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 Market Size
Fourth largest consumer market in the world
Jewellery Market Size: Rs75,000 crores
Diamond jewellery: Rs10,000 crores
Largest market in terms of volume of gold
India accounts for more than 22% of the total gold
used for jewellery purposes
Gold jewellery Market Growth: 8-10%
Diamond jewellery Market:18%-20%


 Yhe Indian jewellery market is one of the
largest in the world, with a market size
 of $13 billion. It is second only to the US
market of $ 40 billion and is followed by
 China at $11 billion. Yhe gold jewellery
market is growing at 15 per cent per
 annum and the diamond jewellery
market at 27 per cent per annum.

 Future of the Indian Jewellery Market:

 u India·s growing importance in the global jewellery market is only expected
 to increase in the future with total estimated jewellery sales of US$ 21
 billion by 2010 and US$ 37 billion by 2015.

 u Diamond jewellery consumption in India is also estimated to jump by 78
 per cent in 2010.

 u Œranded jewellery is likely to be the fastest-growing segment in domestic
 sales. Yhe sector is expected to grow at 40 per cent annually to touch US$
 2.2 billion by 2010.

 u Indian diamond jewellery industry is the third largest consumer of polished
 diamonds after USA and Japan. Diamond jewellery consumption is likely
 to jump to nearly 80 per cent in 2010 and over 95 per cent between 2010
 and 2015.

 u £arious government incentives coupled with private sector initiatives are
 projected to drive the sales of Indian gems and jewellery sector at a
 CAGR of around 14% from 2007-08 to 2010-11.

 u Yhe organized gems and jewellery sector is anticipated to grow rapidly in


 Yhe main occasions to buy are still marriage and
 Entering to international market is becoming tough.
 Although guarantee of the retailer is important in
ascertaining quality, hallmarking is gaining acceptance
 Gold as a share of wallet is decreasing in the younger
generation. Yraditional jewellery is still the dominant
design pattern while contemporary styles are
emerging fast
 In the past choice of stores used to be 1-2 stores, but
customers now look at 4-5 stores for range and choice
of jewellery
 Customers in the high value category are becoming
more informed because of exposure to media and
fashion trends
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[ Design Differentiation becoming the USP

 Yraditional industry relied on ·   

More emphasis laid on formal design training in jewelry
category especially by the organized players

 Design Yraining in NIFY, SNDY,GIA, JDYI

 Players like Yanishq, Ganjam, YŒ have specialized Design Studios

which have won laurels at international forums as well
[ India`s share in diamond jewellery is only 3%
[ Yhe elite segment is more brand conscious.
[ DYC sight holder
 Ñallmarking - Standardization in Material quality is fast becoming a pre
requisite especially for Gold jewelry
 In case of diamonds, Increased awareness of diamond quality ( 4 Cs)
 Special EOU in hubs like Mumbai (SEEP ) which supply to stores across
the world but face stiff competition from Ñong Kong and China
 Platinum has few manufacturers in the country in comparison to Gold and
 Creating Newer opportunities to buy jewelry
Festivals like Akshay Yritiya, Occasions like Mothers Day, RakshaŒandhan,
£alentines Day etc
Fashion campaigns in vogue.
 Creating a desire in the International customer to buy jewelry for its
design value/for accesorisation/ to make a statement about her
 Seduce the consumer in the retail space as competition is not only
within jewelry category but categories like electronics, wellness
services and luxury items
‡ Evolve a distinct retail identity ² in terms of
product, store look and customer experience
 Yrend of the speciality Jewellery markets/ malls
 Increasing traditional players renovating/refurbishing store
Concept of strong retail brand in jewellery industry gaining


















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 In India platinum is also known as white

gold. As in India consumption of gold is
more then platinum.
 In India gold is purchased traditionally
 In Europe every product is sold.
 Liquidity of platinum is low.
 Europe more focuses on modern product
with special design.

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