Health As Basic Human Right: Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 25, Sec 1

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Health as Basic Human Right

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

 Article 25, Sec 1

▪ Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate

for the health and well-being of himself and of his family,
including food, clothing, housing and medical care and
necessary social services and the right to security in the
event of unemployment, sickness, disability,
widowhood, old age, or lack of livelihood in
circumstances beyond his control
Philippine Constitution of 1987
 Article XIII, Sec 11
▪ The State shall adopt an integrated and comprehensive
approach to health development which shall endeavor to
make essential goods, health and other social services
available to all the people at affordable cost. There shall be
priority for the needs of the underprivileged sick, elderly,
disabled, women, and children. The State shall endeavor to
provide free medical services to paupers.
World Health Organization (1995)
 Believes that governments have a responsibility for
the health of their people which can be fulfilled only
by the provision of adequate health and social
measures. It emphasizes three basic positive concepts
of health
▪ Reflecting concern for the individual as a total person
▪ Placing health in the context of the environment
▪ Equating health with productive and creative living
The Evolution toward Wellness

• Many people have adopted a holistic approach to

wellness, or a balance between mind, body, and

• This approach allows one to achieve wellness for

any given limitation or strengths; e.g., a person with
a physical disability may still have a high degree of
wellness if they are able to find holistic balance.
Health and Wellness as Conceived in Today’s World

• Wellness is a positive quality and the

integration of the physical, intellectual,
emotional, environmental, spiritual, and social
dimensions of health to form a whole “healthy
person”(Greenberg, 1992 and Donatelle and
Davis, 1996)
Health and Wellness?

 Health is the ever-changing process of achieving individual

potential in the physical, emotional, social, mental, spiritual,
and environmental dimensions.

 Wellness is the achievement of the highest level of health

possible in each dimension of health. It is a measure of our
status in each of the dimensions of health and is the key to
unlocking an individual’s full potential
• High Level Wellness (HLW) is an integrated
method of functioning which is oriented toward
maximizing the potential which the individual is
capable of . It is the ability to maintain a continuum
of balance and purposeful direction within the
environment where he/she is functioning. (Dunn,
Difference between Health and Wellness

Health- Some aspects of health are determined by

genes, age, and other factors which may be beyond one’s

 Wellness is largely determined by the decisions one

makes about how to live his/her life; It is now the new
health goal
 Wellness is a state of mind, a way of life which involves
options that an individual takes to enjoy a healthy life,

 any combination of learning experiences designed to

facilitate voluntary adaptations of behavior conducive to
health (Green, et al)

 a science and a profession of teaching health concepts to

promote, maintain and enhance one's health, prevent
illness, disability, and premature death through the
adoption of healthy behavior, attitudes and perspectives
• it draws health models and theories from the biological,
environmental, psychological, physical and medical and even
paramedical sciences

• any combination of planned learning experiences based on

sound theories that provide IGCs the opportunity to acquire
information and the skills needed to make quality health
decisions (JCHEPT)
 comprises of consciously constructed opportunities
for learning involving some form of communication
designed to improve health literacy, including
improving knowledge and developing life skills
which are conducive to individual and community
health (WHO)

• aims to positively influence the health

behavior and health perspectives of
individuals and communities for them to
develop self-efficacy to adopt healthy lifestyles
resulting to healthy communities

1. EMPOWERS people to decide for themselves what options to

choose to enhance their quality of life
2. EQUIPS people with knowledge & competencies to prevent
illness, maintain health or apply first aid measures to prevent
complications or premature deaths & improves the health status of
3. ENHANCES the quality of life by promoting healthy lifestyles
4. CREATES awareness regarding the importance of preventive &
promotive care thereby avoiding or reducing the costs involved in
medical treatment or hospitalization
Legal Basis of Health Education

The Philippine Constitution of 1987, Art XI, Sec 15

– The State shall protect and promote the right to health of
the people and instill health consciousness among them
Article XIII Sec 11
The State shall adopt and integrate and comprehensive
approach to health development which shall endeavor to make
essential goods, health and other social services available to all
people at affordable cost. There shall be priority for the needs of
the underprivileged sick, elderly, disabled, women & children.
Scope of Nursing Practice- Rule IV, Art VI, Sec 28 of the Philippine
Nursing Act of 2002(RA 9173). The nurse shall
1. Provide health education to individuals, families and

2. Teach, guide and supervise students in nursing education

3. Implement programs including the administration of

nursing services in varied settings like hospitals and clinics
The Role of the Health Educator
 a professionally prepared individual who serves in a
variety of roles and is specifically trained to use
appropriate educational strategies and methods to
facilitate the development of policies, procedures,
interventions and systems conducive to the health of

 to help promote, enhance and maintain the health of

7 Areas of Responsibility of the Health Educator

1. implement health education strategies, interventions &

2. administer health education strategies, interventions &
3. conduct evaluation & research in relation to health education
4. serve as a health education resource person
5. assess I & C needs for health education
6. plan health education strategies, interventions & programs
7. communicate & advocate for health & health education
Health Issues and Trends

