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AVR Microcontroller

LCD Display

ECE 372A SPRING 2019 FEBRUARY 12, 2019

LCD Character Display
 A liquid crystal cell consists of a thin
layer (about 10 u m) of a liquid crystal
sandwiched between two glass sheets
with transparent electrodes deposited
on their inside faces.
 With both glass sheets transparent,
the cell is known as transmittive type
 When one glass is transparent and the
other has a reflective coating, the cell
is called reflective type.
 The LCD does not produce any
illumination of its own. It, in fact, Liquid crystals have properties of
depends entirely on illumination both liquid and solid crystals
falling on it from an external source
for its visual effect
LCD Structure
1. Polarizing filter film with a vertical axis to polarize light as it
2. Glass substrate with Indium tin oxide (ITO) electrodes. The
shapes of these electrodes will determine the shapes that will
appear when the LCD is turned ON. Vertical ridges etched on the
surface are smooth.
3. Twisted nematic liquid crystal.

4. Glass substrate with common electrode

film (ITO) with horizontal ridges to line
up with the horizontal filter.
5. Polarizing filter film with a
horizontal axis to block/pass
6. Reflective surface to send
light back to viewer. (In a
backlit LCD, this layer is
replaced with a light source.)
How it works
 LCDs use twisted nematic crystals.
 Polarized light can only pass through a filter that is orientated in the
direction of the polarized light wave.
 Polarized light passes through the first filter. The light interacts with
the liquid crystal material and rotates it’s polarization so that it can
exit through a filter that is polarized 900 out of phase with respect to
the first filter.
 The light’s polarization has been twisted and can pass through the exit
filter. Polarized
filter Polarized
filter 900
out of

Polarized light wave

passing through

Twisted nematic LCD

How it works
 When you apply an electric field across the LCD, the twisted
nematic structure breaks up and no longer can twist the
polarized light passing into the crystal (blocked).
Twisted nematic structure
breaks up when an electric field
is applied across it

Electric field Light cannot pass

applied through second filter.
LCD Character Displays
 Very commonly
used in many
 There are
different sizes and
different colors
 Can even have
custom designed
LCD for specific

Your Arduino kit has a 16 x 2

The LCD Module HDM08216H-3
 16 x 2 LCD
 The LCD Display Module actually has an LCD controller within the
module that our ATMega 2560 sends data and instructions to.
 We are not driving the LCD directly but that we are sending
instructions or writing characters to the chip on the LCD board.

The LCD we are using has a controller chip

interface built into the board
Pinout of LCD

+ 5V

Backlight control (contrast)

Contrast control adjustment


16 pins total
Pinout of LCD

Register Select High (Text data input)

Low (Command data input)

• Text data input displays ASCII characters

• Command data input examples:

o Clear display
o Turn off LCD
o Move cursor
o Clear display
o …….
Pinout of LCD

Read/Write High (Data read)

Low (Data Write)

Enable Pin

• When Enable is logic low, the

LCD does not do anything with
the data on the data bus pins.

• When Enable goes from low to

high, (data D0 through D7 are
fed into LCD).
Pinout of LCD

8 bit parallel data port for

LCD –used for
• Displaying 8 bit ASCII
character or
• Executing 8 bit command
Pinout of LCD

Backlighting control
LCD Interfacing

Pin No. Symbol Function

1 Gnd Power Supply Ground

2 Vcc 5V Supply
3 VEE Contrast adjustment voltage
4 RS Register select (H: data; L: instruction)
5 R/W Read/Write data (H: LCD -> uC, L: uC -> LCD)
6 E Enable pulse
7 D0 Data bit 0
8 D1 Data bit 1
9 D2 Data bit 2
10 D3 Data bit 3
11 D4 Data bit 4
12 D5 Data bit 5
13 D6 Data bit 6
14 D7 Data bit 7
15 A Anode of backlight LED
16 K Cathode of backlight LED
Display mode

