Steam Power Plant
Steam Power Plant
Steam Power Plant
General layout of steam power plant
Schematic diagram of coal based steam power plant
To chimney
Coal storage
Flue gases
Ash handling
Ash storage Boiler Super heater Generator
plant Flue
Steam Condensate
HP heater extraction pump
Boiler feed
LP heater
Air Circulating
water pump
Cooling tower
Flue gases
River or Canal
Cooling water
How coal power plants produce electricity
Stage 1
The first conversion of energy takes place in the boiler. Coal is burnt in the boiler furnace
to produce heat. Carbon in the coal and Oxygen in the air combine to produce Carbon
Dioxide and heat.
Stage 2
The second stage is the thermodynamic process. The heat from combustion of the coal boils
water in the boiler to produce steam. In modern power plant, boilers produce steam at a
high pressure and temperature. The steam is then piped to a turbine. The high pressure
steam impinges and expands across a number of sets of blades in the turbine. The impulse
and the thrust created rotates the turbine. The steam is then condensed to water and
pumped back into the boiler to repeat the cycle.
Stage 3
In the third stage, rotation of the turbine rotates the generator rotor to produce electricity
based of Faraday’s Principle of electromagnetic induction.
General layout of coal based steam power plant
The different types of systems and components used in steam power plants
• High pressure boiler
• Prime mover
• Condensers and cooling towers
• Coal handling system
• Ash handling system
• Draught system
• Feed water treatment plant
• Pumping system
• Air preheater, super heater, feed water heater
Fuels used for steam generation
• The primary fuels which are burned to release heat and generate steam
in boilers are the fossil fuels – coal, fuel oil and natural gas.
• Besides these, industrial wastes like blast furnace gas, coke oven gas,
refinery gas, bagasse, saw mill wood dust, rice husk etc. are also
used to boost primary fossil fuels in the form of combination firing.
• In India, coal is the main source of energy because of its large
deposits and availability.
• Coal originates from millions of years old vegetable matter
transformed by subterranean heat and soil pressure. The vegetable
decay first produces peat bogs, which after distillation of its moisture
by subterranean forces hardens to brown coal or lignite. Continuing
metamorphosis produces higher grade coals.
Fuels used for steam generation
Coal (contd..)
• According to geological order of formation, coal may be of the following types
with increasing carbon content:
• Peat
• Lignite
• Sub-bituminous
• Bituminous
• Sub-anthracite
• Anthracite
• Graphite
• Each type of coal has a certain set of physical parameters which are mostly
controlled by moisture, volatile content (in terms of aliphatic or aromatic
hydrocarbons) and carbon content.
• Peat contains up to 90% moisture and is not attractive as a utility fuel. Coal
‘Ranking’ is a measure of carbon content in the coal. Lignite is considered to be
low rank and anthracite to be high rank.
Covered storage
In-plant handling
Weighing & Measuring
Coal meters
Furnace firing
Coal Handling System
Screw Conveyor
Belt Conveyor
Coal Handling System:
Bucket Elevator
The fuel used is quite cheap.
Less initial cost as compared to other generating
It pollutes the atmosphere.
It is costlier in running cost as compared to
hydroelectric plant.