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Our Spiritual
A Modular Instruction on Music in the Liturgy for the
Parish-based Choirs in Puerto Princesa City

Specifically, this module aims to:

Bring back the consciousness of the music
ministers on the value of singing the liturgy.
Differentiate liturgical music from sacred
Correct the common mistakes of the music
ministries as far as choosing the appropriate
songs in liturgy is concerned.
Determine the liturgical
instruments suited for the
Re-direct the focus of the
music ministries to service for
the Lord rather than performing
for the faithful.
Express the joy of singing the
love songs of God and man.
Why is there music in the mass?
Indeed, music is an integral
part of the solemn liturgy (SC
112). Its purpose, as being laid
down by the sacred Council, is
the (a) glorification of God
and the (b)sanctification of
the faithful.
Why should we sing in the
We should sing in order
to foster the full,
conscious, and active
participation of the whole
of congregation in the
Through music in liturgy:
 1. prayer is given a more graceful
 2. the mystery of the liturgy, with its
hierarchical and community nature, is
more openly shown,
 3. the unity of hearts is more profoundly
achieved by the union of voices,
 4. minds are more easily raised to heavenly
things by the beauty of the liturgy, and
 5. the whole celebration more clearly
prefigures the heavenly liturgy (cf. MS 4-
How should we sing in the mass?
Participation in the divine
worship is necessarily to be
given a great importance as it
gives rise to further
realization of the two
purposes of sacred music.
Specifically, participation must be
“internal”, in the sense that by it the
faithful join their mind to what they
pronounce or hear, and cooperate
with heavenly grace” (SC 15).
Moreover, “participation must be
external, so that internal
participation can be expressed and
reinforced by actions, gestures, and
bodily attitudes, and by the
acclamations, responses, and singing”
(SC 30).
Kumusta ang Choir nyo?
Role of the Music Ministry in the
A choir assists the congregation
to celebrate the sacred liturgy
with full, conscious and active
participation. It mainly assists the
priests to lead the people of God
in prayer and worship to God.
Moreover, a choir should sing
with the people and not for the
Ang Koro nyo ba ay?...
 especially cherished and recognized by
the Church as a valued and integral part
of the overall pastoral ministry.
 Able to hear the Gospel, experience
conversion, profess faith in Christ and
so proclaim the praise of God.
 Equips with musical, liturgical and
pastoral skills to serve the Church at
 Provided by the parish or vicariate with
proper resources to carry out
administrative functions in professional
manner and maintenance of the group.
Choir members, like all liturgical
ministers, should exercise their
ministry with evident faith and
should participate in the entire
liturgical celebration, recognizing
that they are servants of the
liturgy and members of the
gathered assembly. The centrality
of Liturgy is the Eucharist, not
the choir.
Three Aspects of Liturgical Music

 JOB: speaks of the responsibility of

the choir member.
 MINISTRY: shows the service of the
choir member.
 VOCATION: manifests the calling of
the choir member.
Job, ministry, and vocation are all
centered to the love of worshipping
Christ through singing.
Church Documents on Sacred Music
 Tra le Sollecitudini – motu proprio of Pope Piux X on Nov. 22, 1903
 Mediator Dei – encyclical of Pope Piux XII on Sacred Liturgy, 1947
-clarify and expand the direction for the active participation of
the faithful in divine worship
 Musicae sacrae disciplina – encyclical of Pope Piux XII, 1955
-orderly explanation of Sacred Music
 Sacrosanctum Concilium – promulgated under Pope Paul VI during
Vatican Council II on Dec. 4, 1963
-the official Constitution on Sacred Liturgy
 Musicam Sacram – written on March 5, 1967 by the Sacred Congregation
of Rites and went into force on May 14, 1967.
-extablishes principal norms which seem to be more necessary in
our present time.
 General Instruction of Roman Missal – aims both to offer general
guidelines for properly arranging the celebration of ‘’Eucharist
and to set forth rules for ordering the various form of
-translated originally from Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani
 Chirograph on Sacred Music – Pope John Paul II, 2003
Pope JohnPaul II
Pope Piux X Pope Piux XII Pope Paul VI