5 x 7 matrix of
LCD elements for
each character
LCDs & Interfacing
Addressing with 4 bits vs 8 bits
 This LCD has two interfaces
o One 8-bit interface or 2 4-bit interfaces
o We will be using the 4-bit interface

 The major difference in 4 bit and 8 bit mode

o # of Data pins used.
o LCD initializing commands (not really too different).
o In 4 bit mode only four data pins are used. Character 8-bit ascii value is
divided in to two 4-bit nibbles.
High nibble is sent first following by the lower nibble.
o In 8 bit mode, an 8-bit ascii value of character is sent at a single time period
and displayed on the LCD.
o Thus the 4-bit mode generates latency. Although 4-bit mode generates
latency it on the other hand saves 4 gpio pins. Which can be utilized

 We are going to use 4 bits instead of tying up all 8 pins.

o 8 bit vs 4 bit
LCD Command Table

 In the HDM08216H-3 LCD

datasheet, there are a set of
commands that can be issued
for the LCD.
 This table specifies what value
each pin must be to effectively
send a command.
 However, we must first know
how to send a command of any
Sending LCD Commands
 This LCD has two interfaces
o One 8-bit interface or a 4-bit interface
o We will be using the 4-bit interface

 All commands require 8 bits, so how does a 4 bit interface

o Send the 4 MSb, then the 4 LSb.

 So let’s see how to send 4 bits.

Sending LCD Commands

This is a timing
Sending LCD Commands

This is a timing

Increasing Time
Sending LCD Commands

This describes
the order in
which pin values
should be
changed to write
Sending LCD Commands

This cross of lines

implies “the data
Sending LCD Commands

So the RS and
R/W pins must
be set to
values first.
Sending LCD Commands

R/W doesn’t have

crossed lines
because it must
necessarily go
LOW for a write
Sending LCD Commands

There is a
minimum time
that must elapse
before the next
Sending LCD Commands

𝑇𝐴𝑆 in the data

sheet is 40 nS.
Sending LCD Commands

Our clock speed

is not fast
enough to
change signals
this fast.
Sending LCD Commands

Then we put set

the enable signal
to HIGH.
Sending LCD Commands

This has to be for

at least 𝑃𝑤 which
is 230 ns.
Sending LCD Commands

Again our clock

speed is not fast
enough to delay
less than this.
Sending LCD Commands

However, it takes
non-zero time for
the enable signal
to go HIGH after
setting a PORT
Sending LCD Commands

So it’s better to
delay at least 1
Sending LCD Commands

Finally, we can
change the
values of our
data pins.
Sending LCD Commands

However, since
𝑇𝐷𝐷𝑅 is 360 ns
cannot change
our data quickly
Sending LCD Commands

So… we can just

change our data
back here.
Sending LCD Commands

This just says

how long after
the enable signal
is high to have
our data READY.
Sending LCD Commands

Nothing wrong
with having it
Timing sequence for a Write to LCD
A 4-bit Command
So to send a 4-bit LCD command:

1. Set appropriate values to RS, R/W, and data pins.

2. Set the enable pin to HIGH.
3. Delay a microsecond
4. Set the enable pin to LOW.
Command Table
SNO Instruction for LCD Hex code
1 If you want to display content in one line in 5x7 matrix 0x30
2 If you want to display content in two lines in 5x7 matrix 0x38
3 If you display 4 bit data in one line in 5x7 matrix 0x20
4 If you display 4 bit data in two lines in 5x7 matrix 0x28
5 entry mode 0x06
6 To clear the display without clearing the ram content 0x08
7 Making the cursor on and also display on 0x0E
8 Making the cursor off and also display off 0x0C
9 Displaying the data on cursor blinking 0x0F
10 Shifting complete display data to left side 0x18
11 Shifting complete display data to right side 0x1C
12 Moving cursor to one place or one character left 0x10
13 Moving cursor to one place or one character RIGHT 0x14
14 Clearing the complete display including RAM DATA 0x01
15 Set DDRAM address on cursor position 0x80+add
Command vs Display mode
 For sending command to LCD
o E=1; enable pin should be high
o RS=0; Register select should be low
o R/W=1; Read/Write pin should be high.
 For displaying data in LCD
o E=1; enable pin should be high
o RS=1; Register select should be high
o R/W=0; Read/Write pin should be low.
LCD Initialization
LCD Initialization
 The most difficult part of working with the LCD is
properly initializing it
 This is really the most difficult because sending a
command correctly is difficult and the Datasheet
is not that clear!
LCD Initialization

