Himachal Pradesh University (Regional Centre) : Name: Vivek Sharma
Himachal Pradesh University (Regional Centre) : Name: Vivek Sharma
Himachal Pradesh University (Regional Centre) : Name: Vivek Sharma
(regional centre)
The traits approach gives rise to questions: whether leaders are born or
made; and whether leadership is an art or science. However, these are not
mutually exclusive alternatives. Leadership may be something of an art; it
still requires the application of special skills and techniques. Even if there
are certain inborn qualities that make one a good leader, these natural
talents need encouragement and development. A person is not born with
self-confidence. Self-confidence is developed, honesty and integrity are a
matter of personal choice, motivation to lead comes from within the
individual, and the knowledge of business can be acquired. While cognitive
ability has its origin partly in genes, it still needs to be developed. None of
these ingredients are acquired overnight.
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