Authentic Input Via Technology Will Motivate Pupils To Develop Skills
Authentic Input Via Technology Will Motivate Pupils To Develop Skills
Authentic Input Via Technology Will Motivate Pupils To Develop Skills
• smart phones have been started evolving in
input via language teaching arena
technology • Many researchers have already been showed
that using mobile phone in language teaching
will motivate could be very effective as it increases the
pupils extrinsic motivation (Meurant, 2007, p.
pupils to 98; Stockwell, 2007, p. 365; Lu, 2008, p. 524).
• Eventually, the pupils get used practicing
develop English in their daily rountine
The i+1 builds curiosity in pupils to engage
• As pupils something a part of the curriculum and
something there are interested in, it enhances their
cognitive level and engages pupils to learn more
about it.
• For instance, learning about the life cycle of bug and
learning it’s scientific names and etc additionally
enables the pupils to engage in the class
• Especially, the elements that they are interested in