Here is the LCD

LCD Initialization

Let’s zoom in on the first half.

LCD Initialization

So the first thing is just to

delay 15 ms. That’s simple
LCD Initialization

Next thing is to set

the pins to these
LCD Initialization

Next thing is to set the

pins to these values.

It’s not clear here, but

it wants you to send
this as a command,
meaning you need to
use the enable signal
like we mentioned
LCD Initialization

Also, we will be sending

8-bit commands, but
the initialization starts
with 4-bit commands.
LCD Initialization

Delay again.
LCD Initialization

Another command
LCD Initialization

Another delay
LCD Initialization

Ok, so there’s this command here.

LCD Initialization

Ok, so there’s this command here.

But there’s also another here…

LCD Initialization

What happens in-between?

LCD Initialization

The data sheet puts a gap here…

LCD Initialization

The data sheet puts a gap here…

To show that after this command

LCD Initialization

The data sheet puts a gap here…

To show that after this command

We are now in 4-bit interface mode.

LCD Initialization

So these two 4-bit commands

LCD Initialization

So these two 4-bit commands

Are collectively our first 8-bit

8-bit Commands
8-bit Commands

So here is a row from the command table.

8-bit Commands

We have a name for the command.

8-bit Commands

Values for all of the digital pins.

8-bit Commands

How do we send 8 bits using the 4-bit interface?

The data sheet is not clear on this.
8-bit Commands

First send the top four bits.

8-bit Commands

Then the next four bits.

8-bit Commands

A description is here too.

8-bit Commands

And an execution time.

8-bit Commands

What’s the importance

of this?
8-bit Commands

After issuing this command.

8-bit Commands

The LCD ignores input for this long.

8-bit Commands

So when issuing these 8-bit commands, we have to

delay afterwards.
8-bit Commands
1. Set RS, R/W and the four MSb to appropriate
data pins
1. Enable pin HIGH
2. Delay 1 microsecond
3. Enable pin LOW
2. Set four LSb to appropriate values
1. Enable pin HIGH
2. Delay 1 microsecond
3. Enable pin LOW
3. Delay for execution time
8-bit Commands
1. Send top four bits
2. Send bottom four bits
3. Delay for execution time
LCD Initialization
LCD Initialization

Since this is an 8-bit command

LCD Initialization

We need to delay afterwards

according to which command
this is.
LCD Initialization

The same goes for the

remaining 8-bit commands.
LCD Initialization

Read the data sheet to know

what to put in these positions.
LCD Initialization

Asterisks almost always

denote “don’t care bits”
meaning their value does not
affect the outcome.
More information on the
Initialization of LCD
Initializing LCD
 The 'Internal Reset' technique described in the data sheet is relied
upon by many programmers but this is not a wise choice.
 The disclaimer note clearly states that this technique will fail if the
power supply does not meet certain specifications, specifications
that are buried elsewhere in the datasheet.
 It is prudent to write a software to initialize the LCD
void initLCDProcedure ()
 The flowcharts showing the initialization procedure listed on many
of the datasheets floating around are all equally ambiguous! The
best explanation that I’ve found is located here:
LCD Initialization by instruction - 4 bit interface

