Grp3power Generating Bicycle
Grp3power Generating Bicycle
Grp3power Generating Bicycle
Banaag, Darlene
Domingo, Mark Jezreel
Hael, Justine Bryan
Mendoza, Christa Angelica
Reblando, Jonel
Background of Special Project
This chapter present the idea of harnessing the various energy
and use it in today’s existence of human life. For human being
travelling has become vital. In order to sustain in this fast
forward world, he must travel from place to place. It is very
important that time taking for travelling should be less, also it
should be economical and easily available.
Electric bike which will be driven with the help of battery and
thus provide required voltage to the motor. The focus of this
report is to perform power calculations and system design of
this Electric Bike.
Sir Richard Branson, 2015 said that the transportation system
around which the modern world has been built are on the
verge of a significant transformation “In 20 years there will
be no cars being built with diesel or petrol internal
combustion engines anywhere in the world”
According to Turbo Bob (2016), He and his wife discovered
electric bicycles several years ago as a way to help the
environment and find a new way to make 20-mile (32 km)
round-trip commutes in San Diego, CA.
According to Kunjan Shinde (2017), Electric bike works on
the principle that the electromotive force of an A.C. motor
which receives electrical energy stored in D.C. battery is
converted with the help of D.C. to A.C. converter. In this a
DC waveform which is obtained is made sinusoidal due to
operational transistorized D.C. to A.C. amplifying circuit by
switching the electric energy in the form of electric current
which flows from battery to D.C. to A.C. converter circuit.
With the rapid global trend toward urbanization and the
welcome retreat of car-dominance on city streets, e-bikes are
now quickly growing in popularity around the world.
Functionality – it provides the needed charge and does not hinder the
performance of the ebike
Reliability – it performs well and will not affect or cause problem in the
main function of the ebike
Usability – it does not require much knowledge to use the object and is
easy to install a bit similar to hot swap
Efficiency - it is very efficient it extends the travel distance of the ebike
and reduces the charging required in a day
Portability – Can easily be carried, weight is minimum when attached or
carried around and can be attached to ebike just like a spare tire
Maintanability – Will not require much maintenance, can easily be repaired
if there are faults and parts replacement is not that hard with the proper
tools and knowledge
This chapter presents the research design. It discuss the
methodology as well as the procedure and tools used. This
chapter also involves the discussion of the rules and the
set of practices from methods and functionalities that
initially get to the bottom of the problem. It also
encompasses the scope of the study, data gathering
techniques and the source of data that determine the extent
and limit of the tool with respect to our project about
Development of Power Sustainable E-bike.
Project Consideration
Among the physical consideration of the design was
choosing the device that will charge the battery are light
enough that will not effect the speed of the bike.
Another consideration are what are the renewable
energy present to charge the battery of the e-bike (Solar
and Mechanical Energy).
Another consideration are the materials needed, safety
of charging and system itself.
Gannt Chart
Implementing Schedule
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1. Project Design
1. Project Development
1. Project Evaluation
1. Project Defense
Total Development Cost
Particulars Amount
1. Other Services
Background Study
Evaluation Good?
Operational and Testing procedure
2. Preliminary Evaluation
When the system was completed with the recommendation/s form the expert/s,
the researchers conducted a test for the special project to the users with the
given criteria;
Functionality of the Special project
Evaluation Procedure
3. Final Evaluation
To test the special project, the researchers conducted a survey to more or
less 25 respondents which has been selected by random sampling which
consists of Electronics and Electrical students and also those mekaniko
4. Evaluation Instrument
The development of the special project had undergone statistical
treatment to determine and guarantee the quality and feasibility of the
special project based on the accurate data by having right sources and
methods of collecting datas.