Chemical Properties of Water Lec 3 Final

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Properties of Water

Phase Diagrams
A phase in a material is a region that differ
in its microstructure and or composition
from another region
 homogeneous in crystal structure and
atomic arrangement
 have same chemical and physical
properties throughout
 have a definite interface and able to be
mechanically separated from its
Phase Diagram of water
Chemical Properties: Dissolved Oxygen
 Along with temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), is
important in metabolic regulation.
 Dissolvedoxygen concentration and temp both
determine the environmental niche aquaculture
organisms occupy.
 Occupation of niches is controlled by a complex set
of behavioral and physiological (acclimatorial)
 Acclimation is slow with D.O. (hours, weeks)
Chemical Properties: Dissolved Oxygen
 although oxygen is rather abundant in the atm (21%),
it is only slightly soluble in water (6 mg/L is not much)
 implications to fish/invertebrates
 Even metabolic rates of aqua-communities can effect
rapid changes in DO.
 this effect increases with temp (interaction)
 solubility decreases with increased temp/sal
 other factors: BP (direct), altitude (indirect), impurities
Chemical Properties: Dissolved Oxygen

Oxygen solubility
Chemical Properties: Dissolved Oxygen
Factors affecting D.O. consumption:
Water temperature (2-3x for every 10oC).
Environmental (medium) D.O. concentration
(determines lower limit).
Fish size (Respiration greater for small vs. large).
Level of activity (resting vs. forced).
Post-feeding period, etc. (2x, 1-6 hrs post feeding).
Chemical Varibles: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
 What might be considered
minimal levels of maintenance of
 Hard to determine due to
compounding effects (can’t
standardize conditions).
 Major factor: exposure time
 For most species:
 long-term: 1.5 mg/L
 medium term: 1.0 mg/L
 short-term: 0.3 mg/L
Chemical Varibles: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

 Ingeneral warm-water species are more tolerant of

low D.O. concentrations
 Ictalurus punctatus: adults/1.0 mg/L, fingerlings 0.5
 Procamberus clarkii: adults/2.0 mg/L, juveniles/1.0
 Litopenaeus vannamei: adults/0.5-0.8 mg/L
 Litopenaeus stylirostris: adults/1.2-1.4 mg/L
Chemical Varibles: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
 Many practical aqua-culturists will recommend that
D.O. concentrations do not drop below 6.0 mg/L.
 Thisis an impractical guideline in that this level can
seldom be achieved at night.
A more practical guideline might be to maintain D.O.
levels around 90% saturation.
 No lower than 25% saturation for extended periods
Chemical Varibles: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

 IfD.O. levels in the medium are adequate, fish meet

increased demands due to locomotion or post-
feeding by increased rate of ventilation or large
“gulps” of water.
 Declining D.O.: seek zones of higher D.O., reduce
activity (reduced MR), stop consumption of feed.
 Compensatory point: when D.O. demand cannot be
met by behavioral or physiological responses.
Chemical Variables: Dissolved
 Uponreaching compensatory point: gaping at surface,
removal of oxygen from surface.
 Shown in both fish and invertebrates.
 Small aquatic animals are more efficient.
 Someoxygen provided by glycolysis or anaerobic
metabolism, but blood pH drops.
 pH
drop in blood reduces carrying capacity of
hemoglobin (hemocyanin)--> death.
Chemical Varibles: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
 Oxygen/Temperature
 Oxygen consumption
increases with temperature
until a maximum is
 Peak consumption rate is
maintained over a small
temp range.
 Consumption rate
decreases rapidly as temp
 Lethal temperature finally
Chemical Varibles: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)/
 Major producer of D.O. in ponds is primary productivity
(up to 80%), diffusion is low (<3%).
 Incomingwater can often be deficient depending
upon source water conditions.
 Majorconsumers: primary productivity, aquatic
species (density dependent), COD.
 Diel fluctuation
 Indirect relationships (algae, secchi)
Chemical Varibles: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Oxygen budget
Input O2 (kg/ha) % of total
Photosynthesis 4,130 76.9
Inflowing water 94 1.7
Aeration 99 1.8
Diffusion 1,050 19.6
Total 5,373 100.0
Overflow, drainage 32 0.6
Phyto respiration 3,090 57.5
Benthic respiration 1,040 19.4
Fish/shrimp resp. 1,210 22.5
Total 5,372 100.0
Chemical Varibles: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

 Diel Oxygen Fluctuation

 Typical
pattern = oxygen
max during late afternoon.
 Difference in surface vs.
benthic for stratified
 Dryseason = faster heating
at surface and less
Chemical Varibles: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

Influence of
Sunlight on
Chemical Varibles: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

