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Calculation of shells and heads from influence of support loads”
The allowable loads of the shell in the spot welding of a support leg
GOST R 52857.5 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Calculation of shells and heads from influence of support loads”
GOST R 52857.6 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Strength calculation under low-cyclic loads”
Contains the simplified method and the specified method of low-cycle fatigue
calculation. The principal approach is analogical to EN 13445.
But GOST R 52857.6 is included the curves and the formulas for titanium,
copper, aluminum and its alloys, too
GOST R 52857.6 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Strength calculation under low-cyclic loads”
The amplitude of the stresses for the loading cycle of the j-th species
GOST R 52857.6 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Strength calculation under low-cyclic loads”
GOST R 52857.6 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Strength calculation under low-cyclic loads”
austenitic steels
GOST R 52857.6 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Strength calculation under low-cyclic loads”
aluminum alloys
copper steels
GOST R 52857.7 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Heat exchangers”
Design scheme
floating head
Contained methods of strength and low-cycle fatigue calculation the vessels with
U-jacket, cylindrical jacket, halftube jacket and other types of jackets. There is
considered loading by pressure and different thermal expansion between the
vessel and the jacket.
GOST R 52857.9 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Determination of stresses at nozzle – to – shell and head junctions under action
of pressure and external loads on the nozzle”
Contained methods of strength and low-cycle fatigue calculation the vessels with
contains formulas and diagrams for a definition of stresses, similar to those from
par.16 EN 13445-3: 2002.
GOST R 52857.10 – 2007
“Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation.
Vessels and apparatus involving hydrogen sulfide media”
Determines strength calculation norms for vessels from carbon and low-allow
steels, working under the temperature up to 200 C in hydrogen sulfide humid
media. The main distinction of the approach of this standard is an additional
limitation of tension stresses on surfaces contacting with hydrogen sulfide media.
Vessels and apparatus are divided on five groups, in accordance with partial
pressure of hydrogen sulfide PH2S and acidity pH. Safety factors are fixed in
accordance with an apparatus’s group (See Table ).
This brief standard regulates main requirements for software and forms of
calculations’ presentation. Main requirements are the exact correspondence of
software with GOSTs R 52857.1-11 and a detailed printout, which allows verifying
of any results of calculation.
Piping Systems Research & Engineering Co