Interview Questions For S4HANA.
Interview Questions For S4HANA.
Interview Questions For S4HANA.
Production Planning
Material Requirements Planning
• It is a production planning process that starts from the demand for finished products and plans the production step by step of
subassemblies and parts.
Single Plant
Multiple Plant
Course structure
In this course we will be reviewing the following sub-processes and related SAP
transactions :
Production Execution
Material Views
Every business function can maintain one or more views of the material master. each business unit has its
own view of the material master record and is responsible for its data Integrity.
• Material requirements planning (MRP) ensures material replenishment so that the right materials are available at the
right place at the right time.
Purchasing Group
Key for a buyer or a group of buyers, who is/are responsible for certain purchasing activities.
Planning cycle
Key that determines the day on which the material is planned and ordered. The planning cycle is a planning calendar
that is defined in Customizing for MRP.
In addition to the planning cycle, you can enter a delivery cycle which is defined in the planning calendar field.
MRP1 View
Planning time fence
The planning time fence specifies a period within which no automatic changes are to be made to the master plan.
The planning time fence is maintained in workdays.
Takt time
The system uses the takt time if a requirement is covered by several receipt elements due to restrictions on lot size such as
maximum lot size (with all lot-sizing procedures) or rounding value (with fixed lot size with splitting).
Receipts >Demand
Checki ng the Lot Sizi ng Two Lot sizing Procedure are using
Procedures In Make to stock with Net Req Planning
Checking the Lot Sizing Two Lot sizing Procedure are using
Procedures In Make to stock with Net Req Planning
ATP Check
Considered the Hand on Stock
Coverage Profile
MRP2 View
Procurement Type
• Procurement type indicator defines how the material is procured. The following procurements types are possible
E = material is produced in-house,
F = material is procured externally,
X = material can be both produced in-house and procured externally X (to be used as an exception)
10 Consignment
Special Procurement Type 20 External procurement
Special procurement type is used for allocating a material for special procurements functions such as: 30 Subcontracting
• A component identified as Back Flush component is automatically issued to the order when you carry out a process order confirmations.
MRP2 View
This is the key of the storage location that is copied to the planned order, production order.
E = material is produced in-house, this is Receiving storage location
F = material is procured externally, this is issue storage location
Storage loc EP
Safety stock:
• To satisfy unexpectedly high demand in the coverage period. The risk of shortfalls is reduced by having a safety stock.
Safety time (in workdays) If you define a safety time, the requirements in MRP are brought forward on the time axis by the
number of workdays you define here.
This does not change the actual requirements dates. However, as the requirements have technically been brought forward,
receipts are created for the earlier dates in MRP.
Course structure
In this course we will be reviewing the following sub-processes and related SAP
transactions :
Consumption Modes :
• The consumption mode controls the direction on the time axis in which the system consumes requirements.
• Backward Consumption period:
• Determines how far in the past on the time axis, the system should look for consuming the PIRS (planned independent requirement). The
Sales Orders, Dependent Requirements, etc. are assigned to & consume the PIR quantities that within this consumption period (before
the requirements date
• Forward Consumption period:
• Determines how far in the future on the time axis, the system should look for consuming planned independent requirement. The Sales
orders, Dependent Requirements, etc are assigned to & consume the PIR quantities that within this consumption period (after the
requirements date).
Availability Check :
• It specifies which MRP elements the System takes into account (Purchase Orders, Production/Process Orders, etc.) during availability
MRP3 View
Mixed MRP indicator
Defines whether the material is available for:
Subassembly planning with final assembly
Gross requirement planning
Subassembly planning without final assembly
Planning material
You maintain planned independent requirements for the planning material entered here. If a sales order/customer requirement is
posted for the material in question, the sales order quantity consumes the planned independent requirements of the planning
material. The planning material is not actually produced itself. If is only used for planning non-variant parts and for consuming the
planned independent requirements.
Hand on Stock
• Sales order are not part of the Planning
100 CSE • Considered the safety stock & On hand
2 Planned orders
GR 2700 CSE Ye s Plan
2. Ind Req(2700CSE)
Stock 2800
.Ind R eq 2800-(LSF)
Planning Strategies
• Gross requirements planning
Reduction of PIR Results
GR 1500 CSE Yes Plan No
OK? Re-schedule /
Orders 2800
MD04 List CSE
PGI 1500 CSE Stock 100
Reduction of Sales Orders line
2 Planned orders
1. order 1300 CSE
2.Order 1000 CSE
Creation of
Sales Order
GR 1300 CSE Yes Plan No
GR 1000 CSE OK?
