Rock Star Public Relations

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Rock Star

Getting Noticed –
The Right Way!
What is Public Relations?

“Public relations is a strategic

communication process that builds
mutually beneficial relationships
between organizations and their
Simple and straightforward
• “Process” is preferable to “management • Anticipating, analyzing and interpreting
function” which can evoke ideas of control public opinion, attitudes and issues that
and top-down, one-way communications. might impact, for good or ill, the operations
• “Relationships” relates to public relations’ and plans of the organization.
role in helping to bring together organizations
and individuals with their key stakeholders. • Counseling management at all levels in the
• “Publics” is preferable to “stakeholders,” as organization with regard to policy decisions,
the former relates to the very “public” nature courses of action and communication,
of public relations, whereas “stakeholders” taking into account their public
has connotations of publicly-traded ramifications and the organization’s social or
companies. citizenship responsibilities.
As a management function, public relations also
encompasses the following: • Researching, conducting and evaluating, on
• Planning and implementing the organization’s a continuing basis, programs of action and
efforts to influence or change public policy. communication to achieve the informed
Setting objectives, planning, budgeting, public understanding necessary to the
recruiting and training staff, developing success of an organization’s aims. These
facilities — in short, managing the resources may include marketing; financial; fund
needed to perform all of the above. raising; employee, community or
government relations; and other programs.
Do you know what people are saying about you online?
Consumers today trust personal and peer recommendations and
online reviews more than anything else when researching a
product, business, or service.
Every Single
Business Day
You Are Either
Getting A

Or A
There IS Such a Thing as
Who Are You Talking To?
Lowe’s Versus Home Depot
Founded: 1978
Employees: 321,000
Sales: $18.25 billion

“Low prices are just the beginning" early 1990s

“First In Home Improvement!" 1999–2003
“You can do it. We can help.” 2003-2009
“More saving. More doing.” 2009-2013
“Let’s do this!” 2014

Founded in 1921
Employees: 167,000
Sales: $15.71 billion (2013)

"Let's build something together," 2006

“Never stop improving” 2011

Analysts also say Home Depot will continue to outperform Lowe's on the sales front for a while, in part because it
derives much more revenue from the key contractor and professional customer group.
* Lowe’s, Home Depot, Inc.; Menard, Inc.; True Value Company; Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.; Ace Hardware Corporation; Sears, Roebuck and Co.
Who Are Your Audiences?

Media: Online and Offline
Potential Partners
The Competition
The Competitions Customers

Case Study: Home Depot vs. Lowes vs. Ace Hardware



PR Starts from the Bottom Up!
Begin at the End!
Target Audience Identifiers
10 Steps to Creating An Award Worthy
PR and Communications Plan
Your Business Can Capitalize On The
Social PR Opportunity Right Now!
Today to Create a Positive Image
for Your Company
1.Give Away Eco-Friendly or Other
Timely Promotional Items
2.Donate to a Good Cause
3.Demonstrate Extraordinary Customer
Service Skills
4.Be Honest and Open
5.Get Involved in the Community

6.Host a High-profile Community Event

7.Partner with a company to Co-Brand
and increase exposure
How to Write a Winning
Great tips to remember:

1. K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple Stupid.

2. Why should this be newsworthy?
3. Make your subject clear, factual and have it summarize your entire release.
4. In your first paragraph be sure to clearly explain your point of the release.
5. I always think it’s a good idea to include a quote from your president or an
6. Never forget to include your name, number, release date etc…
7. Keep it short. Don’t make a release more than 1 page.
8. It’s always a good idea to try and spin a local angle to get local area press

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