1. SLE
- Desired treatment outcomes of SLE :
) Management of symptoms & induction of remis-
sion during times of disease flare
) Maintenance of remission for as long as possible
between disease flares
- Macam terapi :
a. Nonpharmacologic Therapy
- A balanced routine of rest and exercise, while
avoiding overexertion
- Avoidance of smoking ( hydrazines in tobacco
smoke trigger of lupus and accelerated CAD
- Limit exposure to sunlight and use sunscreens
b. Pharmacology
- Mild disease, arthritis
- Short therm used
- Patients with SLE higher incidence
of hepato-toxicity because of NSAIDs
than do other ,asso-ciated with aseptic
meningitis ( reaksi hipersensitivi-tas)
- Monitor : efektivitas, ESO → lihat pd
pharm care RA / OA
• Antimalarial Drugs
- chloroquine,hydroxychloroquine
- manifestations of SLE that can be
managed with antimalarials
cutaneous , arthralgia, fatigue, fever
- long-term used
- Response to chloroquine 1 to 3
- Maximal effect of hydroxychloroquine
may occur for 6 to 12 months
- Hydroxychloroquine first choice (
safer than chlo-roquine )
-The mechanism of action
interfere with T-lymphocyte activation
inhibition of cytokines
decreased sensitivity to ultraviolet light
anti-inflammatory activity
antiplatelet effects
antihyperlipidemic activity
immunomodulation without causing overt
- Dosage and duration of therapy depend on :
patient response
tolerance of side effects
development of retinal toxicity ( irreversible )
long-term therapy (chloroquine )
Dose : - hydroxychloroquine 200 to 400 mg/day
- chloroquine 250 to 500 mg/day ( btk
basa )
- After 1 or 2 years of treatment
gradual tapering of dosage
- 1 or 2 tablets / week to suppress
cutaneous manifestations
- CNS effects (headache, nervousness,
- reversible ocular toxicities such as cycloplegia
and corneal deposits
- Potentially serious retinal toxicity (permanent damage )
retinopathy ophthalmologic evaluation
every 3 months (chloroquine ), 12 months (
• Corticosteroids
-For mild disease (fever, arthralgia,
pleuritis, or skin manifestations) as
NSAIDs or antimalarials
Cytotoxic Drugs
- Alkylating agent (cyclophosphamide ) , anti-
metabolite (azathioprine)
- The mechanism of actioninvolve cross-linking of
DNA, which may interfere with growth of normal
and neoplastic cells
- i.v (intermittent pulse doses) to minimize toxicity
- To decrease the risk of bladder toxicity :
hydrated with oral or intravenous fluids
monitor urinary output
+ Mesna prevent hemorrhagic cystitis
dose : 20% of the total cyclophos-
- Combination prednisone +
cyclophosphamide *standard treatment for
focal and diffuse proliferative lupus
* It’s superior to prednisone the
mainstays of immunosuppressive therapy
* to suppress and stabilize extrarenal
disease activity
* focused on lupus nephritis a major
factor asso-ciated with morbidity and
mortality in SLE
* Controlled clinical trials
cyclophosphamide im-proves long-term
outcomes in lupus nephritis
- No studies have evaluated
cyclophosphamide in earlier stages of
• Methotrexate
- used for managing resistant arthritis, serositis,
- It blocks purine synthesis and 5-aminoimidazole-
4-carboxamide ribonucleotide (AICAR)
increasing anti-inflammatory adenosine
concentration at sites of inflammation
- Dose : 5–15 mg orally ( single weekly dose) or
three divided doses per week every 12 hours
Mycophenolate mofetil
- Inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase
(IMPDH) and suppresses de novo purine synthesis
by lymphocytes inhibiting their proliferation and
antibody production.
