Bir Train Income Tax
Bir Train Income Tax
Bir Train Income Tax
Section 24 Taxable income of individuals are subject to the Revised personal income tax
Income tax rates following graduated rates: brackets of 2018-2022:
on individual Tax Schedule Tax Schedule effective January 1,
citizen and 2018 to December 31, 2022
individual Not over P10,000 5%
resident alien of Not over 0%
Over P10,000 but not P500 + 10% of the
the Philippines over P30,000 excess over P10,000
Over P30,000 but not P2,500 + 15% of the
over P70,000 excess over P30,000
Section 24 Taxable income is subject For mixed income earners (earning both
Income tax of to the same graduated compensation income and income from business or
mixed income rates practice of profession, their income taxes shall be:
earners 1. For income from compensation – Graduated
income tax rates for individuals, AND
2. For income from business or practice of
a. Gross sales/receipts which do not exceed
the VAT threshold of P3Million – 8% income
tax on gross sales/receipts and other non-
operating income OR graduated income tax
rates on taxable income, at the taxpayer’s
b. Gross sales/receipts and other non-operating
income which exceeds the VAT threshold of
P3Million – graduated income tax rates for
Her income tax liability for the year will be computed as follows:
Gross Sales – Convenience Store ₱
Gross Receipts – Bookkeeping
Total Sales/Receipts
₱ 1,100,000.00
Less: Amount allowed as deduction under Sec. 24(A)(2)(b) 250,000.00
Taxable Income
₱ total
* The 850,000.00
of gross sales and gross receipts is below the VAT threshold of ₱3,000,000.00.
Tax Due:
* Income tax imposed herein is based on the total of gross sales and gross receipts.
8% of tax
* Income P850,000.00
payment is in lieu of the graduated income tax rates under subsection (A) hereof and percentage
₱ 68,000.00
tax due, by express provision of law.
Gross Sales/Receipts ₱
Less: Cost of Sales
Gross Income
₱ 500,000.00
Less: Operating Expenses 200,000.00
Taxable Income
₱ 300,000.00
Tax Due:
* Aside from income
On excess tax, Ms.
(P300,000 EBQ is likewise
- P250,000) x 20% liable to pay business tax. ₱ 10,000.00
a. His tax due for 2018 shall be computed as follows if he opted to be taxed at eight percent (8%)
income tax rate of his gross sales for his income from business:
Section 24 (B) (1) Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Philippine Charity Sweepstakes and
Final tax on and Lotto winnings – exempt Lotto winnings in excess of P10,000
winnings from the 20% final tax shall be subject to the 20% final tax
Section 24 (B) (1) Interest income received by an The rate of final tax on interest
Final tax on individual taxpayer (except a income received by resident
interest on foreign non-resident individual) from a individual taxpayer under the
currency deposit depository bank under the expanded foreign currency deposit
expanded foreign currency system increased from 7.5% to 15%
deposit (EFCD) system is final tax
subject to 7.5% final tax
Section 24 (C) The capital gains tax on net The final tax rate for net capital gains
Capital gains tax capital gains realized from sale, tax on the sale, barter, exchange or
on sale of shares barter, or exchange or other other disposition of shares of stock in
not traded disposition of shares of stock in a domestic corporation no traded
through the a domestic corporation not through the stock exchange is
stock exchange traded through the stock increased from 5/10% CGT to a flat
exchange is: rate of 15% CGT
Section 31 Means the pertinent items of The phrase “and/or personal and
Definition of gross income specified in this additional exemptions” is removed in
Taxable Income Code, less the deductions and/or the definition.
personal and additional
exemptions, if any, authorized for
such types of income by this
Code or other special laws
Section 35 Individual taxpayers are entitled The Basic Personal and Additional
Personal to: Exemptions of individual taxpayers
Exemptions Basic Personal Exemption – are removed.
The related provision on furnishing
and exemption certificate is likewise
Additional Exemption – P25,000 removed.
per qualified dependent child
TRAIN Briefing – Income Tax
VER 1.0 – January 2018
Section 32 (B) The amount of tax-exempt 13th The amount of tax-exempt 13th
Tax exempt 13th month pay and other benefits is month pay and other benefits is
month pay P82,000. increased to P90,000.
Section 33 (A) ✓ Fringe benefits given to non- ✓ The Fringe Benefits Tax is
Tax on fringe rank and file employees are increased to 35% effective
benefits given to subject to 32% final tax January 1, 2018
non-rank and file ✓ The grossed up monetary ✓ The grossed up monetary value of
employees value of the fringe benefit the fringe benefit given to non-
given to non-rank and file rank and file employees shall be
employees shall be determined by dividing the actual
determined by dividing the monetary value by 65%
actual monetary value by 68%
Section 34 (M) The allowable deduction for Allowable deduction for premium
Allowable premium payments on health payments on health and/or
deduction for and/or hospitalization insurance hospitalization insurance of an
premium of an individual taxpayer is individual taxpayer is removed.
payments on P2400 per year or P200 per
health and/or month, subject to a gross family
hospitalization income threshold of P250,000.
Section 51 An individual whose gross Individual taxpayers whose taxable
Filing of income does not exceed his total income is subject to zero percent
individual income personal and additional under the new graduated tax table
tax return exemptions for dependents are (i.e., does not exceed P250,000) shall
not required to file income tax not be required to file an income tax
return (ITR). return.
Additional provision:
The ITR shall consist of a maximum
of four (4) pages in paper OR
electronic form. It shall only contain
the following information:
✓ Personal profile and information
✓ Gross sales receipts or income
from compensation, from
business, or from exercise of
profession (except income
subject to final tax)
✓ Allowable deductions
✓ Taxable income
✓ Income tax due and payable