Sacred music is created for the

celebration of divine worship. In his letter
Tra Le Sollecitudini (1903), Pope Saint Pius
X demonstrated that sacred music should
consequently possess, in the highest degree,
the qualities proper to the liturgy, and in
particular sanctity and goodness of form,
which will spontaneously, produced the
final quality of universality. It must be holy,
and must, therefore, exclude all profanity
not only in itself, but in the manner in which
it is presented by those who execute it.
Sacred Music
There are many different types of music that can
be considered as sacred according to the
documents aforementioned. These types of
music include:
• Gregorian chant
• Sacred Polyphony
• Modern sacred music
• Sacred Music for the Organ and Other
• Religious Hymns
•Other religious music
Sacred Music
 Gregorian chant
-“pride of place" (SC, 116; IGMR, 41)
-"diligently and zealously promoted" (MD,)
-calls for the Church to preserve the "treasure
of Gregorian chant" (MSD 44)
 Sacred polyphony
-polyphonic music can be used in the Mass
only if endowed with the proper qualities of
"artistic purity and richness of melody"
(MSD, 53) and not music that "because of
its heavy and bombastic style, might
obscure the sacred words of the liturgy."
Sacred Music
Modern Sacred Music
-"liturgical or simply religious" in this category,
(MS, 4b)
-warns that "the introduction into the celebration
of anything which is merely secular, or which is
hardly compatible with divine worship, under the
guise of solemnity should be carefully avoided...."
-"No kind of sacred music is prohibited from
liturgical actions by the Church as long as it
corresponds to the spirit of the liturgical
celebration itself and the nature of its individual
parts, and does not hinder the active participation
of the people." (MS, 9)

Sacred Music
Sacred Music for the Organ and other Instruments
-"Musical instruments can be very useful in sacred celebrations,
whether they accompany the singing or whether they are played as solo
instruments."(MS, 62)
-mentioned most and held in highest esteem is the organ, specifically
the pipe organ. (MSD, 58; SC, 120; MS, 62)
-"play nothing profane nothing clamorous or strident and nothing at
variance with the sacred services or the dignity of the place." (MSD,
-"The song achieves much of its vitality from the rhythm and harmony
of its accompaniment." (LMT, 57
-solos can be used "at the beginning before the priest reaches the altar,
at the Offertory, at the Communion, and at the end of Mass" (MS, 65),
-solos is not permitted in Advent, Lent, during the Sacred Triduum and
in the Offices and Masses of the Dead." (MS, 66)
-solos can be played effectively as "an instrumental prelude, a soft
background to a spoken psalm, at the preparation of the gifts in place
of singing, during portions of the communion rite, the recessiona1."
Sacred Music
 Religious hymns
-sacred or religious hymns that are sung in the
language of the people that serve as "a sort of
catechism." (MSD,37)
-These hymns can be used in conjunction with the
Mass only if the custom of using these hymns
cannot "prudently be removed.“ (MSD, 47)
-"must be in full conformity with the doctrine of the
Catholic faith, ... use plain language and simple
melody, and must be free from violent and vain
excess of words." (MSD, 63)
Sacred Music
 Other Religious Music
-"in certain parts of the world, especially mission lands there
are peoples who have their own musical traditions, and these
play a great part in their religious and social life. For this
reason due importance is to be attached to their music, and a
suitable place is to be given to it." (SC, 119)
-The importance of using music of a culture is reinforced in
Musicam Sacram (61).,
-"the rich diversity of the cultural heritage of the many peoples
of a country today must be recognized, fostered and
-Liturgical music today must be as diverse and multi-cultural
as the members of the assembly....the great musical gifts of
racial and other ethnic communities in the Church should
enrich the whole Church in the state in a dialogue of cultures."
Sacred Music
What is liturgical music?
“That music, which weds itself to the liturgical action,
serves to reveal the full significance of the rite and in turn,
derives its full meaning from the liturgy.” It satisfies the needs
of the liturgy.
 The term ‘liturgy’ has its origins in the Greek word
λeιtουργίaς (leitourgia), meaning ‘public work' or a 'service
in the name of / on behalf of the people.
 It serves rather than dominates.
 It fosters rather than hinders active participation.
 We don’t sing in the mass but we sing the mass.
 We are inferior and not superior to the liturgy.
 Music is a servant and not the head of the liturgy.
“Not all sacred music can be considered
liturgical music, while all liturgical music
are considered to be sacred music.”

