Introduction To Electric Drives: Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

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Introduction to Electric Drives

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
Associate Professor
Electrical Engineering Department
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi – 110016
E.mail: [email protected]
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Electromechanical IIT Delhi

Converter System

Pelect Electrical Coupling Mechanical Pmech

System Field System

Electrical Loss Mechanical Loss

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Electromechanical IIT Delhi

Converter System (Cont.)

 Electrical energy input from the source =
Mechanical Energy Output + Increased in stored
energy in coupling field + Energy losses
 % Overall Efficiency = ( Pmech / Pelect )  100
 Losses
(a) Loss in the winding resistance of the energy
(b) Core loss
(c ) Friction and Windage loss
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Block Diagram of Electric Drive

Source Motor Load

Control Sensing
Unit Unit

Input Command
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

AC-DC Converters or Rectifiers

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

AC-DC Converters or Rectifiers

IIT Delhi

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

AC Voltage Controller
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

DC – DC Converter (Chopper)
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

VSI Controlled Inverter for IMIIT Delhi

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

CSI Controlled Drives for IM

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

LCI Controlled Drive for IIT Delhi

Synchronous Motor
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Type of Loads
 Load torque can be of two types
 (1) Active load torque:- Active torques continues to
act in the same direction irrespective of the
direction of the drive. e.g. gravitational force or
deformation in elastic bodies.
 (2) Passive load torque:- the sense of the load
torque changes with the change in the direction of
motion of drive. e. g. torques due to friction, due to
shear and deformation of inelastic bodies.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Quadrant diagram of Speed-Torque IIT Delhi

 The speed is assumed to be positive if the direction of
rotation is anticlockwise or in such a way to cause an
‘upward’ or forward motion of the drive. For reversible
drive positive direction of the speed can be assumed
arbitrarily either clockwise or anticlockwise.
 The motor torque is positive if it produces increase in
speed in the positive sense. The load torque is assigned
the positive sign when it is directed against the motor
 Plot of speed torque characteristics of the load/ motor for
all four quadrant of operation is known as quadrantal
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Four quadrant operation of the motor driving a hoist load

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Four Quadrant Operation

 Motor is driving a hoist consisting of a cage with or
without load, a rope wound on to a drum to hoist
the cage and a balance weight of magnitude greater
than that of the empty cage but less than that of the
loaded cage.
 The arrow in the figure indicates the actual
directions of the motor torque, load torque and
motion in four quadrants.
 The load torque of the hoisting mechanism is of
active type and assumed to be constant due to
negligible friction and windage for low speed hoist.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Four Quadrant Operation (Cont.)

 Speed torque curve of the hoist is represented by
vertical line passing through two quadrants. Loaded
hoist characteristics in first and fourth and
unloaded in second and third quadrants.
 In the first quadrant the load torque acts in the
opposite direction to that of rotation. Hence to drive
the loaded hoist up, the motor developed torque
must be in the direction of the rotation or must be
positive. The power will also be positive so, this
quadrant is known as ‘forward motoring quadrant’.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Four Quadrant Operation (Cont.)

 The hoisting up of the unloaded cage is represented
in the second quadrant. As the counterweight is
heavier than the empty cage, the speed at which
hoist moves upwards may reach a very high value.
To avoid this, the motor torque must act in the
opposite direction of rotation or motor torque must
be negative. The power will be negative though the
speed is positive, so this quadrant is known as
‘forward braking quadrant’.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Four Quadrant Operation (Cont.)

 The third quadrant represents the downward motion
of the empty cage. Downward journey will be
opposed by torque due to counterweight and
friction at the transmitting parts, move cage
downwards the motor torque should must be in the
direction of the rotation. Electric machine acts as a
motor but in the reverse direction compared to first
quadrant. The torque is negative as speed is
increased I the negative direction, but the power is
positive, this quadrant is known as ‘Reverse
motoring quadrant’.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Four Quadrant Operation (Cont.)

 Fourth quadrant has the downward motion of the
loaded cage. As loaded cage has more weight than
the balanced weight to limit the speed of the
motion, motor torque must have opposite polarity
with respect to rotation and acts as a brake. The
motor torque sign is positive, but as speed has
negative direction; the power will be negative, this
quadrant is designated as ‘Reverse braking
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Type of Loads (Cont.)

 It is a passive load to the
 Load torque is independent
of the speed of the motor.
 Characterized by the
requirement of an extra
torque at very near zero
 It is also known as break
away torque or stiction.
Dry Friction Load OR
Coulomb Friction
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Type of Loads (Cont.)

