Blood Vessel Diseases LEVEL II
Blood Vessel Diseases LEVEL II
Blood Vessel Diseases LEVEL II
and degenerative
27th may 2009
• Understand the classification of BV dx
• List the causes
• Be able to describe the pathogenesis and
possible complications
Broad classification
• 1. Inflammatory- vasculitides, vasculitis
• 2. Degenerative- hypertension and
Causes of athero and arteriosclerosis
• Arteriosclerosis
• Atherosclerosis
• Modifiable causes- diet high in salt, cholesterol,
cigarette smoking, diabetes, hyperlipidemia,
hypertension, C-reactive protein
• Non-modifiable-genes, environment, familial
history, gender, increasing age
• Coronary atherosclerotic heart disease-more
pathologically correct. IHD-non-specific
• This accounts for 80-90% of cardiac mortalities in
the west
• The commonest cause of myocardial ischaemia is
atherosclerotic coronary arteriole disease
• Cardiac ischaemia may also be observed in
hypertensive heart dx, anaemia, chronic
obstructive airway disease, and cyanotic
congenital heart disease
• Athero-porridge
• The factors leading to coronary
insufficiency are:
a) -the plaque size- 75% cause
symptoms when stressed, 90% at
-the plaque integrity-ulceration,
thrombosed or haemorrhage
• These events lead to gradual increase on the
luminal occlusion and sudden acute
• 66% MI due to plaque rupture and
thrombosis had < 50% narrowing while
80% had <70% narrowing
Pathogenesis of atheroma
• Plaque formation- LDL, VLDL, TGS- endothelial damage,
absorption by macrophages
• Depostion in the tunica media
• Smooth muscle proliferation and inflammation and
• Plaque rupture occurs due to intrinsic and extrinsic
factors, extrinsic=adrenergic stimulation in stress and
hypertension, hence increase in deaths after stress
and uncontrolled hypertension-e.g.homo case
• Intrinsic= position of the plaque in relation to
1.turbulence, 2.the thinnest part of the shoulder, the
junction between the plaque and normal
endothelium, 3. amount of inflammatory cell
aggregates and inflammatory process,
• 4. number of smooth muscles.
• coronary thrombus- following a plaque rupture a
thrombus forms due to platelet aggregation; may
be mural thrombus or complete occlusive
thrombus; formed as a result of exposure of sub-
endothelial collagen, stimulating platelet
aggregation and de-granulation releasing
thromboxane A2, Serotonin and platelet factor 3
and 4. (intrinsic coagulation pathway)
• Extrinsic coagulation pathway also activated
• The thrombus may dislodge and cause a embolus
• Inflammatory processes-the plaque formation is an
inflammatory process. The endothelial cells
release chemotactic factors and adhesins-ICAM-
1 , VCAM-1 E-selectin and P-selectin.
• The chemokines attract macrophages and T-
lymphocytes. The T-lymphocytes release-TNF,
IFN-gamma, and IL-6 which stimulate endothelial
cells and macrophages to engulf oxidized LDL
• C-reactive proteins also increase
• Rupture
• Aneurysm
• Arrthymias due to scar formation
• Mural thrombus
• Arteriole thrombo-embolism
• Cerebral infarcts
• Renal infarcts
• death
Systemic arteriole hypertension
• Small and medium sized BV
• The kidneys
• Eyes
• brain
Primary and secondary
The pathology similar
Effects on the media
Diffuse hyalinization
Or medial proliferation- hyperlastic medial
• Retinal – copper wire and cotton wool
• Kidneys- onion skin appearance of the
• Glomerulosclerosis, flee beaten appearance,
granular scars, shrinkage
• Complications- brain, eyes, heart- LVH,
• Introduction:
– Vasculitides=Inflammation of blood vessel wall.This
may affect any of the blood vessels , from large to the
large arteries to arterioles.
– They are as a result of direct effects of infections and
indirect effects as a result of immune complexes and
immune response there after.
– Generally these diseases present with local and
constitutional symptoms ( fever, myalgia, arthritis and
Immune complex mediated-
Direct infection hep B/C, SLE, RA,
• Bacterial-N.gonorrhoea Henoch-Schonlen purpura,
• Rickettsiae-rocky mt. spotted Drugs, cryoglobulinaemia,
• Fungal-aspergillosis
serum sickness
• Viral-herpes zooster
• Spirochaets-Syphillis