Nina Boggan, Rosie
Daly, Miniya Jefferson,
Abhin Kurella, and
Calvin McGlade
Essential Question #1:
What was the impact of
colonialism in Africa and what
were the forms of resistance?
Britain, France, Belgium, and South Africa
divided Germany’s African colonies amongst
Background info
Colonialism- the policy or practice
Africa was the last continent to
come under european rule. Few of acquiring full or partial control
europeans lived in Africa however, over another country, occupying it
even with a small presence, they with settlers and exploiting it
caused deep social and economic
changes economically
Positive Impacts
● Africans were able to ● Africans were able to ● Women were able to
build and create benefit from the play a role in retail trade
transportation systems economic “boom” and in which they sold pots
such as railroads from profited from selling pans, toys, hardware,
coastal cities to mines some agriculture such cloth, and food.
and plantations as cocoa, palm oil, and
● Colonialism helped to ● Africans were able to
introduce religion work
○ Christianity ○ In mines
○ Islam ○ Fields
○ markets
Negative Impacts
● Africans often worked ● Africans were forced by ● Colonialism worsened
under european-owned Europeans to work in public health
mines and plantations extremely harsh
under compulsion to conditions and for little
help economic growth to no pay at all
● Populations were
undernourished and
vulnerable to diseases
Diamond Mining in southern Africa
During colonization, Africans worked in mines, mining
for diamonds. The development of mines also led to the
uprooting of Africans from their rural homesteads and
to mining towns. When they had discovered diamonds
in 1867, they attracted many prospectors in the area
around kimberley. There was so much work going on to
extract these precious minerals from the Earth, that
they had exhausted the ability to extract them without
machinery. Often, mines were surrounded by heavy
equipment. As you can imagine, their were most likely a
variety of safety hazards and injuries that could have
possibly happened in a mine, especially during that
time. It has been said that the African workers had to
be stripped naked and searched before leaving the
mine to make sure that they did not have any of the
The rise of racism and discrimination and difference in liberal ideas
resulted in the rise of Educated and influence of Pan-African
nationalists such as W.E.B.Du Bois and Marcus Garvey as well as
Western ideals of liberty and nationalism generated the beginnings
of political movements in African colonies.
Vestibulum World War
Vestibulum II
Africans congue happened Haile Selassie
founded the and although took his
African it brought troops and
Nationalist hardship, it took back his
Congress gave Africans throne
(1909) hope
What was the impact of British rule in India and
what were the challenges to successful Indian
Impact of British Rule: Good and Bad
Changes to Bengal region and impact on Hindu and Muslims
1905 1911
Bengal was divided Capital moved from Calcutta
into two provinces to Delhi (on the advice of
(sparked boycotts Viceroy Hardinge) where the
and violence) Mughal Empire’s capital was
Hindu Bengalis felt located
threatened (caused political movements
Muslims liked it for both Hindu and Muslim
Support for Britain and the Tragedy at
During WWI majority of In 1917 the British gave 1918 and 1919
India supported Britain, 1.2 an empty promise of self influenza broke out
million men volunteered for government, which across the world but
the army. (thought it would sparked tensions hit India hard
pay off politically) between Britain and Approx 5 million
India killed
Religious Polarization-Continued
● Violent riots break out between Hindus and Muslims as independence approaches
● After independence in 1947, the “partition” set up secular India and Muslim Pakistan
○ India headed by Indian National Congress and Pakistan headed by Muslim League
● Independence marred by huge outbreak of religious violence
○ Muslims fled from Hindu areas and Hindus fled from Muslim Areas
○ Armed members of one faith killed members of other faith
○ 12 million people forcibly displaced from ancestral homes and 500,000 dead
Muhammad Ali Jinnah Presidential Address to
Constituent Assembly of Pakistan
“One can quite understand the feeling that exists between the two communities
wherever one community is in majority and the other is in minority. But the
question is, whether it was possible or practicable to act otherwise than what has
been done, A division had to take place. On both sides, in Hindustan and
Pakistan, there are sections of people who may not agree with it, who may not
like it, but in my judgement there was no other solution and I am sure future
history will record is verdict in favour of it. And what is more, it will be proved by
actual experience as we go on that was the only solution of India's constitutional
problem. Any idea of a united India could never have worked and in my
judgement it would have led us to terrific disaster. Maybe that view is correct;
maybe it is not; that remains to be seen. All the same, in this division it was
impossible to avoid the question of minorities being in one Dominion or the other.
Now that was unavoidable. There is no other solution.”
Industrialization and Modernization
of the Economy
● Indian industrialization impeded by British control of the economy
○ British depleted resources and restricted economy so that it would benefit them
● Historically relied on traditional industries like agriculture
● India begins steps towards industrialization before World War I, receives control over
economy in 1920s
○ Late to industrialization
○ Was not enough to help peasant and urban poor
Essential Question #4