- effective treatment → severe renal and nonrenal
lupus refractory to conventional cytotoxic agents
- In an open-label trial more effective than
standard cyclophosphamide therapy ( higher rate of
complete and partial remissions)
- + corticosteroid mild to moderate nephritis and
good renal function
New therapeutic agents (phase I, II, III trials)
(As immunomodulator)
- restore the potential to minimize self-immunity
- it was approved by FDA in 2011
- It is a human monoclonal antibody
- It is a B-lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS)
- It is indicated to treat patients with active
disease,who are auto-antibody (+), and
already receiving treatment for SLE
- ADR : risk of serious infections,
hypersensitivity reactions, depression and
Monitor Adverse drug reaction
2. CKD
- Problema medik pemakaian NSAID pada penyakit
SLE dgn CKD identik dgn OA/RA
- Methotrexate menyebabkan renal disfunction →
kenaikan Cr dan BUN , penurunan vol. urin ( dosis
tinggi, presipitasi obat)
- Penyesuaian dosis MTX perlu dilakukan pd CKD
* Clcr 10-50 ml/mnt : turunkan dosis ad 30-50%
* ClCr < 10 ml/mnt : avoid use
* pada HD , PD : tdk terdialisa, tdk perlu
penambah-an dosis
- Pada chloroquin :
* Clcr < 10 ml/mnt: turunkan dosis 50%
* Terdialisis minimal
- Metilprednisolon dpt tingkatkan TD, retensi Na
yg dpt percepat progresivitas renal disease
- Azathioprine : -Clcr 10-50 ml/mnt : 75% dr dosis lazim
- Clcr < 10 ml/mnt : 50% dr dosis lazim
- Cyclophosphamide : menyebabkan SIADH (
dosis > 50 mg/kg), renal tubular necrosis
* Clcr : < 10 ml/mnt : gunakan 75% dr dosis
* terdialisis moderat ( 20-50%), perlu
penambahan dosis
- Mycophenolate mofetil : not removed by
haemodia-lysis and PD, tingkatkan BUN, Cr
- Monitor : kadar Cr, BUN ( tiap 3 hari) , vol urin,
TD,- oedema
• Liver disease
- - Pemberian NSAID akan meretensi Na (
perberat ascites ) dan picu
hematemesis melena pd CH
- Azathioprine bisa sebabkan
- Methotrexate akan sebabkan cirrhosis &
portal fibrosis ( jk lama ), peningkatan
akut liver enzyme ( dosis besar )
- Kortikosteroid : ulcerative esophagitis,
picu gastric bleeding ( pada pasein CH)
- Mycophenolate : LFT abnormal ( 25%),
hepatotoxi-city ( transaminase, ALP
,bilirubin and GGT increased, jaundice ,
cholestatic jaundice → 3-20%)
- Cyclophosphamide :
* Hepatotociicity ( < 1%)
* PK unchanged in hepatic insufficiency
* Bilirubin 3,1-5 mg/dL or transaminase > 3
x ULN → administer 75% dose
* avoid use if serum bilirubin > 5 mg/dL
- Monitor : BB, warna faeses, ALT,
AST,bilirubin total, ALP, GGT)
3. Diabetes mellitus
- Penggunaan kortikosteroid akan perparah hiper-
- Mechanism of action :
* Impairs both glucose transport in fat and muscle
cells and the ability of glucose to stimulate its own
utilization (glucose effectiveness) →reducing glu-
cose clearance
* To direct harmful effects on insulin-secreting beta
cells of the pancreatic islets by inducing apoptosis
* Reduced GLUT-2 expression and decrease in
glucose transport into the beta cells
- The risk of corticosteroids - induced
hyperglycemia increases :
* corticosteroid dosage
* duration of therapy
* advanced patient age
* family history of DM
* obesity
* high blood glucose concentrations
before therapy
* it depends on the route of
- Monitor ketat kadar glukosa darah
4. Cardiovascular disease
- Penggunaan NSAID akan meretensi Na,
hambat prosta-glandin →tingkatkan TD,
perburuk HF
- Cyclophosphamide akan perberat HF
- Mychophenolate → cause HT, aritmia,
CHF, AF dll
- Chloroquin bs sebabkan cardiomyopathy