Re-schedule /
MD04 List
PGI 1300 CSE Stock 1500
PGI 1000 CSE
Planning Strategies
Hand on Stock
100 CSE
Planned orders
1.Planned order(-1400CSE)
MD04 List
Individual/Collective Requirements :
• This field controls how the Dependent Requirement are displayed in the Stock/Requirements list – as individual records or collectively
(grouped together)
Requirements group :
• Defines whether the system groups together Dependent requirement for the material on a daily Basis When analyzing requirements planning
Follow-Up Material
Number of the material that the system uses in materials planning to replace the material to be discontinued once its warehouse
stock is depleted.
In the material master record and also in the bill of material (BOM), you can define a follow-up material for a material to be
discontinued. The follow-up material defined in the BOM has a higher priority than that in the material master record.
MRP4 View
Component scrap in percent
Percentage of scrap that occurs during production of the material if the material is a component
Component scrap is used in material requirements planning (MRP) to determine the quantities of components required. When
exploding the bill of material (BOM), the system increases the required quantities of the components by the calculated scrap
Production Version:
We can have multiple Bill of Material’s and Recipes for a Material(The unique combination of BOM & Recipe)
Version Indicator
This field indicates whether a Production Version exists for this material.
BOM – Bill of Materials
In this course we will be reviewing the following sub-processes and related SAP
transactions :
Create purchase
1 Purchase requisitions • Control parameters available in MRP
req. 2 Purchase requisitions in opening period
3 Planned orders MD01, MD02&MD03 T codes,
• For the MPS (MD41,MD42&MD43)
1 No schedule lines
Schedule lines 2 Schedule lines in the opening period
3 Schedule lines
1 MRP list
Create MRP li st 2 Depending on the exception messages
3 No MRP list
• Raw, Packing & Spare parts are planned under MRP , by using
online Planning(MD01) & Back ground jobs.
Demand Creation
MRP Execution Single item Multilevel(MD02)
In this course we will be reviewing the following sub-processes and related SAP
transactions :
If require
scheduling can
change as per the
Exception Messages
• Exception messages can be review and processes with the all the T codes like MD04, MD05, MD06,
• They alert you items that require your attention.(such as finish date in the past, plan processes according
to the schedule)
• The MRP controller can then select those planning results in order to process them manually and
Clicked on Define
Traffic Light
Traffic Lights
The below New screen will displayed
• Once you have decided which groups should have the highest
priority on the planners list, you can change your traffic lights
accordingly & Clicked on the save.
• In the next Execution, you can see the changes made on the Traffic
On clicking Exception
groups, you can see the list
(Specific to User)
Course structure
In this course we will be reviewing the following sub-processes and related SAP
transactions :
• Dynamic list
• Firstly a material overview will display with all of the selected materials.
• If we have set the “Set up list in Back ground” indicator below functions are available
Traffic lights
Individual lists
Individual customer segments by date or number
Select materials by certain exception messages
User specific sort criteria also possible
• MRP or Processing date and /or the processing indicator for the selection are available.
• Possible to search processing indicator or new exceptions
Processing MRP Results Stock /Requirement List (MD04)
Aggregated time bucket
Processing MRP Results
Functions of Stock /Requirement list (MD04)
• Possible period total display(Planning results into Periodic Buckets like weekly ,Monthly..)
• You can process the individual MRP elements from the list.
• The show over tree displays all materials in the current session.
• When accessing the list through the collective process, all materials that were selected are displayed.
• Otherwise as you type over the material number, the new product will be added to the work list.
• You can display the stock/requirements list or MRP list for a material by double-clicking on the material in the
Processing MRP Results
Functions of MRP list (MD05)
• The Functions of MRP list is largely identical to the functions of stock / requirement list like
Processing MRP elements or display options is concerned.
Selection rules are only used in the stock / requirement list
• We can set Processing indicator in the MRP list. (its highlights the list that have already been processed by the MRP controller)
Processing MRP Results T Code is MD45
User specific
The usage value is calculated by using the usage value that is valuated with the current price taken in the
period to analyze.
