Class Management & Discipline

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Class Management

 What is management?

 Skillful handling

 Effective use of everything available

 Dealing carefully

 Accomplishing the desired

Shahzeb Khan
Classroom Management & Discipline

Quality Learning Activities Effective Communication A Few Techniques

Six fundamental steps in Sending & Receiving Six Useful Techniques

Instructional sequence


Shahzeb Khan
Quality Learning Activities
 Six fundamental steps in instructional
1. Review
2. Present new content/skills
3. Guided practice
4. Feedback and corrections
5. Independent student practice
6. Weekly and monthly review
Shahzeb Khan
1. Review
 Students review previously learned material

2. Present new content

 Teacher presents new content or skills

3. Guided Practice
 Students are asked to practice skills

4. Feedback and Corrections

 Students are provided feedback and retaught

Shahzeb Khan
5.Independent study and practice

 Students are asked to practice the skill to

develop mastery and efficiency.

6.Weekly and Monthly review

 Skills are routinely reviewed and

generalized to new settings.

Shahzeb Khan
Practice at the Right Level
 Independent practice must be designed
correctly to maintain interest and

 Precede independent practice with supervised


 Know that the student can do all components

before letting him/her practice alone;

Shahzeb Khan
 Provide work that is challenging, but not
too difficult;

 Do not give unnecessary "busy work" to

occupy time. Develop additional
activities which are relevant learning
activities; and

 Do implement peer tutoring, small group

discussions and activities to keep a
students' attention on-task.

Shahzeb Khan
Avoiding Boredom
 Maintaining student interest in learning
activities is a key factor in learning

 Provide a feeling of progress:

 when work is difficult or new, more frequent feedback
and positive reinforcement may be necessary
 make goals accessible, show the intermediate steps to
the goal
 make it easy to see progress

Shahzeb Khan
 Provide challenges:
 Find the right level of difficulty. Providing
information to the teacher is especially
important in this area.

 Provide variety:
 in level of challenge
 in presentation

 in materials

 in grouping

Shahzeb Khan
 Effective communication is the
foundation for good classroom

 Communication skills can be divided

into two categories:
 sending
 receiving.

Shahzeb Khan
Sending Skills
 Make sure that whatever you say is
clear and precise.
 Speak courteously. This creates positive
role models for students.
 Make statements rather than asking
questions. When dealing with students'
behaviors, questions often create

Shahzeb Khan

 Make the students realize that you are

listening. Be non evaluative while
 Use paraphrasing, active listening, or
reflecting in order to make the speaker
feel heard. This allows the listener to
become involved in the dialogue.

Shahzeb Khan
 Make eye contact and be aware of
nonverbal messages.

Shahzeb Khan
Techniques for Classroom
 Focusing
 Be sure you have the attention of
everyone in your classroom before you
start your lesson.
 The focusing technique means that you
will demand their attention before you
 It means that you will wait and not start
until everyone has settled down.

Shahzeb Khan
Techniques for Classroom
 Direct Instruction
 The technique of direct instruction is to
begin each class by telling the students
exactly what will be happening.
 The teacher outlines what he and the
students will be doing that period.
 He may set time limits for some tasks.

Shahzeb Khan
Techniques for Classroom
 Monitoring

 The key to this principle is to circulate.

 Check on their progress.

 This can be done both when the teacher

is lecturing and when the students are
engaged in their assignment.
Shahzeb Khan
Techniques for Classroom
 Non-Verbal Cuing

 Non-verbal cues can also be facial

expressions, body posture and hand
signals .
 With the help of these you can tell the
students what you want.

Shahzeb Khan
Techniques for Classroom
 Low-Profile Intervention
 A good teacher always avoids
confrontation with a student
 An effective teacher will take care that
the student is not rewarded for
misbehavior by becoming the focus of
 While lecturing to his class a good teacher
makes effective use of name-dropping.

Shahzeb Khan
Techniques for Classroom
 Assertive I-Messages

 These I-Messages are statements that the

teacher uses when confronting a student who is
misbehaving .

 The teacher who makes good use of this

technique will focus the student’s attention first
and foremost on the behavior he wants, not on
the misbehavior. “I want you to...” or “I need you
to...” or “I expect you to...”

Shahzeb Khan
 The inexperienced teacher may
incorrectly try “I want you to stop...”
only to discover that this usually
triggers confrontation and denial. The
focus is on the misbehavior and the
student is quick to retort: “I wasn’t
doing anything!” or “It wasn’t my
fault...” or “Since when is there a rule
against...” and escalation has begun
Shahzeb Khan
Last but not the least…

 Make ample use of praise. When you

see good behavior, acknowledge it.
This can be done verbally.
 The most effective factor to motivate
a student is “yes you can do it.”
 It will give you astonishing results.

Shahzeb Khan
Classroom Management & Discipline

Quality Learning Activities Effective Communication A Few Techniques

Six fundamental steps in Sending & Receiving Six Useful Techniques

Instructional sequence


Shahzeb Khan

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