Liturgical Sacred
Forms of Liturgical Music
 RITUAL SONG – Music that simultaneously
accompanies liturgical actions on certain parts of
the Holy Mass.
 ANTIPHONAL SONG – sung alternately between
the priest/cantor/choir and the congregation.
 ACCLAMATION SONG – spontaneous joyful
vocalisation sung by all, accompanied or
 DIALOGUE - between priest and people is used at
the start of the Mass, and to introduce each major
part – the Gospel, the Eucharistic Prayer, the
Communion, and the dismissal. Dialogues are sung
Ano ang mga bahagi na dapat
kantahin sa Misa?
The Principle of Progressive Solemnity
 Means the solemn, fuller form of liturgical celebration,
in which everything that demands singing is in fact
sung, and the simplest form, in which singing is not
used, there can be various degrees according to the
greater or lesser place allotted to singing. (MS 7)
e.g. greater feasts such as Easter Sunday or Pentecost
might suggest chanted the Gospel.
In advent, musical instrument shall be used with
In Lent, instruments should be used only to support
the singing of gathered assembly.
Paano pumili ng Musika para
sa Liturhiya?
The Threefold Judgment
 Liturgical Judgment (Liturgically, it must be
Is this composition capable of meeting the
structural and textual requirements set forth
by the liturgical books for this particular
Is it closely related to the liturgical action?
Does it express the Church’s faith and
Paano pumili ng Musika para
sa Liturhiya?
 Musical Judgment (Musically, it must
be beautiful)
-Does it possess sound form?
-Is it true art?
-Does it fully adhere to the text it
-Does it synchronise with the
intended time and moment in the
Paano pumili ng Musika para
sa Liturhiya?
 PastoralJudgment (Pastorally, it must be
-Does it comply with legitimate demands
for adaptation and inculturation?
-Does it involve the entire assembly in
-Does it promote the sanctification of the
members of the liturgical assembly?
-Is it deserving of universal esteem?
All three judgment
must be considered
together, and no
individual judgment
can be applied in
isolation from the
other two.
Introductory Rites
• Have the character beginning, gathering and preparation
Entrance Hymn – dictated by the Entrance antiphon
- to open the celebration, foster unity og those who have been
-accompany the procession of the priests and ministers.
The Act of Penitence – admission of ones defect.
The Kyrie – faithful acclaim the Lord and implore his mercy.

Third Edition of English Translation of Aklat ng Pagmimisa sa Roma ng 1981

Roman Missal KYRIE
●A● Panginoon, kaawaan mo kami
“I confess to almighty God…” Panginoon, kaawaan mo kami