4 bit command using pins D4:D7

4 bit command using pins D4:D7

4 bit command using pins D4:D7

4 bit command using pins D4:D7

U 8 bit command using pins D4:D7 (upper bits then lower bits)
U 8 bit command using pins D4:D7 (upper bits then lower bits)
U 8 bit command using pins D4:D7 (upper bits then lower bits)
U 8 bit command using pins D4:D7 (upper bits then lower bits)
Initialization by Software Instruction
Step 1. Power on, then delay > 50 ms
The data sheet says to delay 15 ms. Other datasheets say to delay 40
ms. I chose 50 ms. Since this delay only occurs once it doesn't make
sense to try to speed up program execution time by skimping on this

Step 2. Instruction 0b0011 , then delay > 4.1 ms

This is a special case of the Function Set instruction where the lower four
bits are irrelevant. These four bits are not shown on the flowcharts
because the host microcontroller does not usually implement them at all
(as opposed to the 8-bit mode where they are implemented as
'0's). This first instruction, for some unexplained reason, takes
significantly longer to complete than the ones that come later.

Step 3. Instruction 0b0011 then delay > 100 us

This is a second instance of the special case of the Function Set
instruction. The controller does not normally expect to receive more
than one 'Function Set' instruction so this may account for the longer
than normal execution time.
Initialization by Software Instruction – 4bit
Step 4. Instruction 0b0011, then delay > 100 us
This is a third instance of the special case of the Function Set instruction. By
now the LCD controller realizes that what is really intended is a 'reset', and it is
now ready for the real Function Set instruction followed by the rest of the
initialization instructions. The flowcharts do not specify what time delay belongs
here. I have chosen 100 us to agree with the previous instruction. It may be
possible to check the busy flag here.
Step 5. Instruction 0b0010, then delay > 100 us
Here is where the LCD controller is expecting the 'real' Function Set instruction
which, in the 8-bit mode, would start with 0011. Instead, it gets a Function Set
instruction starting with 0010. This is it's signal to again ignore the lower four
bits, switch to the four-bit mode, and expect another 'real' Function Set
instruction. Once again the required time delay is speculation.
The LCD controller is now in the 4-bit mode. This means that the LCD controller
reads only the four high order data pins each time the Enable pin is pulsed . To
accommodate this, the host microcontroller must put the four high bits on the
data lines and pulse the enable pin, it must then put the four low bits on the data
lines and again pulse the enable pin. There is no need for a delay between these
two sequences because the LCD controller isn't processing the instruction
yet. After the second group of data bits is received the LCD controller
reconstructs and executes the instruction and this is when the delay is required.
Initialization by Software Instruction – 4bit

Step 6. Instruction 0b0010, then 0b1000, then delay > 53 us or check BF
This is the real Function Set instruction. This is where the interface, the
number of lines, and the font are specified. Since we are implementing the
4-bit interface we make D = 0. The number of lines being specified here is
the number of 'logical' lines as perceived by the LCD controller, it is NOT the
number of 'physical' lines (or rows) that appear on the actual display. This
should almost always be two lines so we set N=1 (go figure). There are very
few displays capable of displaying a 5x10 font so the 5x7 choice is almost
always correct and we set F=0.
 Step 7. Instruction 0b0000, then 0b1000 then delay > 53 us or check BF
This is the Display on/off Control instruction. This instruction is used to
control several aspects of the display but now is NOT the time to set the
display up the way we want it. The flow chart shows the instruction as
00001000, not 00001DCB which indicates that the Display (D), the Cursor (C),
and the Blinking (B) should all be turned off by making the corresponding
bits = 0.
Step 8. Instruction 0b0000, then 0b0001 then delay > 3 ms or check BF
This is the Clear Display instruction which, since it has to write information
to all 80 DDRAM addresses, takes more time to execute than most of the
other instructions. On some flow charts the comment is incorrectly labeled
as 'Display on' but the instruction itself is correct.
Initialization by Software Instruction – 4 bit
 Step 9. Instruction 0b0000, then 0b0110, then delay > 53 us
This is the Entry Mode Set instruction. This instruction determines
which way the cursor and/or the display moves when we enter a
string of characters. We normally want the cursor to increment
(move from left to right) and the display to not shift so we set I/D=1
and S=0. If your application requires a different configuration you
could change this instruction, but my recommendation is to leave this
instruction alone and just add another Entry Mode Set instruction
where appropriate in your program.

