Smart Antenna: B.Gangadhar 08QF1A1209

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 One of the most rapidly developing areas of communications is
“Smart Antenna” systems. This paper deals with the principle
and working of smart antennas.
 The main use of smart antennas in mobile communications that
enhances the capabilities of the mobile and cellular system such
a faster bit rate, multi use interference, space division
multiplexing (SDMA),increase in range, Multi path Mitigation.
 one great advantage that is a very high security. The signal that
is been transmitted by a smart antenna cannot tracked or
received any other antenna thus ensuring a very high security of
the data transmitted.

 What is a smart antenna?

 A smart antenna is an array of antenna elements connected to a digital
signal processor. Such a configuration dramatically enhances the capacity of
a wireless link through a combination of diversity gain, array gain, and
interference suppression. Increased capacity translates to higher data rates
for a given number of users or more users for a given data rate per user.
 The smart antenna works as follows. Each antenna element
"sees" each propagation path differently, enabling the
collection of elements to distinguish individual paths to
within a certain resolution.
 A smart antenna receiver can decode the data from a smart
antenna transmitter this is the highest-performing
configuration or it can simply provide array gain or
diversity gain to thedesired signals transmitted from
conventional transmitters and suppress the interference.
 The smart antenna can also separate the signals from
multiple users who are separated in space but who use the
same radio channel this application is called Space-
division multiple access (SDMA).
 Smart antenna is capable of forming transmit/receive beams
towards the mobile of interest. At the same time it is
possible to place spatial nulls in the direction of unwanted
interferences. This capability can be used to improve the
performance of a mobile communication system.
Increased antenna gain:
The ’smart’ antenna forms transmit and receive beams.
Therefore, the’smart’ antenna has a higher gain than a
conventional omni-directional antenna. The higher gain can
be used to either increase the effective coverage, or to
increase the receiver sensitivity, which in turn can be
exploited to reduce transmit power and electromagnetic
radiation in the network.
Decreased inter-symbol-interference (ISI)
Multipath propagation in mobile radio environments leads to ISI.
Using transmit and receive beams that are directed towards the
mobile of interest reduces the amount of Multipath and ISI.
Decreased co-channel-interference (CCI)
’Smart’ antenna transmitters emit less interference by only
sending RF power in the desired directions. Furthermore, ’smart’
antenna receivers can reject interference by looking only in the
direction of the desired source. Consequently ’smart’ antennas are
capable of decreasing CCI. A significantly reduced CCI can be taken
advantage of by Spatial Division Multiple Access (SDMA) o The same
frequency band can be re-used in more cells, i.e. the so called
frequency re-use distance can be decreased. This technique is called
Channel Re-use via Spatial Separation.

 In conclusion to this paper “Smart Antenna” systems

are the antennas with intelligence and the radiation
pattern can be varied without being mechanically
changed. As the system uses a DSP processor the signals
can be processed digitally and the performance is with a
high data rate transmission and good reduction of mutual
signal interference.

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