C. Lord, have mercy, Kristo, kaawaan mo kami

R. Lord, have mercy Kristo, kaawaan mo kami
C. Christ, have mercy
R. Christ, have mercy Panginoon, kaawaan mo kami
C. Lord, have mercy Panginoon, kaawaan mo kami
R. Lord, have mercy
● B● C. Ikaw na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng mundo.
C. Have mercy on us, O Lord. Panginoon, kaawaan mo kami
R. For we have sinned against you.
C. Show us, O Lord, your mercy. R. Panginoon, kaawaan mo kami
R. And grant us your salvation. C. Ika’y tagahilom naming makasalanan
●C● Kristo, kaawaan mo kami
C. You were sent to heal the contrite of heart:
Lord, have mercy. or: Kyrie, eleison. R. Panginoon, kaawaan mo kami
R. Lord, have mercy. or: Kyrie, eleison.
C. You came to call sinners: C. Ika’y tagapamagitan ng Diyos at ng bayan, Panginoon
Christ, have mercy. or: Christe, eleison. kaawaaan mo kami
R. Christ, have mercy. or: Christe, eleison.
C. You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede
R. Panginoon, kaawaan mo kami
for us:
Lord, have mercy. or: Kyrie, eleison.
R. Lord, have mercy. or: Kyrie, eleison.
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
The Blessing and Sprinkling of Water – especially on Easter
-the song accompanying the sprinkling with blessed
water should have an explicitly baptismal character
The Gloria – sung on Sundays outside the Seasons of Advent and
Lent, on solemnities and feasts and at special
Glory to God in the highest, have
mercy on of
us. a more solemn
character. Ikaw na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan
ng sanlibutan,
For you alone are the Holy One, Papuri sa Diyos sa kaitaasan tanggapin mo ang aming
and on earth peace to you alone are the Lord, at sa lupa’y kapayapaan kahilingan.
people of goodwill. you alone are the Most High, sa mga taong kinalulugdan niya. Ikaw na naluluklok sa kanan ng Ama,
We praise you, Jesus Christ, Pinupuri ka namin, maawa ka sa amin.
we bless you, with the Holy Spirit, dinarangal ka naming, Sapagka’t ikaw lamang ang banal,
we adore you, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. sinasamba ka naming, ikaw lamang ang Panginoon,
we glorify you, pinasasalamatan ka naming ikaw lamang, O Hesukristo,
we give you thanks for your great dahil sa dakila mong angking ang Kataas-taasan,
glory, kapurihan kasama ng Espiritu Santo
Lord God, heavenly King, Panginoong Diyos, Hari ng langit, sa kadakilaan ng Diyos Ama.
O God, almighty Father. Diyos Amang makapangyarihan sa Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, lahat. you are seated at the right hand of the
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Panginoong Hesukristo, Father,
Father, Bugtong na Anak, have mercy on us.
you take away the sins of the world, Panginoong Diyos, Kordero ng For you alone are the Holy One,
have mercy on us; Diyos, you alone are the Lord,
you take away the sins of the world, Anak ng Ama. you alone are the Most High,
receive our prayer; Ikaw na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan Jesus Christ,
you are seated at the right hand of the ng sanlibutan, with the Holy Spirit,
maawa ka sa amin. in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
Liturgy of the Word
-consists of readings and responses from Sacred Scripture
The Readings – may also be sung. However, the singing must serve to bring
out the sense of words, not obscure them.
The Responsorial Psalm – the proper or seasonal responsorial psalm from the
Lectionary for Mass, with the congregation singing the response.
The Gospel Acclamation – the assembled faithful welcome the Lord who is
about to speak to them.
Gospel Acclamation for Lent Models Pambungad sa Mabuting Balita sa Panahon ng Kuwaresma
 Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ, King of Endless  Papuri sa’Yo Panginoong Hesukristo, Hari ng
Glory walang hangganng kaluwalhatian.
 Praise and honor to You, Lord Jesus Christ!  Papuri at parangal sa’Yo, Panginoong Hesukristo!
 Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!  Luwalhati at Papuri sa’yo, Panginoong
 Glory to you, Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ! Hesukristo!
 We will hear, we will follow, we will live your  Papuri sayo, Salita ng Diyos, Panginoong
Word, Lord Jesus Christ. Hesukristo
 Wika mo’y diringgin, Wika mo’y susundin, Wika
mo’y tutupdin
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
The Sequence – liturgical hymn that is sung before the Gospel
-On Easter Sunday and Pentecost Sunday.
The Gospel – Of all the rites connected with the Liturgy of the Word, the
reverence due to Gospel reading must receive special
-While ordinarily proclaimed in clear, audible and intelligent
way, it may also be sung/chanted.
-Even if itself is not sung, it is appropriate for greeting The
Lord be with, A reading from holy Gospel according to…, and at
the endThe Gospel of the Lord to be sung.
The Creed – an expression of faith by the whole gathered people.
-It may be sung, however, either by all together or by the
people alternating with the choir.
The Prayer of the Faithful – has the structure of a litany, and provided
that it can be understood when sung, it is appropriate to sing
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
Liturgy of the Eucharist
-made up of 3 parts: the Preparation of Gifts, Eucharistic Prayer
and Communion Rite
The Preparation of the Gifts – accompanies the procession of bread and wine
towards the priest or deacon which continues at least until the
gifts have been placed on the altar.
-Even there is no procession with the gifts, singing may still
accompany rites at the Offertory. Instrumental music is also
Prayer over the Offerings – Even when prayer is not sung, the conclusion to
the prayer may be sung, along with the response of people.
The Eucharistic Prayer – the center and summit of the entire celebration
-consisting of several parts: Intro.dialogue, Preface, Sanctus,
calling down of Holy Spirit, institution narrative, the Memorial
Acclamation,the anamnesis, the intercessions, and doxology with
its Great Amen.
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
Eucharistic Prayer
Sanctus – the great cosmic acclamation of praise.

Banal ka, Poong Maykapal!