Step 10. Initialization ends

This is the end of the actual intitalization sequence, but note that step
6 has left the display off.

Step 11. Instruction 0b0000, then 0b1100, then delay > 53 us or

check BF
This is another Display on/off Control instruction where the display is
turned on and where the cursor can be made visible and/or the cursor
location can be made to blink. This example shows the the display on
and the other two options off, D=1, C=0, and B=0.
About Delays
 Make sure that the LCD controller has finished executing
an instruction before sending it another one, otherwise
the second instruction will be ignored.
 The data sheet gives specific times for the power up delay
and for the first few instructions. After that it specifies
that you must either check the busy flag to see if the LCD
controller is finished or wait a sufficient amount of time, a
time that is longer than the instruction execution time.
 The Instruction Set has a column which lists 'typical'
instruction execution times and at the bottom of that
column most data sheets indicate the clock speed (LCD
controller clock) for which that time is valid. Data sheet
indicates that you should add 10% to the value when using
software time delays.
In summary…
In summary
 An LCD is one way to display information
oWe use one that displays 16x2 ASCII

 Sending a command to the LCD requires

sending 4-bits in parallel twice to make a
single 8-bit command
4 bit commands and 8 bit commands are both
implemented using data pins [D4:D7]
 Why are we only using 4 pins on the LCD board?
o This is important to learn for embedded systems that have limited number
of pins from microcontroller.
o The LCD 1602 interface chip provides the ability of using 4 data pins to
implement an 8 bit command. (setup during LCD initialization).

 Which commands require 8 bits? (Most of them)

o character write commands.
o Move cursor command.
o All of the commands listed on page 48 of the Hantronix data sheet.
o Software initialization –the last 4 steps of the sequence

 Which commands require 4 bits?

o Only the first four commands in the initialization step.
Writing to LCD
To send an LCD command:

1. Set appropriate values to RS, R/W, and data pins.

2. Set the enable pin to HIGH.
3. Delay a microsecond (this delay is to allow for data to be
set up and written to LCD.
o After the enable pin goes HIGH there needs to be a delay
before you set the enable LOW again.
o This is not the execution delay time for the particular
4. Set the enable pin to LOW.
5. Now delay for the execution time that the LCD driver
needs perform the command.
For Lab#3 you will have to write
the following Functions in LCD.cpp
void initLCDPins() Initialize pins to output

void fourBitCommandWithDelay(unsigned char data, unsigned int delay)

void eightBitCommandWithDelay(unsigned char command, unsigned int delay)

void writeCharacter(unsigned char character)

void writeString(const char *string)

void moveCursor(unsigned char x, unsigned char y)

void initLCDProcedure()

void initLCD(){
Character strings
 When you need to display “words” or
“character strings” on the LCD display
oIn C language you can present this as a “characters
array” and use a “pointer” to point to the array.
oThe pointer is just the address of the first character
in the array, and “pointer +1” is the second character
in the array, “pointer +2” is the third…
oBy passing the pointer to an LCD_write_string
function, you can cite all the characters in the array
in this function and send them one by one and show
them on the screen.
Character strings – LCD write
void LCD_write_string(const char *str)
 When you are {
passing a string, its while(*str != '\0'){
better use a string LCD_write(*str);
pointer and str++;
increment the }
pointer, if you are }
incrementing a void LCD_write_string(unsigned char *str)
pointer it will
automatically go the /*store address value of the string in
next address of the pntr *str */
variable in which you {
can store your int i=0;
character which you while(str[i]!=’\0′)
/* loop will go on till the NULL character
wanted to display. in the string */
See two examples { LCD_write(str[i]);
adjacent. // sending data on LCD byte by byte

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