( fre-quency not defined), aritmia
- Kortikosteroid ( t.u sediaan injeksi) →
retensi Na → tingkatkan TD, edema
- Stop obat yg dicurigai penginduce
- Ganti dgn obat lain yg lbh aman
- Pemberian obat utk mengatasi akibat
drug induce
- Turunkan dosis obat ( dechallenge) bila
masih diperlukan & tdk ada alternatif lain
Monitoring ketat
- Data klinik : TD, warna BAB,
abdominal discomfort, nyeri,
- Data lab : nilai ALT/ALP, bil. total, Cr
serum, BUN, Hb, trombosit, leukosit,
glukosa drh
2. Kegagalan terapi
dosis subterapetik
tidak respon / resisten pd obat
non adherence
lama terapi kurang
adanya underlying disease, komorbid
sosio – ekonomi
- Tingkatkan dosis
- Tingkatkan dosis / kombinasi / ganti dgn alternatif obat lain
- Edukasi ttg penyakit & tujuan terapi obat
- Pengatasan underlying disease/komorbid dgn terapi obat yg
tdk berinteraksi scr bermakna dgn obat utk SLE
- Pilihkan dgn obat yg lbh murah tapi cost-effective
- Respon obat thd progresifitas SLE
Kondisi klinik : malar rash, alopecia,athralgia,-arthritis,
photosensitivity, neurologic dysorder
data lab : leukosit, Hb, trombosit, Cr, BUN, ALT/AST
3. Inappropriate drug
pemberian imunosupresan yg mengganggu
proses reproduksi → cyclophosphamide,
- stop obat dan ganti dgn azathioprine atau
myco-phenolat ( bila pasien wanita )
4. Overdose
dosis obat lebih pd SLE dgn renal
- Dose adjustment
- Data klinik : symptom of SLE
- Data lab : Cr, BUN
• Konseling
- Non farmakologi : hentikan merokok,
limitasi ter-papar matahari ( gunakan
- Farmakologi :
kepatuhan minum obat longtherm
efek samping obat
hepatotoksisitas krn azathioprine
1. Ny. Es usia 23 tahun, tinggi 160 cm, BB 55
kg, masuk rumah sakit husada dengan
keluhan atralgia, kekakuan sendi, demam
naik turun selama 1 minggu. Riwayat
penyakit adalah gastritis. Pasien adalah ibu
muda yang belum punya anak . Data klinik :
malar ( butterfly) rash ,pada kedua pipi,
fotosensitivitas pada kedua tangan dan kaki,
suhu 38 C, nadi 90x / mnt, RR 20 x / mnt,
TD 150 / 100 mmHg, . Data lab : leukosit
14.000 / mm3 , Hb 8,5 g/dL, trombosit 90.000
g/dL, dsDNA (+). Pasien didiagnosis SLE.
Dokter memberi terapi : NaCl : RL = 2 : 2,
metilprednisolon 3 x 16 mg, siklofosfamida 1
x 800 mg infus i.v, amoksisillin 3 x 500 mg.
2. Pasien a.n Nn S, usia 26 thn, MRS di RS Semangat tgl 6
Oktober 2014 dgn keluhan kemerahan pada kulit wajah
dan dada, kejang. Pasien rujukan dari RS. Buana yg sdh
mendapat terapi prednison oral.Pasien memiliki riwayat
perawatan kulit wajah dgn kosmetka. Pasien belum
menikah. Data klinik : TD, nadi, RR dbn, suhu 38oC; data
lab. WBC 11.300 / mm3,, HB 7,5 g/dL ,GDA 96 g/dL, ANA
test (+) . Pasien terdiagnosis SLE dan mendapat terapi
metilprednisolon inj. i.v 2 x 500 mg selama 3 hari,
fenitoin inj. 3 x 2 amp dilanjutkan fenitoin kapsul 3 x
1,cefoperazon 3 x 1 g, mychophenolate tab. 2 x 1,
chloroquin 2 x 250 mg. Kondisi pasien makin menurun,
malar rash pada wajah semakin melebar.
3. Pasien a.n Nn S, usia 29 thn, MRS di
RS Saudara tgl 10 Nopember 2015 dgn
keluhan nyeri pada persendian lengan
dan kaki , terdapat bercak kehitaman
pada kulit tangan. Keluhan dirasakan 2
minggu sebelum MRS. Pasien baru
nikah dan hamil 4 bulan. Data klinik : TD,
nadi, RR dbn, suhu 38oC. Data lab. WBC
12.000 / mm3,, HB 8,3 g/dL, glukosa dbn,
trombosit 50.000 / mm3,ANA test (+) .
Pasien mendapat terapi kloroquin 2 x
250 mg , metilprednisolon inj. i.v 2 x 250
mg selama 3 hari, micophenolat mofetil 1
x 1 tab, ceftriaxone 1 x 2 g. Setelah
terapi, pasien tetap demam dan TD
150/90 mmHg.