The results of the ABC analysis are divided into three categories:
A materials: important, high usage/requirements value
B materials: less important, medium usage/requirements value
C materials: relatively unimportant, low usage/requirements value
-Objects to Analyze
You can carry out the analysis for all plants or only for certain plants. If you want to carry out the analysis
for all plants, select the field “Analysis on All Plants". If you want to carry out the analysis for one or more
certain plants, specify the desired selection criterion in the field “Plant”
-Period to Analyze
Any period can be selected for the analysis. The system suggests 90 days as the period to analyze, the
calculation starting from the current date.
-Analysis Area
You can restrict the area of the analysis to certain materials.
If you also want to include materials with a delete indicator in the analysis, select the field “Material with a
deletion Indicator”.
-Restrictions for the Ranking List
• Percentage of usage/requirements value.
You allocate a percentage of the total usage value to the A, B, and C items.
• Absolute usage/requirements value
The proportions allocated to A, B, and C items should together account for the total usage value.
• Number of materials in percent
You define the number of A, B, and C items as a percentage of the total number of items.
• Absolute number of materials
You specify the number of A items and the number of B items. All the remaining items are
classified as C items.
If you select the “Update ABC Indicator” field, the system overwrites the ABC in Material master
REPORT : MC40(Usage-Based ABC analysis)
A,B,C indicator not
Maintained in the
Material Master
• After executing MC40, Based on consumption, the system will give the A,B,C indicators.
• For the Material 249658 Systems has given Indicator “A” , this is based on the highest
consumption in the 90 days.
REPORT : MC41 (Range of Coverage Based on Usage Values)
The ABC analysis allows you to classify materials according to their importance. It is also known as
Selective Inventory Control. The main criterion is the requirement value.
The requirements value (issues in the future) is derived from the requirements of the MRP (customer
orders, dependent requirements) valuated with the price that was saved in the material master.
The results of the ABC analysis are divided into three categories:
A materials: important, high requirements value
B materials: less important, medium requirements value
C materials: relatively unimportant, low requirements value
-Objects to Analyze
If you select “All Plants Cumulated” checkbox, the requirement value of a material refers to the
cumulated total requirement value of all plants .If you want to carry out the analysis for one or more
certain plants, specify the desired selection criterion in the field “Plant”
-Period to Analyze
When using the analysis according to requirements values, the system will suggest 90 days in the future,
the calculation beginning with the current date.
-Analysis Area
You can restrict the area of the analysis to certain materials.
If you also want to include materials with a delete indicator in the analysis, select the field “Material
with a deletion Indicator”.
-Analysis Strategies
• Percentage of requirements value.
You allocate a percentage of the total usage value to the A, B, and C items.
• Absolute requirements value
The proportions allocated to A, B, and C items should together account for the total usage value.
• Number of materials in percent
You define the number of A, B, and C items as a percentage of the total number of items.
• Absolute number of materials
You specify the number of A items and the number of B items. All the remaining items are
classified as C items.
If you select the “Update ABC Indicator” field, the system overwrites the ABC in Material master.
REPORT : MC41 (Requirement-Based ABC Analysis)
• For the Material SI300000 the requirement Qty for the Date up to 10.08.2015 is
5,067,728.992 KGs
• The ABC indicator, however, is plant-dependent and is set for each plant, which means a
material can have a different ABC indicator in plant ID01 than it does in plant ID02
REPORT : MC42 (Range of Coverage-Based On Usage Values)
Range of Coverage - The key figure "range of coverage" provides information on the stock level
in relation to demand. A range of coverage analysis allows you to identify materials with excess
coverage. The range of coverage for usage is calculated as follows:
Current Stock / Average Usage per Day
-Objects to Analyze
You can carry out the analysis for all plants or only for certain plants. If you want to carry out
the analysis for all plants, select the field “All Plants Cumulated". Analysis is created for every
designated plant. You can restrict the analysis to the characteristics ‘sales organization’,
‘purchasing organization’ and ‘plant’.
-Period to Analyze
Any period can be selected for the analysis. The system suggests 90 days as the period to
analyze, the calculation starting from the current date.
Daily Usage - If you select this checkbox, the usage quantities and values are calculated directly
from material document. This enables you to display usage in terms of daily values and
-Analysis Area
You can restrict the area of the analysis to certain materials.