 Torque is directly
proportional to the speed.
 Calendering machines,
eddy current brakes and
separately excited dc
generators feeding fixed
resistance loads have such

Viscous Friction Load

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Type of Loads (Cont.)

Friction Load and its components

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Type of Loads (Cont.)

 Load torque magnitude is
proportional to some power of
 Centrifugal pumps, propeller in
ships or aeroplanes, fan or
blower type of load has such
 For fan,
Torque  (Speed)2

Fan type Load

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Types of Load (Cont.)

 Hyperbolic speed-torque
characteristics, where load
torque is inversely
proportional to speed or
load power is constant.
 Certain type of lathes,
boring machines, milling
machines, steel mill coilers
etc are having this type of
load characteristics.
Constant Power Load
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Types of Load (Cont.) IIT Delhi

Load torques that dependent on the path or

position taken by the load during motion
 Load torques in the hoisting mechanisms and
transport systems are dependent not only on the
speed but also on the nature of the path traced out
by the load during its motion.
 The resistance to the motion of a train traveling up-
gradient or taking a turn depends on the magnitude
of the gradient or the radius of the curvature of the
track respectively.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Types of Load (Cont.) IIT Delhi

Forces during
the up
motion of the

 Considering a very small α The force resisting the

motion of a train traveling up-gradient is,
FG  W sin   W tan 
W kg ,
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Types of Load (Cont.) IIT Delhi

where, W = Dead weight of the train or any other

transport system in kg,
G = Gradient expressed as a rise in meters in track
distance of 1000 meters.
 The tractive force required to overcome curve
resistance is given by the empirical formula:
Fc  W kg ,
where, R = Radius of curvature in meters.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Types of Load (Cont.) IIT Delhi

 In hoisting systems in which

tail ropes or balancing ropes
are not used, the load torque
is not only due to the weight
of the unloaded or the loaded
cage but also due to that of
the lifting ropes or cables,
which depends on the
position of the two cages.

Hoisting Mechanism
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Types of Load (Cont.) IIT Delhi

 When cage 1 is at the bottom most position and is to be

lifted upwards, the entire weight of the rope is also to be
moved up.
 When both cages remains at the same height, the weight
of the rope to be lifted becomes zero, as the weight of
the ropes on both sides balances each other.
 When cage 1 is at higher position than cage 2, a portion
of the weight of the rope acts in such a way as to aid
the upward motion of the cage 1 and when cage 1
occupies the topmost position, the whole weight of the
rope aids in upward movement.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Types of Load (Cont.) IIT Delhi

 The force that resists the upward motion of the load

due to the varying weight of the rope depending on
the position of the load is,
 2x 
Fr  Wr 1   kg ,
 h 
where, Wr = Total weight of the rope (kg),
x = height of the cage at any arbitrary position from
the bottom most position (m)
h = the desired maximum height to which the cage
is to be moved upwards (m)
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Types of Load (Cont.) IIT Delhi

Load torques that varies with angle of

displacement of the shaft

 In machines having crank shafts such as

reciprocating pumps and compressors, frame saws,
etc., the load torque is a function of the position of
the crank, i.e. the angular displacement of the shaft
or rotor of the motor.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Types of Load (Cont.) IIT Delhi

 Load torque (TL) can

be resolved in to two
parts; a constant
torque Tav and a
variable torque TL’,
which changes
periodically in
magnitude depending
on the angular
Reciprocating Compressor Load position of the shaft.
Types of Load (Cont.)
 Such load torque characteristics, for simplicity, can
be Fourier series as a sum of oscillations of
fundamental and harmonic frequencies, as:
T   T sin  r  r 
' '
r 0
 θ = ωt, where ω is the angular speed of the shaft of
the motor driving the compressor.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Types of Load (Cont.) IIT Delhi

 During changes in the speed, since only small

deviations from a fixed value of the speed ωa
occurs, the angular displacement can be
represented by, θ = (ωa + ∆ω)t, then the variable
portion of the load torque will be:

T   T sin  ra t  r   r t 
' '
r 0
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Types of Load (Cont.) IIT Delhi

 The term r . ∆ωt is very small and can be

 Thus, restricting to small deviations in angle
from the equilibrium position, a load torque
which varies with the angular displacement of
the shaft can be transformed to one which
varies periodically with respect to time.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Types of Load (Cont.) IIT Delhi

Load torques that vary with time

 Load variation with time can be periodic and
repetitive in certain applications.
 One cycle of the load variation is called a duty
 The variation of load torque with time has a greater
importance in the selection of a suitable motor.
 Classification of loads that vary with time:
(a) Continuous, constant loads: Centrifugal pumps
or fans operating for a long time under the same
conditions, paper making machines etc.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Types of Load (Cont.) IIT Delhi

(b) Continuous, variable loads: Metal cutting lathes,

hoisting winches, conveyors etc.
(c) Pulsating loads: Reciprocating pumps and
compressors, frame saws, textile looms and generally
all machines having crank shaft.
(d) Impact loads: Apparent, regular and repetitive load
peaks or pulses which occurs in rolling mills, presses,
shearing machines, forging hammers etc. Drives for
such machines will have heavy fly wheels.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Types of Load (Cont.)

