Incident Management in SAP Cloud Solutions: Speaker's Name/Department (Delete If Not Needed) Month 00, 2015
Incident Management in SAP Cloud Solutions: Speaker's Name/Department (Delete If Not Needed) Month 00, 2015
Incident Management in SAP Cloud Solutions: Speaker's Name/Department (Delete If Not Needed) Month 00, 2015
End User
resolution for
Any user can search for a solution to his problem within the Help
Center within the SAP cloud solution.
A user can report an incident from within the Help Center in any SAP
cloud solution and from any screen. Always report the incident from the
screen in which the issue occurs.
Click on Help
First, click on Helpor Help
or Help
Center to opento the
open the
Help Center
Help Center pane
First, the user chooses the Category that best describes the issue.
The third step is to enter a short description in the Subject line and a detailed description in the
Description area. Always include step-by-step instructions on how to recreate the issue.
Whenever possible, use the Annotate Screenshot tool to include a screen shot.
An end user can track and update his incidents from within the Help Center of any SAP cloud
solution and from any screen.
Click on Help
First, click on Helpor Help
or Help
Center to opento the
open the
Help Center
Help Center pane
For further details related to embedded support for end users, search the Help Center for the key
term “incident” and one of the documents below will be returned:
Before an administrator can forward an incident to SAP Cloud Support, both his e-mail
address and phone number must be maintained.
A user is unable to update his own e-mail address via self-services, so be sure to include the
e-mail address when entering employees into the SAP cloud solution.
Populate employees’ phone number(s) when entering the data into the SAP cloud solution for
the first time. Users can also update their own phone numbers via self-services.
Those incidents logged by end users are available in the Incidents view of the Application and User
Management work center with a New status. The administrator selects the incident and clicks Edit.
The administrator then reads the incident description and changes the Action to Start Processing. Once
he clicks Save, he is assigned as the Processor. Alternatively, he can assign another administrator as the
If the administrator is able to resolve the issue for the end user, he adds a Note for Requester and sets the
Action to Propose Solution.
If the administrator needs additional information from the end user, he adds a Note for Requester and sets the
Action to Send to Requester.
If the administrator is unable to resolve the issue for the end user, he adds a Note for Provider and sets
the Action to Send to Provider. Once saved, the incident is forwarded to SAP Cloud Support.
Once the incident is received by SAP Cloud Support, an External Reference ID is identified as the unique
identifier. A Note from Provider is also posted. This typically occurs in 5 minutes or less.
All communication between the administrator and SAP Cloud Support is handled via the incident Notes
section within the SAP cloud system.
As SAP Cloud Support updates incidents, the administrator is notified via email.
Once the incident is resolved, the administrator can set the Action to Complete.
Alternatively, the administrator can add a Note for Requester and set the Action to Propose Solution,
so that the end user can then confirm the incident is resolved.
For further details related to embedded support for administrators, such as how to communicate with
SAP Cloud Support after an incident is initially logged, search the Help Center for the key term
“incident” and one of the documents below will be returned:
Incidents should always be logged from the SAP cloud solution. When this is not possible, for
instance, due to your SAP system being down, the administrator reports the issue via the Business
Center for Cloud Solutions from SAP (
Joe Smith
Refer to the appendix of this presentation for instructions on how to access the Business Center for the first time.