Detente Success or Failure?
Detente Success or Failure?
Detente Success or Failure?
Better co-operation
between East and
West Germany
Arms limitation Talks
Co-operation in space
Helsinki Agreement
Your task
“Salt II was the most detailed, far-reaching, comprehensive
treaty in the history of arms control”
Jimmy Carter, US President, made this comment after
signing the agreement
How reliable is this source to an historian studying the
SALT II agreement? Use the source and your own
knowledge to explain your answer.
Mark scheme
Level 2 Simple inferences (2-3 marks)
Level 3 Developed response
Questions purpose of the statement, e.g. Carter signed
the treaty and therefore had vested interest in its success
And/or uses own knowledge, e.g. although agreement
was reached its terms never came into effect, US & USSR
continued to increase arms production (4-5marks)
Level 4 Complex response
Questions purpose & uses detailed factual knowledge (6