Two Sides of Effective Oral Communication
Two Sides of Effective Oral Communication
Two Sides of Effective Oral Communication
1. Listening
2. Presenting
• Listening is to give one's attention to sound.
• Listening involves complex affective, cognitive, and
behavioral processes.
• Affective processes include the motivation to attend
to others.
• Cognitive processes include attending to,
understanding, receiving, and interpreting content and
relational messages
• and behavioral processes include responding with
verbal and nonverbal feedback
What is listening?
• Listening involves
• It is different from hearing. Hearing is physical
activity (sensation) and listening is mental activity
• Listening is a two-way process.
• It is a skill that can be learnt
• To be a good speaker one has to be a good listener.
Stages in Listening
• Selection of stimulus
• Reception: The complicated hearing mechanism picks
up the chosen sound waves and transfers them to the
brain (hearing).
• Understanding
• Retaining
• Recalling
Factors Affecting Listening
1. Personality traits
2. Verbal competence
3. Note taking
4. Intelligence
5. Interest and motivation
6. Hearing ability
7. Noise and barriers
Barriers to Effective Listening
Perceptual Barriers
5. Halo Effect
6. Stereo type
7. Projection
Speaker Related Barriers
• Know-all-type attitude
• Rejecting person
• Physiological limitations:
Most individuals have ability to speak about 120 words per minute.
While our brain have the ability to recognize words at the rate of 600 words
per minute.
1. Concentration
2. Mental Alertness
3. Empathy
4. Comprehension: What is the main idea, hw they are
arranged, what are the minor points
5. Appreciation
Physical and mental relaxation
Receptive attitude
6. Note taking
Tips for effective listening