IIT Delhi

 (e) Short time intermittent loads: Almost all forms of

cranes and hoisting mechanisms, excavators, roll
trains etc.
 (f) Short time loads: Motor generator sets for
charging batteries, servo motors used for remote
control of clamping rods of drilling machines.
 Loads of the machines like stone crushers and ball
mills are characterized by frequent impact of small
peaks so they are classified as continuous variable
loads rather than the impact loads.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Types of Load (Cont.)

IIT Delhi

 One and the same machine can be represented by a

load torque which either varies with the speed or
with the time.
 For example, a fan load whose load torque is
proportional to the square of the speed, is also a
continuous, constant load.
 Load torque of a crane is independent of the speed
and also short time intermittent nature.
 Rocking pumps for petroleum have a load which
vary with angular position of the shaft, but also be
classified as a pulsating load.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Type of Load (Cont.)

IIT Delhi

High speed Hoist Traction Load

(Constant torque; but with viscous friction)
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Power requirement for IIT Delhi

different Loads

Mine Hoist Polishing Machine

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Power requirement for IIT Delhi

different Loads (Cont.)

Sheering machine for cutting Textile loom

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Power requirement for IIT Delhi

different Loads (Cont.)

Planing Machine
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Power requirement for IIT Delhi

different Loads (Cont.)

Drilling Machine Grinding Machine

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

 The motor and the load that it drives are
represented by the rotational system.

Motor Load

 The basic equation of the motor-load system is,

TM  TL  J
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
 where TM and TL is motor and load torque
respectively in Nm, J is the moment of inertia and ω
is the angular velocity in rad/sec.
 Motor torque is the applied torque and load torque
is the resisting torque.
 Different states at which an electric drive causing
rotational motion are
(i) TM > TL (dω/dt >0):- The drive will be accelerating,
in particular, picking up speed to reach rated speed.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
(ii) TM< TL (dω/dt <0):- The drive will be decelerating
and particularly, coming to rest.
(iii) TM=TL (dω/dt =0):- The motor will continue to run
at the same speed, if it were running or continue to
be at rest, if it were running.
 TM > TL the drive accelerates and when TM < TL the
drive decelerates is true only for the passive load.
The reverse may be true for active load.
 The term J(dω/dt) represents the inertia or the
dynamic torque, which is available during transient
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
 During acceleration the dynamic torque is directed
against the motion and during the braking it will
help motion of the drive.
TM  TL  J
 The different loads connected to the motor will have
different speed, to select the motor it is desirable to
refer all mechanical quantities like load torque,
inertia etc at one single axis, mostly the output
shaft of the motor.
 Principle of energy conservation is used.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
 Let ωM and ωL be the motor and load speeds
 Equating power,

T L L  TL'M

L 1 TL
T  TL
 
M  i
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
where, TL = Load torque,
TL’ = Load torque referred to the motor shaft,
i = ωM / ωL = Speed transmission ratio (gear ratio),
η = Efficiency of transmission.

Motor Load System with Gears

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
 For the gear ratios of i1, i2 … in and the respective
efficiencies of η1, η2 …, ηn the load torque referred to
the motor shaft is,
1 1
T  TL

i1i2 12 ... n

 Moments of inertia are referred to a given shaft on the

basis that the total amount of kinetic energy stored in
the moving parts and referred to the given shaft
remains unchanged.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
 Rotating parts having moment of inertia JM, J1,
J2…Jn and angular speeds ωM, ω1, ω2… ωn, the
equivalent moment of inertia referred to the motor
shaft J’ is,
J 'M2 J M M2 J112 J 222 J nn2
    ... 
2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2
 1   2   n 
J  J M  J1 
  J2    ...  J n  
 M   M   M 
J1 J2 J2
 JM  2   ... 
i1  i1i2  2
 1 2 n
i i ...i
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
How to refer the forces and masses having
translation motion to a rotating shaft?
 In applications like hoists, cranes and shaping
machines will have some of the moving parts rotate
while others go through a translational motion.
 If the moving mass has a velocity of v m/sec, motor
shaft has an angular velocity ωM rad/sec and Fr is
the resistive force developed by the load due to
gravitational pull of the moving weight W and η the
efficiency of transmission.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)

