1 2 Academic Reading and Writing
1 2 Academic Reading and Writing
1 2 Academic Reading and Writing
Thesis Statement
0 First part of an essay
0 Try to capture the reader’s attention
Introduction Format
0 1. Attention getter
0 2. State your problem
0 3. Bridge or transition sentences
0 4. Thesis statement (always at the end)
Ways to Start Your Introduction
0 Strategy 0 Examples
0 Provide some interesting 0 Today’s gnome owners become
background about the topic in the tomorrow’s leaders.
form of a general statement
Topic Opinion
The Functions of a Thesis Statement
0 1. Attention getter
0 2. State your problem.
0 3. Bridge or transition sentences
0 4. Thesis statement
0 **NOTE: This doesn’t mean your intro is 4 sentences long. It just has 4 parts.
The Body
0 The body is a set of paragraphs that develop the idea expressed in the
thesis statement.
0 Make a list of main ideas that support the thesis statement. Each
main idea becomes the main idea sentence for a body paragraph.
0 Arrange the main ideas in logical order (time, place, importance)
0 Plan out each body paragraph by listing major details that support
each main idea
0 Order the details within each paragraph in a logical way. Each body
paragraph may end with a concluding sentence.
Example Essay Outline
Thesis Statement
Gnome-napping is stealing personal property, and is illegal, morally wrong, and disrespectful.
Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence: Gnome-napping is stealing someone’s personal property, and stealing is illegal.
Main Points: 1.
Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence: It is morally wrong to take anyone’s property, whether it is a gnome or a car.
Main Points: 1.
Body Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence: The GLF is incredibly disrespectful because they take items that don’t belong them.
Main Points: 1.
The Writing Stage
0 After planning and arranging your main ideas and major details, begin
writing your body paragraphs.
0 The number of paragraphs depends on the topic’s complexity,
inclusiveness, and your purpose for writing.
0 Usually a short essay contains 3 to 5 body paragraphs, plus an
introduction and conclusion
0 Remember to use signal words to make smooth transitions between
sentences and paragraphs.
Signal/Transition Words
0 For examples: For example, for instance, to illustrate
0 For organization or chronological order: The six steps are…,
next, finally first, secondly, third
0 For additional points: Furthermore, in addition, also, moreover
0 For opposing ideas: On the other hand, in contrast, although,
0 For similar ideas: Likewise, similarly, in comparison
Signal/Transition Words
0 For exceptions: However, nevertheless, but, yet, still
0 For emphasis: Above all, finally, more importantly
0 For understanding: In other words, in essence, briefly
0 For summarizing: In conclusion, to sum up, for these reasons,
in a nutshell
0 For exams: Remember this, this is important, this could be on
the test
0 Leave the reader thinking about your topic. Leave an impression on
0 No new information in conclusion
0 Be sure to recap your ideas
0 Should follow logically from the body of the essay
0 Restate your thesis statement in different words
0 You might want to have your reader do something after reading
(“call to action” – Example: Go write your Senator about this