1. US-patients are being discharged quicker and

earlier due to (current trend)
• New healthcare economics
• Advances in medical technology
• Patients and their families have been burdened with
the responsibility of continuing the medical
treatment/regimen at home, oftentimes under the
supervision or care of the nurse
2. MANAGED-CARE- reform in the healthcare system
• Aimed at bridging the gap between in-patient
services and community-based services
• Requires nurses nowadays to have greater
involvement in
–Client-teaching for self-care management
–Discharge planning
–Providing for continuing care
Social, Economic and Political Trends Affecting
1. changed role of nurse from one of wise healer to expert
advisor/teacher to facilitator of change
A. Empower patients to use their potentials, abilities and
resources to the fullest
B. Role of educator today-training the trainer
– Through: (1) continuing education
(2) in-service programs and
(3) staff development
2. Health education assists to accomplish the
economic goal of reducing the high costs of health
3. Continuing education – nurses
4. Increasing Consumers demands  increased
knowledge and skills about how to care for themselves
and how to prevent disease
5. Demographic trends-aging population
emphasizes self-reliance and maintenance of a
health status over an extended lifespan

6. Morbidity and mortality are those diseases now

recognized as being lifestyle related and
preventable through educational interventions.
7. Advanced technology is increasing the complexity of care
and treatment in-home and community based settings
Trends Impacting Health Care

1. Social
democratic trends like aging of the population requires
emphasis on self-reliance & maintenance of a healthy life
status over an extended life span particularly dealing with
degenerative diseases & disabilities; lifestyle related
diseases which are the major causes of morbidity and
mortality are highly preventable and will need more
intensive health education efforts
2. Economics

shifts in payer coverage, emphasis on managed care &

earlier hospital discharge, and the issues on
reimbursement for health services provided require more
intensive patient education to allow the patient and his
family a more independent, compliant and confident
management of care
3. Political

the federal government has formulated national goals &

objectives directed towards the development of effective
health education programs which will create awareness of
health risks and encourage the adoption of healthy

• an approach that states that human experience of health

or illness is greatly affected or determined by the interplay
or interrelatedness of
a. biological- functioning of the different organ
systems of the body & its coping and adaptive mechanisms
(immunity level, genetic susceptibility or predisposition)
b. psychological- perceptions, thoughts, emotions,
attitudes and behavior
c. social- socio-economic status, cultural beliefs
practices, poverty, technology, environmental influences &
Characteristics of Effective Health Education (Hubley)
1. directed at people who are directly involved with health-related
situations & issues in the home and community
2. lessons are repeated & reinforced over time using diff.methods
3.lessons are adaptable & use existing channels of communication
4. entertaining & attracts the community's attention
5. uses clear, simple language with local expressions
6. emphasizes short term benefits of action
7. provides opportunities for dialogue, discussion & learner
participation & feedback
8. uses demonstrations to show the benefits of adopting the
Emerging Treands in Health Care
1. New “healthcare economics”
a. present emphasis on primary care & the continuing
development of managed care which advocates the early
discharge of clients from the hospital-reduce healthcare insurance
costs & “overtreatment of patients”
b. providers will increasingly establish “centers of excellence”
to provide services effectively and at moderate cost
c. Decentralization of care/Medical prosumerism - movement
away from purchasing completed goods & services in favor of
purchasing portions of them piecemeal similar to the DIY
d. Alternative medicine-traditional herbs,
acupuncture,acupressure, aromatherapy, yoga, and massage
e. Medical globalization-crossing borders to purchase inexpensive
medications or ones not available in the country
-aka medical tourism

2. Advances in medical technology

Disease management-most current development in managed care
-seek to improve patient compliance with optimal health
behavior (promote proper appointment keeping, self-administration
of treatments, proper general health behavior)
Future Directions for Patient Care

1. New settings & environmental linkages

a. most teaching will occur in the ambulatory care setting
b. inter-organizational linkage to enhance cooperative
endeavors in the patient education enterprise will increase
c. more people are unhappy with orthodox medicine & are
turning to alternative medicine
d. changing demographics resulting in proportionally older
population and a greater number of minority groups with
unique health challenges
2. New technologies
a. use of computer-based instruction for hospitals,ambulatory
care settings, physician's offices or homes will increase
b. use of interactive video programs will increase resulting to
greater access to reliable information
3. Greater emphasis on wellness
a. wellness screening programs will increase
b. emphasis on illness prevention & health promotion
(nutrition, diet & exercise with various accompanying
educational offerings will increase)
4. Increased third party reimbursement (shorter hospital stay, effective &
efficient home & self-managed care, lesser incidence of complications &
hospital readmissions
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