Presentation On: Vsat (Very Small Aperture Terminal)

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011
 VSAT or Very Small Aperture
Terminals are small, software-driven
earth stations.
 It is used for the reliable
transmission of data, video, or voice
via satellite.
 It requires no staff or additional
technology to operate it.
 It simply plugs into existing terminal
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
 Short for “Small Aperture Terminal, an earthbound
station used in satellite communications of data, voice
and video signals, excluding broadcast television.

A VSAT should consists of two parts -- >


Device such as
Transceiver Personal Computer
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A VSAT consists of two parts, a transceiver
that is placed outdoors in direct line of
sight to the satellite and a device that is
placed indoors to interface the transceiver
with the end user's communications
device, such as a PC .
 The transceiver receives or sends a signal
to a satellite transponder in the sky.
 The satellite sends and receives signals
from a ground station computer that acts
as a hub for the system.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Working of HUB station
 Each end user is interconnected with the hub
station via the satellite, forming a star topology .

The hub controls the entire operation of the
network .
 For one end user to communicate with another,
each transmission has to first go to the hub station
that then retransmits it via the satellite to the
other end user's VSAT.
 VSAT can handle up to 56 Kbps.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Usage of VSAT
• The first commercial VSAT were C band (6 GHz)
receive-only systems by Equatorial
• VSAT are used by car dealerships affiliated with
manufacturers such as Ford and General Motors
• They are used for transmitting and receiving sales
figures and orders, as well as for receiving internal
communications, service bulletins, and interactive
distance learning courses from manufacturers. The
Ford Star network, used by Ford and its local
dealers, is an example of this.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Usage of VSAT
• VSAT technology is also used for 2-way satellite
internet providers such as HughesNet and
StarBand in the US.
• Nearly all VSAT systems are now based on IP, with
a very broad spectrum of applications.
• As of December 2004 , the total number of VSATs
ordered stood at over 1 million, with nearly
650,000 in service. Annual VSAT service revenues
were $3.88 billion.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Configurations of VSAT
• A star topology , using a central uplink site, such as a
network operations center (NOC), to transport data
back and forth to each VSAT terminal via satellite.
• A mesh topology , where each VSAT terminal relays
data via satellite to another terminal by acting as a
hub, minimizing the need for a centralized uplink site.
• A combination of both star and mesh topologies.
These configurations are
utilized to minimize the overall cost of the network,
and to alleviate the amount of data that has to be
relayed through a central uplink site (or sites) of a star
or multi-star network.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
VSAT customers
 Supermarket Shops.
 Chemist Shops.
 Garages / vehicle sales / petrol stations / motor spares.
 Hotel chains.
 Insurance offices.
 Car rental offices.
 Airlines, travel agents.
 Financial institutions - ATM machines.
 Manufacturers - sales offices, service divisions, plants.
 Job centers.
 Customs and tax offices / border passport control

Data file and software distributors.
 Pipeline monitoring, oil rigs.
 Rural telephony, data, videophone.
 Schools.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Spotlight VSAT Application: SiriCOMM

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

About SiriCOMM

 The primary mission of SiriCOMM Inc. is to

develop software to help the trucking industry
become more productive, use assets better, and
reduce operating costs. The company has over 40
years experience in developing trucking industry
applications, but also realized that its software
couldn’t reach its full potential without a
substantially improved means of communication
between truck drivers and trucking companies.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Characteristics of VSAT systems
 Reliable Communications
VSAT satellite communications provide virtually
error-free digital data communications and better than
99.9% network reliability.
 Remote Communications
No matter how remote or dispersed your
operations are, VSAT provide a link to your headquarters.
VSAT can provide remote diagnostics, remote
monitoring, and data streaming services from remote or
hazardous sites.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

 Time
VSAT deployment takes no more than 4-6 weeks as
compared to 4 to 6 months for leased lines .
 Network Management
Network monitoring and control of the entire
VSAT network is much simpler than a network of leased
lines, involving multiple carriers at multiple locations. A
much smaller number of elements needs to be monitored
incase of a VSAT network and also the number of
vendors and carriers involved in between any two user
terminals in a VSAT network is typically one.
 Maintenance
A single point contact for operation, maintenance,
rapid fault isolation and trouble shooting makes things
very simple for a client, using VSAT services
 Flexibility
VSAT networks offer enormous expansion
capabilities. VSAT can be rapidly installed to support the
network expansion to any site, no matter however remote.
 Cost
A comparison of costs between a VSAT
network and a leased line network reveals that a VSAT
network offers significant savings over a two to three
years timeframe.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

System Integration
 IP Based Wan Network Services
 E-Mail Service
 Mobile VSAT Communications System
 Data and Voice Connectivity
 Fax
 Video
 Installation, Moving And Set-up Services
 Broadcast Services
 Contract Installation and Service on VSAT Networks
 Real-Time Data Acquisition and Broadcast
 7/24 Hour Service and Support
 CDMS (Code Division Multiple Access) Technology
 SCPC (Single Carrier Per Channel) Technology
 TDMA (Time-Division Multiple Access) Technology

Multiple Network Configurations Tuesday, October 25, 2011
VSAT Site Installation

The antenna needs to be mounted where it can 'see' the
satellite and where it is safe from unauthorised access.
 Ground Mount
This involves a tube lowered into a hole
which is then filled in with concrete. The pole should
be accurately vertical so that when you swing the dish
around to find the satellite the elevation angle stays
the same all the time.
 The indoor data processing unit (DPU)
The indoor data processing unit (DPU)
should be located in a dry, cool and clean place.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

 Safety
Installing a dish is normally dangerous. Take
care not to fall down and not to drop tools on others
below. Be careful with ladders - always tie off the top
to some secure point. A small electric shock may
make you fall off a ladder so be extra careful.
TIPS : ---- If you are a beginner, practice the complete
installation at ground level before moving everything to the roof.
 Accuracy
The dish pointing needs to be near perfect as
the transmit beam is narrower then the receive beam

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


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