Module-6 Cost and Revenue Analysis
Module-6 Cost and Revenue Analysis
Module-6 Cost and Revenue Analysis
Where ‘Q’ represents output.
An important character of AFC is that it goes on
decreasing as output increases since the amount of total
fixed cost is being divided by larger no. of units of output
produced. The greater the output the smaller will be the
average fixed cost.
Representation of AFC Curve
5. Average variable cost (AVC) is the
variable cost per unit of output. It is found
out by dividing the total variable cost by the
total output.
where ‘Q’ represents the total output.
An important character of AVC is that
it will decline in the beginning as output
increase, but when a certain stage is
reached it stops declining. This is the stage
when the stage has reached its full capacity
of production.
AVC Curve – U shaped
6. Average cost (AC) is the cost per unit of the
output. This is found out by dividing the total cost by the
total output. Since the total cost consists of fixed cost &
variable cost, the average cost will be equal to the sum
of average fixed cost & average variable cost.
AC = TC / Q = TC / Total output.
= FC + VC / Total output.
= TFC + TVC / Q
Where ‘Q’ stands for the total output.
= AFC + AVC.
Representation Of AC Curve
The Behaviour of AFC,AVC
and AC
1. Tangent Curve
2. Envelope Curve
3. Planning Curve
4. Flatter U Shaped Curve
Long Run Marginal Cost
1 10 10 10
2 18 9 8
3 24 8 6
4 28 7 4
5 30 6 2
6 30 5 0
7 28 4 -2
Diagrammatic Representation