Banal ang iyong pangalan!
Banal ang iyong kaharian!
Langit, lupa’y nagpupugay sa iyong kadakilaan
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Dinadakila ng lahat ang naparito Mong Anak
Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Na nagpadilat sab bulag, sa pilay ay nagpagpalakad
Hosanna in the highest. At nakiramay sa lahat
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Alternative Tagalog Translation
Hosanna in the highest.
Santo, santo, santo
Panginoong Diyos ng mga hukbo!
Napupuno ang langit at lupa ng kadakilaan mo!
Osana sa kaitaasan!
Pinagpala ang naparirito sa ngalan ng Panginoon
Osana sa kaitaasan
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
Memorial Acclamation (Mysterium Fidei) – faithful
participating in keeping memory of Christ’s
Paschal Mystery
Aming ipinahahayag na namatay ang ‘yong
●A● Nabuhay bilang Mesiyas at magbabalik sa
We proclaim your Death, O Lord, wakas
and profess your Resurrection Para mahayag sa lahat
until you come again.
●B● Si Kristo ay gunitaing sarili ay inihain bilang
When we eat this Bread and drink this pagkai’t inuming pinagsasaluhan natin
Cup, hanggang sa siya’y dumating.
we proclaim your Death, O Lord,
Sa krus mo atpagkabuhay
until you come again.
kami’y natubos mong tunay
Poong Hesus naming mahal
●C● iligtas mo kaming tanan
Save us, Savior of the world, ngayon ay magpakailan man
for by your Cross and Resurrection
Si Kristo’y namatay, si Kristo’y nabuhay si
Kristo’y babalik sa wakas ng panahon
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
Great Amen – follows the concluding
doxology by which give assent to
the entire Eucharistic prayer.
The Communion Rite – preceded by the
rites which includes The Lord’s
Prayer, Sign of Peace, Agnus Dei,
Holy Communion and concludes
with the Prayer after Communion.
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
The Lord’s Prayer – when the Lord’s prayer is sung, the
doxology should also be sung by all. If
possible the invitation and embolism should
also be sung by priest.

Ama namin na may “po”

For the kingdom, Sapagkat iyo ang kaharian,
the power and the glory are yours
now and for ever. at ang kapangyarihan at
(No Amen!) ang kapurihan.
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
Agnus Dei(Lamb of God) – supplicatory chant
accompanies the Franction Rite.
-can be repeated as many times a necessary
until the rite has reached its conclusion, the last
time ending with the words dona nobis
pacem(grant us peace)


Lamb of God who takes away the sins of Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga
the world have mercy on us (2x) kasalanan ng sanlibutan, maawa ka sa
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the amin(2x)
world grant us peace Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga
kasalanan ng sanlibutan, ipagkaloob mo
sa amin ang kapayapaan
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
The Communion Chant or Song – may be sung by the
people with the choir, or cantor, or by the
choir alone.
-can be derived from the proper or seasonal
communion antiphon, readings, Gospel. Look
for texts that have themes of joy, wonder,
unity, gratitude and praise.
-must be Christocentric or Christological or
Eucharistic in theme.
-should be chosen with the spirit of season
-ensure that musicians, too, can receive
communion with ease.
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
Song after Communion – When the distribution of
Communion is finished, as circumstances suggest,
the priest and faithful spend some time praying
privately. At this time, if desired, a psalm or other
canticle of praise or a hymn may also be sung by
the entire congregation.
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
The Concluding Rites
Especially on Sundays and other solemn occasions, the
blessing may be sung by the priest with assembly singing the
Amen and the dismissal may be sung by the deacon or priest
with assembly singing

Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
Recessional Hymn – although it is not necessary to sing
this part, when it is a custom, all may join in a
hymn or song after dismissal.
-Other option include a choral or instrumental
piece or particularly during Lent, silence.
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship

Recessional Hymn – although it is not

necessary to sing this part, when it is a
custom, all may join in a hymn or song
after dismissal.
-Other option include a choral or
instrumental piece or particularly during
Lent, silence.
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship

Proper of the Mass – liturgical text that varies on the

day or season.
1. Entrance
2. Responsorial Psalm
3. Gospel Acclamation verse
4. Communion
5. Song for the Presentation of gifts
6. Final Hymn
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
Ordinary of the Mass – liturgical text that
cannot be changed, altered and removed.
1. Kyrie
2. Gloria
3. Sanctus
4. Mysterium Fidei
5. Pater Noster
6. Doxology
7. Agnus Dei
Musical Structure of Catholic Worship
No addition or diminution of texts must be
made on this part of the Mass. Repetition
may consider for intensification of the
explanation of words.

E.g. grant us peace, grant us peace….

Philippine Liturgist
Eduardo Hontiveros, SJ – many
called him as the Father of
Philippine Liturgical Music

Anscar Chupungco, OSB – Father of

Philippine Liturgy
“One cannot find anything more
religious and more joyful in
sacred celebration than a whole
congregation expressing its faith
and devotion in song.”
-Musicam Sacram 16

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