If you also want to include materials with a delete indicator in the analysis, select the field
“Material with a deletion Indicator”.
The analysis area can be restricted even further by using the following characteristics:
– Material group
– Material type
Only for the analysis object ‘plant’ can the area to be analyzed be restricted for the following
– ABC indictor
– MRP type
-Restrictions for the Ranking List
By specifying threshold values, you can limit the scope of your ranking list. There are three
different ways to do this:
• Limit the ranking list to materials whose stock value lies within the range you specified.
• Limit the ranking list to materials with a certain stock value. For example, you can specify a
maximum value, minimum value, or a range of values.
• Limit the ranking list to a certain number of materials with the lowest stock value.
REPORT : MC42 (Range of Coverage-Based On Usage Values)
For the Material 603437 daily usage is 1971.178, current stock is 25,583.
So Total coverage is =25583/1971.178 = 13 days
REPORT : MC43 (Range of Coverage-Based On Requirement Values)
Range of Coverage –
The report can be executed material wise, commodity type wise, material planner wise
MC43 shows coverage based on future dependent requirements (planned consumption).
The range of coverage for requirements value is calculated as follows:
current stock / average requirement/day
-Objects to Analyze
You can carry out the analysis for all plants or only for certain plants. If you want to carry
out the analysis for all plants, select the field “All Plants Cumulated". Analysis is created
for every designated plant. You can restrict the analysis to the characteristics ‘sales
organization’, ‘purchasing organization’ and ‘plant’.
-Period to Analyze
Any period can be selected for the analysis. The system suggests 90 days as the period to
analyze, the calculation starting from the current date.
-Area to Analyze
You can restrict the area of the analysis to certain materials.
If you also want to include materials with a delete indicator in the analysis, select the field
“Material with a deletion Indicator”.
The analysis area can be restricted even further by using the following characteristics:
– Material group
– Material type
Only for the analysis object ‘plant’ can the area to be analyzed be restricted for the
following characteristics:
– ABC indictor
– MRP type
-Objects to Analyze
You can carry out the analysis for all plants or only for certain plants. If you want to carry out the
analysis for all plants, select the field “All Plants Cumulated". Analysis is created for every
designated plant. You can restrict the analysis to the characteristics ‘sales organization’,
‘purchasing organization’ and ‘plant’.
-Period to Analyze
Any period can be selected for the analysis. The system suggests 90 days as the period to analyze,
the calculation starting from the current date.
Daily Usage - If you select this checkbox, the usage quantities and values are calculated directly
from material document. This enables you to display usage in terms of daily values and quantities
-Area to Analyze
You can restrict the area of the analysis to certain materials.
If you also want to include materials with a delete indicator in the analysis, select the field
“Material with a deletion Indicator”.
The analysis area can be restricted even further by using the following characteristics:
– Material group
– Material type
Only for the analysis object ‘plant’ can the area to be analyzed be restricted for the following
– ABC indictor
– MRP type
-Restrictions for the Ranking List
By specifying threshold values, you can limit the scope of your ranking list. There are three
different ways to do this:
• Limit the ranking list to materials whose stock value lies within the range you specified.
• Limit the ranking list to materials with a certain stock value. For example, you can specify a
maximum value, minimum value, or a range of values.
• Limit the ranking list to a certain number of materials with the lowest stock value.
REPORT : MC44 (Inventory Turnover)
Inventory Turnover = Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) / Average Inventory at value
Average Inventory is measured in value and not in volume.
If you divide both elements you know how often you sold you’re average
REPORT : MC45 (Usage Value) By using the analysis on usage value you can select the materials that have a high level of
usage value and a high capital lockup.
The usage value is derived from the average usage of a material within a period of time (past).
-Objects to Analyze
You can carry out the analysis for all plants or only for certain plants. If you want to carry out
the analysis for all plants, select the field “All Plants Cumulated". Analysis is created for every
designated plant. You can restrict the analysis to the characteristics ‘sales organization’,
‘purchasing organization’ and ‘plant’.
-Period to Analyze
Any period can be selected for the analysis. The system suggests 90 days as the period to
analyze, the calculation starting from the current date.
Daily Usage - If you select this checkbox, the usage quantities and values are calculated
directly from material document. This enables you to display usage in terms of daily values
and quantities.
-Area to Analyze
You can restrict the area of the analysis to certain materials.