Motor Hoist Load System

Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
 Referred load torque,
Fr v
T 
 A mass having translational motion is referred to a
rotating one on the basis of constant kinetic energy,
mv 2  2
 J' M
2 2
 The moment of inertia referred to the motor shaft,
J  m  v / m   Wv2 / M2 g 
' 2
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)

Drive System

 Inertia torque: Based on the kinetic energy,

1 1  L 
J LL2  J L' m2  JL  

2 2 
 M 
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
 Hoist Load: A constant load torque TL = Wr and the
inertia JLh referred to the motor shaft based on
equating power and kinetic energy stored by weight
W  v 
J Lh     
 g   L 
 L 
TLh  TLh 

 m
W  v 
J '
  
  m 
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
 Dry Friction: It is constant load torque,
 L 
Equivalent torque T  Td  '


 m
 Viscous friction: This load torque is proportional to
the speed (Tv = K1 ωL)
 L   L 
Equivalent torque T  Tv    K1   m

 m   m 

 Fan: Load torque of the fan is proportional to

square of speed ( Tf = K2ωL2)
 L   L  2
Equivalent torque T  T f    K2   m

 m   m 
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
 The equation of motion is for the given system is,
2 2
 L   W   v   L   L 
TM  J L        Wr    Td  
 m   g   m   m   m 
2 3
 L   L  2
 K1   m  K 2   m
 m   m 
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
How to referred torques and masses which
undergoes translational motion at variable speeds?
 The machines which converts the rotational motion
into a translational one using the crankshaft, the
speed and the moving masses vary both in
magnitude and sign during each revolution of the
crankshaft. The kinetic energy stored I the masses
will go to zero to a maximum. The moment of inertia
referred to a crankshaft is J’ = mv2/ω2, where m is
the mass of the body undergoes translation motion
with a velocity of v and ω is the angular velocity of
the shaft.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)

Forces in a crankshaft Mechanism

 The relationship between the linear velocity of the

piston v and the angular speed of the crankshaft is,
r sin     1  r 
v , where   sin  sin  
cos  L 
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
 The moment of inertia refereed to crankshaft,

J 
' mr 2
sin 2
  
cos 
 The load torque referred to the motor shaft is,

Fr sin    
T 
i cos 
where, F is the resisting force applied by the part
which undergoes translational motion, i is the gear
ratio and η is the efficiency of transmission.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Dynamics of Motor-Load IIT Delhi

Combination (Cont.)
 For the mechanism having crankshaft, the equation of
motion will be,
 Kinetic energy stored in the crankshaft (KE)c = Jω2/2,
 The dynamic power Pdyn= d(KE)c/dt and the inertia
torque is Pdyn /ω
d  2 dJ d d  3 dJ
Pdyn  J    J 
dt 2 d dt dt 2 d
d  2 dJ
TM  TL  Pdyn   J 
dt 2 d
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Determination of Moment of Inertia

 While analysing the transient performance of a
drive, it is necessary to to know the moment of
inertia of the rotting parts.
 Can either be determined by using the design data
of the moving parts or experimentally by
appropriate tests:
(i) By Retardation Test, and
(ii) By Graphical Method.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Determination of Moment of Inertia

By Retardation Test:-
 The motor is run up to the speed slightly above the
normal speed and the supply to it is cut off.
 The power input to the motor before supply cut off
is noted down.
 An oscillographic record of the speed of the motor
at different instants of time after the supply has
been cut off is made.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi
Determination of Moment of Inertia (Cont.)
 Initial kinetic energy stored in the system will be used to
supply the rotational losses and gradually speed
reduces to zero.
 The power consumed in overcoming the rotation losses
is given by:
P = Rate of change of kinetic energy =d/dt ( 1/2 Jω2)
 4 2  dN
J N
 3600  dt
 dN/dt at the normal speed N can be found out
graphically using the oscillogram of speed vs. time.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal

Determination of Moment of Inertia IIT Delhi

By Graphical Method:-
 In this method, apart from the speed vs. time curve, power
(i.e., the rotational losses) vs. speed (from which the power
vs. time curve can be plotted), are obtained and plotted to
the same time axis.
 The area under the power vs. time is the kinetic energy used
by the rotating masses during retardation.
 Moment of inertia can be worked out from the fact that:
½ J ω2 = Area under the Power vs. time curve
J= (A/N2)(1800/π2)
Where N is the normal rated speed.
Dr. K. R. Rajagopal
IIT Delhi

Determination of Moment of Inertia

Graphical method for the determination of J

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