Multiple Choice: Assignment
Multiple Choice: Assignment
Multiple Choice: Assignment
1. The following are national internal
revenue taxes. Which one is not?
Excise Tax
Import Duty
Value-added Tax
2. One of the characteristics of internal
revenue laws is that they are
Criminal in nature
Penal in nature
Political in nature
3. Which statement is false? Income Tax
Graduated Tax
Proportional Tax
Progressive Tax
Regressive Tax
5. As to object, taxes may be classified
according to the following except one.
Which one is the exception?
6. The following are sources of tax laws.
Which is not a source?
Barangay resolutions
Community Tax
Travel Tax
BIR Commissioner
A regulatory measure
Fiscal Adequacy
Theoretical Justice
Collection of Tax
Administrative Feasibility
17. All of the following except one are
inherent limitations of taxation.
It is generally assignable.
Transfer tax
Value-added tax
Income tax
21. Which one is not a similarity among
taxation, eminent domain, and police
Special or regulatory
Ad valorem
It is inherent in sovereignty.
Special assessment