When Tax Is Deductible From Income or Long Term Capital Gain From Foreign Currency Bonds / Globle Depository Receipts (Sec 196C
When Tax Is Deductible From Income or Long Term Capital Gain From Foreign Currency Bonds / Globle Depository Receipts (Sec 196C
When Tax Is Deductible From Income or Long Term Capital Gain From Foreign Currency Bonds / Globle Depository Receipts (Sec 196C
When the provisions are not applicable Dividend referred to in sec 115-O: capital gain
arising from transfer of securities referred to
in sec 115AD
Is it possible to get the payment without tax No provisions
deduction or with lower tax deduction
Tax deducted-To be treated as income of deductee and
available for tax credit(sec 198&199)
• Tax deducted at source is deemed as income of the deductee. Further, the same
amount is available as tax credit in the hands of deductee subject to the following
• 1. Credit for tax deducted at source and paid to the Central Government, shall be
given to the deductee for the assessment year for which some income is
• 2. Where tax has been deducted at source and paid to the Central Government
and the income is assessable over a number of years, credit for tax deducted at
source shall be allowed across those years in the same proportion in which the
income is assessable to tax.
• 3. If the income on which tax has been deducted is assessable in the hands of a
person other than the deductee, then tax credit will be given to such other person
(a) the deductee files a declaration with the deductor
(b) the deductor shall keep the declaration in safe custody and reports the tax
deduction in the name of such other person in form nos..16A,26Q,etc.
Time-limit for payment of tax deduction at
source to the government
• Tax deducted at source is required to be paid to the credit of the Central
Government within time given below