Dr. Najuma Abdul Razack Assistant Professor Department of Chemical Engineering NIT Calicut
Dr. Najuma Abdul Razack Assistant Professor Department of Chemical Engineering NIT Calicut
Dr. Najuma Abdul Razack Assistant Professor Department of Chemical Engineering NIT Calicut
• For the success of project a good planning, a well thought out, and efficiently
executed action programme and sound financial management are as important as
sound design and engineering.
•Technically feasible
•Economically viable
•Politically suitable
•Socially acceptable.
• Small projects : Under the guidance of proj Engineer
• Large projects : project managers or management team
: contracted to engg. companies
• Performance calculations
• Writing specifications
• Preparing bids
• Review equipment proposal
• Evaluating and selecting equipments
• Prepare various lists
• Create drawings: electrical installation diagrams, piping , instrumentation
and other drawings
Important stages through a typical chemical plant
project passes
• 1. R&D
• 2. TEFR
• 3. Process design
• 4. Process engineering
• 5. Detailed engineering
• 6. Plant location and site selection
• 7. Procurement
• 8. Erection
• 9. Construction
• 10. Commissioning.
Types of Projects
• 1. Greenfield Project –A plant constructed from zero level and almost on a
barren land, starting from land procurement and site development.
• 2. Add on project –essentially mean those project that are built within an
existing complex or built around the main project. Such a project could be an
addition of a new facility.
a. Battery limit Project –a new project that is set up in an existing plant by using
most of the available infrastructure facilities such as utilities, administration
buildings, security, tank farm area and so on.
b. Forward integration-a proposed project based on the products of existing
plant as raw materials
c. Backward integration –manufacture the raw materials for the existing project.
d. Expansion project –addition of more capacity to existing facilities can be
deemed as horizontal integration.
e. Diversification –totally diversify into altogether different product range
f. Debottlenecking –this may involve the addition or replacement of equipment
and systems within the existing plant to increase the plant capacity.
Chemical project classification
• 1. Type of product-
A, Basic chemicals-building block of chemical industries (bulk).
B, Commodity chemicals –Ammonia, urea, methanol, phenol, PVC
C, Speciality chemicals-Perfumery, dye, pigments and pharmaceuticals. (low
• 2. Project capital outlay –mega, large, normal, medium, small.
• •In process industries, to assign this over all responsibility for the entire
design and erection of a process plant to a single individual called project
• •Project engineer require a sound chemical engineering background and
knowledge of other engineering fields, business administration and
• •When both contractor and customer (owner) are participating, the
customers project engineer and the contractors project engineer have
duties essentially parallel.
• •The customers project engineer(CPE) must supply the Contractors project
engineer(PE) with all the information concerning the customers
requirements and preferences. He must check and approve all designs,
and obtain comments from various design and operating groups in his
• •The contractors project engineer must be responsible for transmitting
information to the various groups in his own organization.
• •Estimate for the cost of design and constructing the proposed plant.
• •Process design
• •Mechanical specification
• •Process information is transmitted to various design and drafting group
• •Plant layout
• •Purchasing of equipments
• •Preparation of site (construction begins)
• •Review the design , consultation with CPE
• •PE must see that these changes are properly executed and both
customers and contractors interests are guarded.
• •Project engineers responsibilities do not end until the operating
department has shown that the plant meets the design specification and
process and mechanical guarantee.
• Evolution of a process
1. Process research
2. Research evaluation for possible commercialization
3. Process development
4. Preliminary engineering studies
5. Pilot plant
6. Semi commercial plant
7. Commercial plant
Process Research
•Location study
–In respect of raw materials, utilities, labour
–In respect to market
–Rail, road, port facilities
–Disposal of effluents
–Alternate location studies and comparative advantages
•Organization and staffing including training scheme.
•Marketing, distribution arrangement
•Technical services and product development, laboratory
•Project estimates
–Capital cost
–Cost of production
–Source of funds (financial closure)
•Specific factors
–Waste disposal
–Regulatory laws
–Site characteristics
––Flood and fire control
Project Site
•Site selection is a very important pre project planning
• The site has considerable impact on the
performance of the project during its life cycle.
• The project profitability and productivity are site
•Site selection is as important as process selection.
Site selection
•Location with reference to adjacent areas and restriction
imposed thereon.
•Labour regulation and condition.
•Accessibility to freight and passenger transportation.
•Type of soil.
•Elevation above sea level.
•Ground water level
•Drainage condition
•Atm condition, wind velocity, rain fall
•Special condition such as earthquakes, cyclones
•The ideal plant site is one which has good hard surfaced highways
leadings to all directions, railway sliding and preferably has deep
water transportation, also proximity to one or more commercial air
port is a definite asset.
•Source of danger from neighboring industries
•Polluting industries, site should be selected at a considerable
distance from residential and public institution.
•Cost of the land.
•Cost of site development
–Weather data
–Prevailing wind direction
–Maximum wind velocity and Hurricane or Tornado frequency
–Maximum and Minimum atmospheric temperature.
–Relative humidity
–Snow condition
–Local flood or Tide condition
–Plant terrain
–Water requirement and supply
-Electric power
-Fuel sources
•Product and raw material transportation and storage
•Procurement data
–Earliest date when material may be received at jobsite.
–Basic materials of construction available in area.
•Construction interference
–Overhead or Underground electrical power lines.
–Overhead or Underground piping and sewers.
–Plant hazards
–Receiving and handling of plant equipments