Chemical Varibles: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

Chemical Varibles: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)/
 Collection of Sample
 Samples are collected in a narrow necked glass
sloppened bottle
 Avoid the formation of air bubble below the stopper
 Determination of DO
 Nitrites, sulphides, sulphites, ferrous compounds and
organic matter etc. are oxidized
 1 ml KMnO4 and 0.7 ml of H2SO4
 Shake well and allowed to stand for 20 minutes
Chemical Varibles: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)/
 Collection of Sample
 Samples are collected in a narrow necked glass
sloppened bottle
 Avoid the formation of air bubble below the stopper
 Determination of DO
 Nitrites, sulphides, sulphites, ferrous compounds and
organic matter etc. are oxidized
 1 ml KMnO4 and 0.7 ml of H2SO4
 Shake well and allowed to stand for 20 minutes
Chemical Variables: Total Alkalinity
 Total Alkalinity: the total amount of titratable bases in water
expressed as mg/L of equivalent CaCO3.
 “Alkalinity” is primarily composed of the following ions: CO3-, HCO3-,
hydroxides, ammonium, borates, silicates, phosphates.
 Alkalinity in ponds is determined by both the quality of the water
and bottom muds.
 Calcium is often added to water to increase its alkalinity, buffer
against pH changes.
Chemical Variables: Total Alkalinity
 Thus, a total alkalinity determination of 200 mg/L would indicate good
buffering capacity of a water source.
 Natural freshwater alkalinity varies between 5 mg/L (soft water) to over
500 mg/L (hard water).
 Natural seawater is around 115-120 mg/L.
 Seldom see pH problems in natural seawater.
 Water having alkalinity reading of less than 30 mg/L are problematic.
Chemical Variables: Total Alkalinity
Total Alkalinity level can be associated with several potential
problems in aquaculture:
 < 50 mg/L: copper compounds are more toxic, avoid their use
as algicides.
 Natural waters with less than 40 mg/L alkalinity as CaCO3 have
limited. biofiltration capacity, pH independent
 Low alkalinity = low CO2 --> low nat prod.
 Low alkalinity = high pH.
Chemical Variables: Total Hardness
 Total Hardness: total concentration of metal ions expressed in terms
of mg/L of equivalent CaCO3.
 Primary ions are Ca2+ and Mg2+, also iron and manganese.
 Total Hardness approximates total alkalinity.
 Calcium is used for bone and exoskeleton formation and absorbed
across gills.
 Soft water = molt problems, bone deformities.
Chemical Variables: pH
 pH: the level or intensity of a substance’s acidic or basic
 pH: the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration
(activity) of a substance.
 pH = -log(1/[H+]).
 Ionization of water is low (1x10-7 moles of H+/L and 1x10-7 moles
 Neutral pH = similar levels of H+ and OH-
Chemical Variables: pH
Chemical Variables: pH
 At acidic pH levels, the quantity of H+ predominates.
 Acidic pH = pH < 7, basic = pH >7
 Mostnatural waters: pH of 5-10, usually 6.5-9; however,
there are exceptions.
 Acid rain, pollution.
 Can change due to atm CO2, fish respiration.
 pH of ocean water is stable (carbonate buffering system,
Chemical Variables: pH
 Other sources of change:
Decay of organic matter.
Oxidation of compounds in bottom sediments.
Depletion of CO2 by phytoplankton on diel basis.
Oxidation of sulfide containing minerals in bottom soils
(e.g., oxidation of iron pyrite by sulfide oxidizing
bacteria under anaerobic conditions).
Chemical Variables: Carbon Dioxide
 Normal component of all natural waters.
 Sources: atmospheric diffusion, respiration of cultured species,
biological oxidation of organic compounds.
 Usually transported in the blood as HCO3-
 Converted to CO2 at the gill interface, diffusion into medium.
 As the level of CO2 in the medium increases, the gradient
allowing diffusion is less.
Chemical Variables: pH
 This causes blood CO2 levels to increase, lowering blood
 Withlower blood pH, carrying capacity of hemoglobin
decreases, also binding affinity for oxygen to
 This phenomenon is known as the Bohr-Root effect.
 CO2 also interferes with oxygen uptake by eggs and
Chemical Variables: pH

CO2 Level Affects

Chemical Variables: carbon dioxide
 In the marine environment, excesses of CO2 are mitigated by the
carbonate buffering system.
 CO2 reacts with water to produce H2CO3, carbonic acid.
 H2CO3 reacts with CaCO3 to form HCO3- (bicarbonate) and CO32-
 As CO2 is used for photosynthesis, the reaction shifts to the left,
converting bicarbonates back to CO2.
 What large-scale implications does this have?
Chemical Variables: carbon dioxide

The Effect of pH on
Chemical Variables: carbon dioxide
 Concentrations of
CO2 are small, even
though it is highly
soluble in water
 inverse relationship
between [CO2] and
 thus, CO2 solubility
depends upon many
Chemical Variables: carbon dioxide
 CO2 is not particularly toxic to fish or invertebrates, given sufficient
D.O. is available.
 Maximum tolerance level appears to be around 50 mg/L for most
 Good working level of around 15-20 mg/L.
 Diel fluctuation opposite to that of D.O.
 Higher levels in warmer months of year.
Chemical Variables: Total Alkalinity
 Total Alkalinity: the total amount of titratable bases in
water expressed as mg/L of equivalent CaCO3.
 “Alkalinity” is primarily composed of the following ions:
CO3-, HCO3-, hydroxides, ammonium, borates, silicates,
 Alkalinityin ponds is determined by both the quality of
the water and bottom muds.
 Calcium is often added to water to increase its alkalinity,
buffer against pH changes.
Chemical Variables: Total Alkalinity
 Thus,a total alkalinity determination of 200 mg/L
would indicate good buffering capacity of a water
 Natural freshwater alkalinity varies between 5 mg/L
(soft water) to over 500 mg/L (hard water).
 Natural seawater is around 115-120 mg/L.
 Seldom see pH problems in natural seawater.
 Water having alkalinity reading of less than 30 mg/L
are problematic.
Total Alkalinity
Total Alkalinity level can be associated with several
potential problems in aquaculture:
<50 mg/L: copper compounds are more toxic,
avoid their use as algicides.
 Natural
waters with less than 40 mg/L alkalinity as
CaCO3 have limited. biofiltration capacity, pH
 Low alkalinity = low CO2 --> low nat prod.
 Low alkalinity = high pH.
Total Hardness
 Total
Hardness: total concentration of metal ions
expressed in terms of mg/L of equiva- lent CaCO3.
 Primary
ions are Ca2+ and Mg2+, also iron and
 Total Hardness approximates total alkalinity.
 Calciumis used for bone and exoskeleton formation
and absorbed across gills.
 Soft water = molt problems, bone deformities.

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