Drugs Affecting Blood Pressure
Drugs Affecting Blood Pressure
Drugs Affecting Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure
Chapter 43
Review of Blood Pressure Control
Blood pressure is determined by three elements:
● Baroreceptors
● Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
Sufficient pressure in the vessel stimulates
baroreceptors sending information to the brain -
medulla (cardiovascular center)
Renin converts angiotensinogen to ANGIOTENSIN I which travels to the bloodstream to the lungs
Angiotensin II reacts with specific angiotensin II receptor sites on blood vessels to vasoconstrict
Angiotensin II also stimulates adrenal cortex to release ALDOSTERONE acts on nephrons to cause retention
of Na+ and water
● Lowers BP
● Angioedema
ADRs: Resp: chronic dry cough. CV: hypotension (1st dose hypotension). Derm:
rash. F&E: hyperkalemia.
Minimizing Adverse Effects: Take before bed (1st dose hypotension) and determine
baseline BP
Captopril (Capoten)
Patient Education:
○ Avoid K+ supplements
● Oral
Prototype: Losartan
ADR: CNS: dizziness, HA. CV: hypotension. Resp: upper respiratory infection. GI:
diarrhea. F&E: hyperkalemia.
Drug Interactions:
● Treatment of HTN
● Management of CHF
● IV
Nursing Considerations:
Patient Education:
Prototype = diltiazem
(Others: clevidipine, diltiazem, felodipine, isradipine, nicardipine, nifedipine, nisoldipine, verapamil)
● Angina: will be discussed in a later lecture
● PO
CIs and Cautions:
● Hypersensitivity + Heart block or Sick Sinus syndrome
● Pregnancy category C
● Lactation: pt’s should use another method of feeding while
on this medication
● Caution: renal/hepatic dysfunction ^^Looks nice, huh? But you
CV ADRs: Ca+N’T have it! You should
● Hypotension
increase fluids to prevent
● Bradycardia
● Peripheral edema
constipation, which is a unique
● Heart block ADR of CCBs
● Grapefruit Juice
● Diltiazem + cyclosporine = toxic cyclosporine levels
Pharmacodynamics: act directly on vascular smooth muscle → muscle relaxation →
vasodilation → decreased BP
● nitroprusside:
○ Titrate IV to reduce risk of cyanide toxicity
○ Reconstitute in D5W
○ Protect from light
● hydralazine: PO, IV, IM
● minoxidil: PO only
CIs and Cautions:
● Hypersensitivity + conditions that are worsened by a decrease in BP
○ Cerebral insufficiency
● Pregnancy: Category C
● Caution: PVD, CAD, HF, tachycardia
nitroprusside (Nitropress)
● Hypotension
● Reflex tachycardia
● Heart failure
● Chest pain
● Edema
● GI/Skin reactions
● Cyanide Toxicity
○ S/S= dyspnea, confusion, bright red venous blood, metabolic acidosis, air hunger, death
● Methemoglobinemia
○ Chocolate brown color blood
● PDE5 inhibitors (Sildenafil, Vardenafil, Tadalafil)
○ Potent vasodilators
Brief Review of the Renin-angiotensin
● Release of Renin = angiotensinogen → Angiotensin I
● Aldosterone → increased reabsorption of sodium (and thus water) into the blood; increased excretion of
potassium into the urine
A Renin Inhibitor will prevent this cascade from occurring, through its direct inhibition of
aliskiren (Tekturna)
● Pharmacotherapeutics
○ Decreased BP
● Pharmacokinetics:
● Selective aldosterone blockers are selective in that they do not interfere with
glucocorticoid, progesterone, or androgen receptors
● Used as 2nd line tx for HTN
● Used alone or with other HTN medications
● Reduce end-organ damage r/t HTN
● PO
● Absorption not affected by food
● Metabolized in liver, eliminated by urine and stool
CIs and Cautions:
● K+ > 5.5
● Any condition that can increase the risk of hyperkalemia
○ Type 2 diabetes with microalbuminuria; serum creatinine >2mg/dL in men or >1.8 mg.dL in
women; creatinine clearance <50 mL/min
○ Renal failure
ADRs: usually well tolerated, ADRs are typically mild
● Serious: Hyperkalemia r/t to potassium-sparing effects
● ACE inhibitors
● ARBs
● CYP3A4 potent inhibitors
● Drugs that elevate K+
● + St. John’s Wort → decreased bioavailability
● + Grapefruit juice → increased bioavailability
Nursing assessment and Pt. Edu:
● Monitor serum potassium levels periodically during therapy
● Monitor renal function
● Avoid potassium-based salt substitutes
● Avoid potassium supplements
● Avoid foods high in potassium, such as bananas
● Avoid grapefruit juice and St. John’s Wort
● If pt. experiences dizziness, use precautions and assistance to avoid falls
Eplerenone vs. Spironolactone (Aldactone)
● Both
○ Block mineralcorticoid receptors for aldosterone → decreased sodium and fluid retention →
decreased HTN
○ Glycogenolysis
○ Dilate pupils
Vasopressors: Indications
Dopamine: Shock
Epinephrine: Shock
Norepinephrine: Shock
receptor sites, but has slight Adverse Effects: Arrhythmias, HTN, palpitations,
preference for B1-receptor sites. It angina, dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, constipation,
headache, sweating, hypokalemia, muscle cramps
can increase myocardial contractility
without significant change in rate and Drug Interactions: TCAs, MAOIs, caffeine
does not increase the O2 demand of
the heart
Pharmacokinetics: IV
Indication: Shock Contraindications: Pheochromocytoma,
VFib, hypovolemia
Pharmacodynamics: Stimulates heart
and blood pressure, dilates renal and Adverse Effects: Ectopic beats,
splanchnic arteriole dilation, and tachycardia, angina, palpitations,
increases blood flow to kidneys (to headache, hypotension, vasoconstriction,
prevent renal failure secondary to ventricular arrhythmias
epi/norepi) Pregnancy Category: C
Pharmacokinetics: IV
Epinephrine (Adrenalin, Adrenaclick)
Indications: Anaphylactic Shock, Cardiac Contraindications: Sulfite sensitivity, closed
Emergencies, VFib, Asthma, Glaucoma angle glaucoma, active labor
Pregnancy Category: C
Norepinephrine (Levophed)
Indications: Shock, and used during cardiac Contraindications: Pheochromocytoma,
arrest to get sympathetic activity tachyarrhythmias/VFib, hypovolemia
● PO Sulfa Drugs
● Distal Tubule
Electrolytes Affected
● Ca2+
Prototype = hydrochlorozide
Loop Diuretics
Pharmacokinetics Interactions
● PO ● Sulfa Drugs
● IV ● Aminoglycoside Antibiotics
Electrolytes Affected:
Prototype = furosemide
Potassium-Sparing Diuretics
● PO
Location of Action
● Distal Tubule
Electrolytes Affected:
● Na+, H2O
● K+
Prototype = spironolactone
S/S of K+ Imbalances
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
Use: Edema from CHF, Open Angle Glaucoma, Aspirin OD
● PO
● IV
● Blocks carbonic anhydrase Decreased H+ excretion and increased excretion of Na+, H2O, K+,
Prototype = acetazolamide
Contraindications Adverse Reactions
● IV
● Increases osmotic pressure, leading to decreased sodium and water reabsorption and
increased/forced urine production
Prototype = mannitol
Contraindications Min/Max
● Pulmonary edema Warm vial to eliminate crystals and use in-line filter
● Dehydration ● Edema
● H2O Toxicity
● F/E imbalances