10.ULABs Presentation Camiguin Final
10.ULABs Presentation Camiguin Final
10.ULABs Presentation Camiguin Final
• Pure Earth/Blacksmith Institute
• Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Environmental Management
Bureau (DENR-EMB)
• United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Philippines and Indonesia
Battery EMB-
Manufacturer Registered Battery
Transporters &
s (Local) Distributors Category D Manufacturers
Category F TSD
TSD (Local)
Retailers Facilities
Maintenance Recovered
Battery Export
Service Providers Materials
Importers (Ingots)
•Automotive •Lead
Repair Shops ingots
End-users •Fleet Operators •Plastic
Public Transport from
Private Vehicle •Battery Retailers ULAB
Owners • Junk Shops cases
IT-BPO Dumpsites
Manufacturing Recyclers
Public Utility
Vehicles Telco & industries
Tricycles and
Private vehicles
NCR (10)
Hazard Guidelines on
Ranking the Preliminary
System Assessment
(HRS) Scoring
GW 2 + SW 2 + S2 + A2
Site PA Score =
GW L x T x WC
L (Likelihood) - Presence or potential of lead to
W be released to the environmental medium
Chlorosis in leaves of
Stunted plant growth a tree inside a former
in a former lead Stressed vegetation in
a former lead lead smelting plant
smelting plant
smelting plant
Engineer III, Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Management Division
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Protect human health and the environment from releases of LEAD through the
Objective 2Objective
Objective 3 - Establish
– 1Minimize
– Strengthen
ULABs National
Objective 5 – Health
Legal/Regulatory & Safety
Controls to and 7 Compliance
Improve – Manage Sites
Objective 8 – Strengthen ESM ofObjective
Objective 4Environmental
– MandatoryULABs
EPR of LeadIEC
6 – Enhance from ULABs
Generation & Database
on Surveillance Programs
Contaminated by ULABs
ULABs Management
Sites Contaminated by
Objective 6 – Enhance
Objective 3 - Establish
Surveillance Programs
& Safety and Medical
Objective 7 – Manage
National Inventory &
Objective 5 – Health
Minimize ULABs
Mandatory EPR
Objective 2 –
Objective 4 –
Transition to
Objective 1 – Strengthen Legal/Regulatory Controls to
Improve Compliance and Enforcement on ULABs Management
Develop and implement local ordinances NSWMC, DILG, Percentage of facilities from these sectors 30% 75% 100%
requiring retailers, bus companies, junk DENR-EMB compliant with DAO 2013-22: Revised
shops, and MRFs handling ULABs to Procedures and Standards for the
secure Hazardous Wastes Generators ID Management of Hazardous Wastes
and/or TSD Registration before issuance
of Business Permit
Maria Leonie Lynn H. Ruiz
Engineer III, Hazardous Waste Management Section
Environmental Quality Management Division
Environmental Management Bureau
Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Objective 2 – Minimize ULABs Generation by Extending Product Life
Responsible Targets
Task Measures
Agency 3-year 6-year 10-year
Establish/recognize Technical Committee DTI-BPS Percentage of manufacturers/importers 50% 100% 100%
to review and amend the product complying with the amended revised
standards for lead-acid batteries to product standards for ULABs
ensure ESM requirements are included
such as minimum environmental labelling
Develop and implement standards for DTI-BPS Percentage of lead-acid battery 50% 100% 100%
reconditioned batteries and develop and reconditioning companies with valid
implement scheme for accreditation of accreditation
establishments performing lead-acid
battery reconditioning
Conduct research on alternatives to lead- DOST-ITDI Environmental Technology Evaluation/ - 100% -
acid batteries, whose inputs, processes, Environmental Technology Verification
or products do not pose greater riskthan (ETE/ETV) Report on alternatives to lead-
lead considering the overall life cycle of acid batteries
the materials, products, or processes
Responsible Targets
Task Measures
Agency 3-year 6-year 10-year
Conduct technical and financial study on DENR-EMB Completion of EPR Study 100% - -
enforcing mandatory EPR for lead-acid
batteries including analysis on individual
or collective responsibility
Develop and enforce the needed DENR-EMB Approval and enforcement of the regulatory - 100% 100%
regulatory instruments to implement the instrument
results of the Feasibility Study
Operationalize the mandatory EPR Lead-Acid Percentage of ULABs collected and recycled - 40% 75%
underscoring the need to convert the Battery in an environmentally sound manner
informal sectors as service providers of Producers
the EPR system as part of the ULABs (manufacturers
Management Plan and importers)
Responsible Targets
Task Measures
Agency 3-year 6-year 10-year
Develop and enforce Occupational Health DOLE-OSHC Percentage reduction of workers exposed to (baseli 30% 50%
and Safety Guidelines for those handling lead due to handling ULABs ne
ULABs underscoring the need for setting)
controls to prevent employees’ exposure
to lead
Develop and implement Medical DOH Percentage of establishments and 30% 100% 100%
Surveillance Program for workers as well LGU surrounding communities monitored for lead
as communities surrounding ULABs exposure
recycling facilities
Strictly implement requirements of OSHS DOLE Percentage of lead-acid battery 50% 75% 100%
Rule 1093 on semi-annual lead monitoring manufacturers and importers and ULABs
for personnel exposed to lead TSD facilities with semi-annual lead
Responsible Targets
Task Measures
Agency 3-year 6-year 10-year
Develop and enforce standards and guidelines DENR-EMB Approval and implementation of the standards 100% 100% 100%
for lead contaminated sites underscoring and guidelines
clean0up standards, procedure for
determining liabilities, among others
Conduct complete national inventory of sites DENR-EMB Percentage completion of the national inventory 100% Updating Updating
contaminated by ULABs using the approved of sites contaminated by lead due to ULABs
standards and guidelines.
Implement site control and/or site remediation Liable Entity Number of sites remediated, controlled, or 3 5 10
Responsible Targets
Task Measures
Agency 3-year 6-year 10-year
Enhance capability of laboratories of DENR-EMB Percentage of EMB ROs with laboratories 50% 100% 100%
EMB ROs in analyzing lead in all capable to analyze lead In all media
media (air, soil, sediment and water)
Strengthen network with other Percentage of water bodies and ambient air 50% 100% 100%
agencies, institutions, private sector, from ULABs recyclers regularly monitored
etc. for environmental monitoring of for Lead
lead from ULABs handlers
Equip EMB ROs with the tools to conduct DENR-EMB Percentage of EMB ROs with XRF 50% 100% 100%
in-situ testing of lead (e.g. XRF)