Lesson - Principles
Lesson - Principles
Lesson - Principles
• You should now be familiar with the
structure and layout of the US
• Using the labels below, decide in your
groups on where they are in the
• Complete the blank structure below to
reflect this.
• You can use a print or digital copy of the
US Constitution to help you.
Enquiry Question:
What principles are embedded in the
Learning Outcomes
• To explain the key features of the US
• To analyse the principles of:
– Separation of powers
– Checks and balances
– Federalism
Features of the US Constitution
• Read the hand-out “3 Branches of US Government”.
• How powerful is the government as a whole?
• How powerful do you think each branch is?
• Can you think of anyways there might be a problem with the
powers given to the branches? Why? How?
James Madison
“If men were angels, no government would
be necessary. If angels were to govern men,
neither external nor internal controls on
government would be necessary. In framing
a government which is to be administered
by men over men, the great difficulty lies in
this: you must first enable the government
to control the governed; and in the next
place oblige it to control itself.”
Separate Institutions
Shared Powers
Neustadt was political =
scientist specialising in the United
States presidency. He also served as
adviser to several presidents.
Checks & Balances
Learning Outcomes
• To explain the key features of the US
• To analyse the principles of:
– Separation of powers
– Checks and balances
– Federalism
What checks and balances are there?
Checks on… The legislature The executive The judiciary
Checks by…