If you also want to include materials with a delete indicator in the analysis, select the field
“Material with a deletion Indicator”.
The analysis area can be restricted even further by using the following characteristics:
– Material group
– Material type
Only for the analysis object ‘plant’ can the area to be analyzed be restricted for the following
– ABC indictor
– MRP type
-Objects to Analyze
You can carry out the analysis for all plants or only for certain plants. If you want to carry out the
analysis for all plants, select the field “All Plants Cumulated". Analysis is created for every designated
plant. You can restrict the analysis to the characteristics ‘sales organization’, ‘purchasing organization’
and ‘plant’.
-Period to Analyze
Any period can be selected for the analysis. The system suggests 400 days as the period to analyze, the
calculation starting from the current date.
Daily Usage - If you select this checkbox, the usage quantities and values are calculated directly from
material document. This enables you to display usage in terms of daily values and quantities
-Area to Analyze
You can restrict the area of the analysis to certain materials.
If you also want to include materials with a delete indicator in the analysis, select the field “Material
with a deletion Indicator”.
The analysis area can be restricted even further by using the following characteristics:
– Material group
– Material type
Only for the analysis object ‘plant’ can the area to be analyzed be restricted for the following
– ABC indictor
– MRP type
-Objects to Analyze
You can carry out the analysis for all plants or only for certain plants. If you want to
carry out the analysis for all plants, select the field “All Plants Cumulated". Analysis is
created for every designated plant. You can restrict the analysis to the characteristics
‘sales organization’, ‘purchasing organization’ and ‘plant’.
-Period to Analyze
Any period can be selected for the analysis. The system suggests 90 days as the period
to analyze, the calculation starting from the current date.
-Area to Analyze
You can restrict the area of the analysis to certain materials.
If you also want to include materials with a delete indicator in the analysis, select the
field “Material with a deletion Indicator”.
The analysis area can be restricted even further by using the following characteristics:
– Material group
– Material type
Only for the analysis object ‘plant’ can the area to be analyzed be restricted for the
following characteristics:
– ABC indictor
– MRP type
-Objects to Analyze
You can carry out the analysis for all plants or only for certain plants. If you want to carry out the
analysis for all plants, select the field “All Plants Cumulated". Analysis is created for every designated
plant. You can restrict the analysis to the characteristics ‘sales organization’, ‘purchasing organization’
and ‘plant’.
-Area to Analyze
You can restrict the area of the analysis to certain materials.
If you also want to include materials with a delete indicator in the analysis, select the field “Material
with a deletion Indicator”.
The analysis area can be restricted even further by using the following characteristics:
– Material group
– Material type
Only for the analysis object ‘plant’ can the area to be analyzed be restricted for the following
– ABC indictor
– MRP type
-Objects to Analyze
You can carry out the analysis for all plants or only for certain plants. If you want to carry out the
analysis for all plants, select the field “All Plants Cumulated". Analysis is created for every
designated plant. You can restrict the analysis to the characteristics ‘sales organization’,
‘purchasing organization’ and ‘plant’.
-Area to Analyze
You can restrict the area of the analysis to certain materials.
If you also want to include materials with a delete indicator in the analysis, select the field
“Material with a deletion Indicator”.
The analysis area can be restricted even further by using the following characteristics:
– Material group
– Material type
Only for the analysis object ‘plant’ can the area to be analyzed be restricted for the following
– ABC indictor
– MRP type
-Objects to Analyze
You can carry out the analysis for all plants or only for certain plants. If you want to carry out the
analysis for all plants, select the field “All Plants Cumulated". Analysis is created for every designated
plant. You can restrict the analysis to the characteristics ‘sales organization’, ‘purchasing organization’
and ‘plant’.
-Period to Analyze
Any period can be selected for the analysis. The system suggests 90 days as the period to analyze, the
calculation starting from the current date.
-Area to Analyze
You can restrict the area of the analysis to certain materials.
If you also want to include materials with a delete indicator in the analysis, select the field “Material
with a deletion Indicator”. If only materials kept in stock are to be included in the analysis, select the
field “Material Kept in Stock”.
The analysis area can be restricted even further by using the following characteristics:
– Material group
– Material type
Only for the analysis object ‘plant’ can the area to be analyzed be restricted for the following
– ABC indictor
– MRP type