What We Eat - What We Know

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What do we eat, what do we know

Dr. Farrakh Mehboob

Auditor, Halal Assesment & Certification Institute
Food Choice Factors
Concept of Halal
Quran as book of Law.

َ ‫ض َحلَـ ً۬لا‬
ْ‫ط ِي ً۬باا َو َل تَت َّ ِبعُوا‬ ِ ‫اس ُكلُواْ ِم َّما ِفى ۡٱل َ ۡر‬ ُ َّ‫يَـٰٓأَيُّ َها ٱلن‬
‫ع ُد ً۬و ُّم ِبين‬َ ‫ن ِإنَّهُ ۥ لَ ُك ۡم‬ َ ‫ش ۡي‬
ۚ ِ ‫طـ‬ َّ ‫ت ٱل‬ ُ ‫ُخ‬
ِ ‫ط َوٲ‬

O mankind ! eat the lawful and good things out of what is in

the earth, and do not follow the footsteps of the Shaitan;
surely he is your open enemy.” (Surah Al-Baqarah: 168)
Requirements for animal products to be Halal

The Animal

The Person The Method


Butter Flavour

Bread Whey
improver Powder


Examples of critical Ingredients
Name of Ingredient / Source Industrial Use

Amino Acids animals, plants, human Food supplements, baby foods,

hairs, duck feathers, medicine, cosmetics,
microbial fermentation. shampoos etc.
Char coal Animal bone, wood, sugar white, water filters etc.
synthetic (tribasic
calcium phosphate)
Fats and Oils Animals, Plant foods, cosmetics, medicine etc.
Gelatin pigs, cows, fish Cosmetics, shampoos, Food,
pharmaceuticals (capsule) etc.
Rennet Animal, microbial Cheese (whey as by product)

Water retention agents Protein (animals, plants Low cost protein powder is
etc.), salts (Phosphates mixed with water and Injected
etc.) in meat to increase weight
In UK certain poultry meat imported from the Netherlands and Belgium containing pork and beef
proteins used as water retention agents (http://www.food.gov.uk/multimedia/pdfs/pmeatregsriani.pdf)
European gelatin
80 % is from pure pig-skin.
15 % from cattle.
5 % comes from pig and cattle bones, poultry and fish.

• References:
• http://www.gelita.com/
• http://www.gelatine.org/en/gelatine/overview/127.htm
• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gelatin
• http://www.gelatine.org/en/gelatine/production/137.htm
Who should decide?????
• “A religious friend”?? Teacher? Parents?
List from internet??

Personal opinion
• Different (knowledge, personality,
personal interest, etc)

More confused!!!
Official fatwa

General requirement
Supported by muslim community
Represents all Mdahib/Fiqh, at
least within its representative
 Working office
Internal qualification
• Qualified human power
 Muslim
 Food technologist, chemist, veterinarian: capable to
conduct factory audit & ingredients screening
 Imams : capable to issue the fatwa independently

• Audit protocol
 Written
 Implemented
Examples of halal certification body
Country % Halal Body Halal cert. scope
Indonesia 85 LPPOM-MUI Local + export
Thailand 4.5 CICOT Local + export

Phillipines 5-10 IDCP Local + PAKISTAN?


Germany 5.4 Halal Control Export

Netherlands 5 HFFIA Export

Pakistan based Halal Certifiers

1) Halal Assessment & Certification Institute

We are:
•Supported & supervised by Madaris
2) Halal Research Council
3) Halal Industry Research Centre
4) Pakistan Halal Certifiers
5) Madaris (Some Madaris of Pakistan are doing independent
Lets move one step ahead!!!
Protect local Muslim consumers !!
Increase consumer awareness
 Workshops, Seminars, Media etc.
Halal is a consumer right (as consumer pays for
product while trust that what ever available in Pakistan is

Halal Research Council Conference

Held at Expo Centre, Lahore - Pakistan

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