2.6 Rational Functions Asymptotes Tutorial
2.6 Rational Functions Asymptotes Tutorial
2.6 Rational Functions Asymptotes Tutorial
and Holes
Definition of an asymptote
An asymptote is a straight line which acts as a
boundary for the graph of a function.
When a function has an asymptote (and not all
functions have them) the function gets closer
and closer to the asymptote as the input value to
the function approaches either a specific value a
or positive or negative infinity.
The functions most likely to have asymptotes are
rational functions
Vertical Asymptotes
Vertical asymptotes occur when the
following condition is met:
The denominator of the simplified
rational function is equal to 0.
Remember, the simplified rational
function has cancelled any factors
common to both the numerator and
Finding Vertical Asymptotes
Example 1
2 5x
Given the function f x
2 2x
The first step is to cancel
any factors common to
both numerator and
denominator. In this case
there are none. 2 2x 0
The second step is to see 21 x 0
where the denominator of
the simplified function 1 x 0
equals 0. x 1
Finding Vertical Asymptotes
Example 1 Con’t.
The vertical line x = -1 is the only vertical
asymptote for the function. As the input
value x to this function gets closer and
closer to -1 the function itself looks and
acts more and more like the vertical line
x = -1.
Graph of Example 1
or x 3 0
This function has two vertical asymptotes,
one at x = -2 and the other at x = 3
Graph of Example 3
Vertical: x=3
2 x 5x 7
g x Horizontal : none
x 3 Slant: y = 2x +11
Hole: none