Driving is not safe while taking pain medications that can cause
drowsiness, and patients should not drive until they can turn
their head comfortably from side to side (this may take up to a
There may be some numbness around the incision immediately
after the surgery; in most cases this resolves as the nerves in
the skin heal.
The wound healing sometimes causes itching that can last for
several weeks. The incision will leave a scar, although these
scars usually heal quite well.
Patients should avoid sun exposure to the wound for about six
months to improve the cosmetic outcome. Using vitamin E on
the skin may also help to improve the appearance of the scar.
For most patients, walking and normal routines can resume the
day after the operation, but vigorous activity and heavy lifting
are not recommended for two weeks. Depending on their job
type, most people will need to take 1-2 weeks off work after
thyroid surgery.
S: Ø Acute Pain Acute pain is Short Term: -Monitor vital -Alterations from Short
O: The patient related to post- an unpleasant After 15-30 signs normal may be Term:
may manifest: surgical sensory and mins of nursing signs of infectionAfter 15-
Guarding procedure emotional interventions 30 mins
behavior experience the patient will -Assess for -To help determine of nursing
Facial arising from be able to referred pain possibility of interventio
expressio actual demonstrate underlying condition ns the
n of pain or potential use of or organ dysfunction patient
Restlessn tissue damage relaxation skills of treatment shall be
ess or described in and diversional able to
terms of such activities demonstr
damage ate use of NCP # 1:
Long term:
-Note client’s
attitude toward
skills and
Acute Pain related to
is and
After 1-2 hrs of pain and use of l activities post-surgical procedure
nursing pain Long
in interventions, medications term;
behavior the patient will including any After 1-2
be able to history of hrs of
report relieved substance nursing
of pain abuse interventio
ns, the
will be
able to
relieved of
Assessment Nursing Scientific Goals & Interventions rationale Expected
Diagnosis Explanation objective Outcome
-Establish -to gain trust and
S: Ø Impaired Impaired Short Term: therapeutic cooperation of the Short
O: Patient comfort comfort After 30 minutes relationship patient Term:
may manifest: related to perceived of nursing -Explain all the -to be aware to The
(+) post-surgical lack of ease intervention the procedures to different procedure patient
restlessn procedure and relief. patient verbalize the patient that will be done to shall have
ess and The client sense of comfort him and to also verbalized
irritability has a or contentment. lessen his anxiety sense of
(+) surgical -Assess vital -to obtain baseline comfort or
numbnes management signs and record data contentm
s on of Long term: -Evaluate -self-care places an ent
lower Thyroidecto After 4 hours of client’s ability to important part in
extremiti my which nursing provide self-care maintaining NCP # 2:
es alters his interventions the integrity of the skin
because of
patient will
engage in
-Encourage the -to
patient to dehydration
Impaired Comfort
behavior the presence behaviors or increase fluids term: related to post-surgical
(+) of pain in the lifestyle changes -Review -to change behavior
moaning surgical area to increase level knowledge base and promote well- patient procedure
and of ease. and note coping being shall have
crying skills that have engaged
Changes been used in
in previously behaviors
sleeping or lifestyle
pattern -Provide age- -to promote non- changes
Fatigue appropriate pharmacological to
comfort pain management increase
measures like level of
change ease.
of position
-Encourage/ -to
plan care to prevent fatigue
allow individually
adequate rest
Subjective: Ø Risk for Contaminatio Short Term: -Establish -To gain trust Short term:
infection n of a wound After 2-3 hours of therapeutic towards the Client SO
Objective: related to surface with nursing communication client shall
postoperative microorganis intervention the verbalized
Patient may condition m thus these client SO will be -Monitor vital understandin
manifest: colonization able to verbalized signs -To have g of causative
Pallor has a understanding of baseline data factors.
Inflamed complete causative factors. -Facilitate oral
tissue new cells for care -To promote
surroundi oxygen and Long Term: wellness
nutrition and After 1-2 days of -Monitor
because nursing possible signs of -To promote NCP# 3:
count their by- intervention the infection wellness Long Term
products can
interfere with
client SO will
eliminate factors -Administer
SO Risk for infection
a healthy that predisposed antibiotic as -To destroy eliminate related to postoperative
surface the client to any ordered possible factors that
condition possible infection invading predisposed condition
that leads to pathogens the client to
infection. -Discuss to the any possible
client SO about -To avoid drug infection
the importance resistance
of proper taking
of antibiotics
adequate -To promote
hydration wellness